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Negative np from the wheel of misfortune!


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So I've been trying to get meuka as a battledome challenger and in order to do that, I've been paying quite a few visits to the wheel of misfortune to try and give my pet the sneezles or neoflu. (I know that sounds awful, but how else am I supposed to get meuka?) I always make sure that I have under 1k np in case I lose it. Well today, I lost 600np from the wheel. "Oh good," I thought, "since I only had a little over 550 before paying for the wheel, I really don't lose that much." But no! I ended up with -186 np! Did anyone else realize that was possible? (I know that losing 600np is not the end of the world. I was just really surprised that we could go negative.)

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I've never heard of that happening before! Must be some kind of glitch..

Yyou can get sick by using the Wheel of Monotony (that's how I found Meuka, though I'm still not good enough to battle him yet!) - and even if you don't there's a good chance of getting something better than -NP! .. Though it may take you a little time of course

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I have had negative NP before. (Almost two and a half years ago) So if this is a glitch it has been around for a long time. As far as I know, it is expected. I had the ghosts steal NP from me and it went into negative.


I was always under the impression that it is only certain random events like the greedy kadoatie and tax beast that take a cut of the NP that you have out.

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To your question about Meuka:

If you play the Qasalan Expellibox and get the skull. I think your pet will get sick.

My pet got the Sneezles and unlocked Meuka, for free!

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Someone else just posted they got negative 600 after apple bobbing. So maybe this is a new feature? o_O


*waves hand in the air*


I lost np in apple bobbing and ended up with -200np but when I went back to my inventory it went back to 0 (after like 3 refreshes).....I didn't say anything about it because as long as it went back to normal I was fine with it :S

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I've heard of NP going negative quite a few times before. Maybe you should submit a ticket t TNT?


Oh, and in Qsalan Expellibox, if you land on the skull, you might also get Reptillasaurus, which is hard to cure... x_x

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This has happened to me several times before. I don't remember when it happened or why, but I remember the first time it happened I thought it was a glitch too. That's why they say "Don't worry, you can't go in the negatives" when you play games like Dice-A-Roo.

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So I've been trying to get meuka as a battledome challenger and in order to do that, I've been paying quite a few visits to the wheel of misfortune to try and give my pet the sneezles or neoflu. (I know that sounds awful, but how else am I supposed to get meuka?) I always make sure that I have under 1k np in case I lose it. Well today, I lost 600np from the wheel. "Oh good," I thought, "since I only had a little over 550 before paying for the wheel, I really don't lose that much." But no! I ended up with -186 np! Did anyone else realize that was possible? (I know that losing 600np is not the end of the world. I was just really surprised that we could go negative.)


But logically, its impossible to have a negative amount of money...

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