Midtime Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 ((I was going to add a little more before sunrise; ah, lackaday, I'll do it another time. Also, I edited Whitthorn's elaboration of the omens. Wouldn't do for him to be inaccurate now...)) It was the dawn of a new day, and Whitthorn had not slept. There were multiple reasons. Foremost among them were his frequent visits to Tristar's den; he had only peeked in through the lichen and made sure the delirium had not returned, and all seemed well with him. Not so lucky were the other visitors to his den. Many of the elders had terrible aches, all the worse for the cold of leaf-bare; he had treated almost all of them for frostbite in the night, and old Swiftclaw hadn't even woken, so he'd been forced to put up with his snores and rolling about during the treatment. The kits were better off, in the warm nursery with their mothers to curl about them; but Leafpelt could do so no longer, as she was showing the first signs of the cold-warm sickness*, and Whitthorn had prevailed upon her to stay in his den until she was fully free of it. He sighed, and tasted the dry, biting air of morning. The familiar thick scent of his herb store - somewhat depleted at this point of the season - let little else to be noticeable, the most of which was snow; so he crept outside to see what activity was occurring. He glanced up at the sky, perfectly empty of clouds, but filled with the Silverpelt of daytime that no-one else could see, and forced his fur to lie flat; after a while spent gazing up at them with apparent serenity, he found the blue-tinged light that followed him day and night; a blue star, mocking him, watching him... He shook off the strange urge; it was too early for such thoughts, delusional or otherwise. He had better get to the morning's business, and was in fact just about to when he noticed Tristar finding his way down the jagged side of the towering rock, his fur ghost-pale in its expansive shadow. "Do I find you well, Tristar?" he inquired as he approached. *A Twoleg might say, hypothermia. ((I'll not do anything with my MoonClan cats until the camp is described.))
Marabot 108 Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 "I am fine, yes, though the word of Hawkpaw seems to be spreading," he said as he paced around in a circle. He stopped and looked right at Whitehorn "I believe you should choose an apprentice," he said very sternly, and did not stop to let Whitehorn argue, "You and the clan will need much help, it is better to choose early," he sighed. "We..." he paused, and his eyes became misty again, "Whitehorn, it is me... listen, we do not have much time, you and Tristar, along with Icestar must find the other six. I cannot stay longer, my bonds are weakening as those of the Dusk Forest grow stronger, beware black eyes Whitehorn, goodbye." Tristar's eyes returned to normal and he gasped, "I... for first time... heard it too."
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((It's Whitthorn; I used a common English contraction of white and thorn. :) If you were correct, according to the Warriors spelling conventions it would be White-horn. Also, how did you guess Whitthorn didn't have an apprentice? :P Though he used to: that is an interesting part of his past.)) Whitthorn remembered Goldpaw, and at once berated himself for letting her come to mind. She had been young, quick-minded, promising, faithful to StarClan - and what had she been repaid for it? It was just as the Clan had said: he ought not have chosen her; StarClan had brought her death as a sign of their displeasure. She would have made a fine warrior too, graceful and quick on her feet, and more importantly she would still be alive - not to mention what else might have been, what he might not have had to keep. All he had learned was the cruelty of StarClan. Shock drove the bitter thoughts from his mind instantly, as Tristar froze and spoke in another voice. It was not the odd rasp he had exhibited the night before, but a voice he knew very well, from his younger days, when secrets had been happy things: Owleye. And as he spoke, Whitthorn saw his form clearly, outlined in the astral glitter that he had not seen in his dreams for so long. Yet, before he could bring himself to pose a question, he was gone again, leaving only his words: The Dusk Forest, the Place of No Stars. "You heard it," mewed Whitthorn bewilderedly. "Owleye spoke to me... he dwells there indeed? and only now he speaks?" He shook himself. "The need must be dire," he stated, flicking his tail back and forth. "But this is no news to me. Hawkpaw's disappearance is a foreshadowing. We will have to wait to find out its meaning, but I wouldn't chance a hair on anything good." He said only that: but to him this meant much more. No matter his own past, his own misgivings, the Clan came first; the very fact that the Dark Forest might have been able to touch an apprentice of their clan at all was frightening. He would have to swallow his pride and his fear; he would do his duty, and consult with StarClan. He needed to find the other six - but if any of the ancestral tales were true, they couldn't do so by looking for them. Icestar. There was only one other Clan leader in this forest, and only one in all the world who was called by that name. If they could persuade him to speak to them at all civilly outside of a Gathering, it would be good news. If they could persuade him to listen to them, it would be a miracle. ((I will begin with my MoonClan cats, then, since Ryan seems to be a little tardy... speaking of which, where do the medicine cats journey to at the half-moon?)) Cloudeye awoke at the first hint of sunrise, feeling the calm gaze of Silverpelt give way to the lively shine of the Sun. Purring contentedly, she stretched, and licked smooth and flat her ruffled fur, before trotting out of her un-roofed den and blinking her large blue eyes at the warming horizon, and sniffing the crisp wind that moved over the snow-laden fields. She twitched her ears in surprise at the scent of another MoonClan cat; as he slipped smoothly out of the tall grass and came to sit beside her, she dipped her head in greeting. "Early for you to be up," murmured Nightheart, "especially when you came back at moonhigh yesterday. Odd that you should be hunting at this time of night." "They're less cautious when there's no sun," laughed Cloudeye. The sky had gradually taken on a shade of beautiful gold about the horizon, and Cloudeye seemed mesmerised by it for awhile; then she purred, "To-day will be kind to us." "That is no surprise," said Nightheart. "It seems that the future cannot hold anything but good for the Clan, not now; only DuskClan is more rowdy than usual. He touched noses with her. "And it is good to have a medicine cat who we can trust to tell us everything." With that he turned and padded away. Cloudeye sagged a little at the reminder; she had to see Icestar as soon as he was awake. And might Nightheart have guessed that she had kept some thing - or more than one - from him? It was difficult at best to discern his thoughts. She moved quietly towards the leader's den, making light paw-prints in the snow. ((Oh, yes. What phase of the moon is it? - and how many more moons until newleaf?))
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((Space Clan and Dusk Forest for these cats ;))) "Owleye, you do not remember him as well as I do... I remember, I was an apprentice at the time, you had just been born, he had just been appointed Medecine Cat. There were many points where, because of these visions I would have, I thought I would be chosen, but I was assigned my mentor, Patherstrike. Quite Ironicly, after he became deputy a few moons later, he killed Owleye, and granted himself entrance to the Dark Forest when he was later killed in battle. You were afraid at the time, as you were the youngest to ever become a full medicine cat, but you have learned well, you are a wise cat. I remember, though, after the death of Pantherstrike, Brightstar himself became my mentor. A few moons later, I became a warrior, followed by the death of Brightstar in his sleep within the next few days. I was infact the last one to climb up, and many warriors claimed it unfair since I was trained by Brightstar, but you defended me, you knew it was right... I really home you were right." Tristar sighed. "We will never get Icestar to help us, especially after..." he stopped, "No, I cannot tell you." he said as he walked into the forest. ((This post was to set up these four characters more, they are all important. This is a rough description of his past, but not his apprentice-hood, which is quite important))
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((I'm not sure that cats comprehend the concept of space; they certainly wouldn't believe that the stars in Silverpelt are massive spheres of gas, parsecs away, rather than their ancestors watching over them, and further they lack even the knowledge that there is an ocean, let alone that the Earth might be round. Also, weren't these clans meant to be derived from the original five? - that being why they have exactly the same traditions and hierarchy, unlike the Tribe of Rushing Water. Not to be unfriendly to your ideas: only that you find some convincing justification for their differences if you mean to persevere - and I might suggest 'HighClan' or 'Clan of the Noble', or something along those lines. (I'm only up to 'A New Prophecy: Moonrise' at this point, so pray pardon my ignorance.) Rather a lot of story I would rather have invented myself - Owleye is Whitthorn's mentor, after all - but I certainly can't say I'm disappointed of it. It seems Whitthorn isn't the only one with secrets, though he's the only one who can't tell them. :P *tries to silence innate spell-checker*)) Whitthorn frowned. "There is no need to tell me now; take your time about it." Normally tales spread about the Clan like fire at greenleaf; it must have cost Tristar very much to keep something secret for so long, and his pained hunch and the quick, agitated flick of his tail confirmed that to the medicine cat. It was not his place to press his leader for answers - but if it would affect the relations of MoonClan and StarClan, they would all need to know, sooner or later. He felt Tristar's weight keenly, and this sudden, indirect message hinted at dangers to make anyone shake. "Well," he meowed, "I had better go to check on the elders. I request only that, when you confide, you do it all at once, to the whole Clan; or else not at all." It will spare you the pain, he added silently as he made swiftly away, and the stars that only he could see still shone above. ((That's incentive for a Clan meeting. :yes: ))
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((It's fine to be a little different ;) Feel free to expand on your own back story any time!)) "I cannot tell anyone," Tristar sighed, running after Whitthorn, "When the time comes, I can tell only you, but the extent to which it will explain..." he stopped, "We have to go to Icestar, NOW!" he said as he ran to the border. ((that is the indication to move over to Moonclan charachters)
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((I only dislike things with no canonical explanation. But dream on the matter, if you please.)) Whitthorn jerked ungracefully at the sudden command; but no-one had come to him to warn of danger to any of the elders' health. But what was so urgent? - he had little peace of mind, but was not so fractious as to question his leader. Tristar would not forget to take warriors. If he took only Whitthorn, then it was by design, not incident. Stretching to his full, sleek length, Whitthorn streaked through the newly thick snow after his Clan leader. It would be his responsibility to keep him safe, and perhaps manage a few words while he was there... but that was a secret. ((Edit: moving to MoonClan now. I was a little hasty and didn't catch your note. :* ))
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((Everything I'm saying should have relevance to the plot)) He and Whitthorn bounded through the snow and almost blended in "Stop." Tristar commanded, they had reached the border. ((Should I make some Moonclan cats?))
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((I need to control a large number of cats at once at times. This may be difficult to co-ordinate otherwise. More MoonClan cats may be excellent, but I sleep at different times, so there may be trouble.)) Nightheart was with the morning hunting patrol; he was stalking a plump field-mouse by the river. He crept up quickly; he need not exercise too much caution. It could not smell him - the sound of the river currents covered any rustle he might have made. He pounced, claws extended, and broke its neck in one quick swipe; he had picked it up and should have gone directly to deposit it with the rest of the morning's catch if a whiff of fresh, harsh DuskClan scent had not met his nostrils. It was there, and it came from Twostones, where the Gathering was held every full moon; where there were two easy paths of stepping-stones across the river, which was narrower - if faster-flowing - there than anywhere else. Whiskers twitching, he inhaled the smell once more to ensure he was not mistaken. Dropping his fresh-kill, he yowled out, "DuskClan!" to his hunting patrol nearby before sprinting for Twostones. He halted on his side of the river, and saw two cats sitting calmly there, both white; but one of them was of a lighter, purer shade, and an odd smell came from him, almost masking that of their enemy DuskClan; it was a delectable, spicy fragrance which he recalled from Cloudeye's cave, save that this was much stronger. This must be Whitthorn, the medicine cat. He called out a loud address, as his hunting patrol neared, not shrinking from the fact that among those he was practically challenging was DuskClan's leader: "Why do you seek to trespass on our territory?" ((Twostones is essentially where the two Clans are closest to each other, and can hear each other over the river. :yes: It will play a considerable role in Whitthorn's back-story.))
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((We can always share cats like Ryan and I share Hawkpaw and Stormheart)) "We have no wish to trespass, and you can tell we have not passed the border," Tristar said appearing out from the cold snow. "We need to talk with Icestar, now, please, this is incredibly urgent!" he said, becoming uneasy, he could tell Spaceclan was attempting a contact, but he could not reveal is secret to Moonclan, "not now," he murmured to milslef, "please, take us to Icestar" he said to the morning patrol.
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((And be like the authors of Warriors itself. :P But that will mean we must agree on everything they do, and know their personalities as well as each other so that we do not disagree. Also my edit is done. Er, IceClan? I'm sure it was MoonClan... watch your typos, too. No offense meant.)) Whitthorn took up a non-threatening posture beside his leader; the MoonClan warrior's aggressive words were no reassurance that they would be well-received. He had heard much of him, though; Nightheart was as detested among DuskClan as he was respected among MoonClan, but only in spite. He would not attack Tristar unless there was reason. He was not comforted when three more MoonClan cats, evidently in the same patrol, arrived alongside him, giving menacing looks as Nightheart flicked his tail to show he had noticed them. Whitthorn still sat impassive, though, while he noticed Tristar's eyes lose focus briefly. StarClan must not sabotage this mission, he thought, and quickly amended, and nor should Owleye; they must speak later... Nightheart seemed to mull over Tristar's proclamation, before replying, "Then come across - both of you - alone. We will escort you." Evidently he knew they would pose no threat. Not even Tristar, who still had many lives left, could stand up to all of them with only a medicine cat in tow. It was they who would be in danger, though, if Icestar pressed his advantage. If Tristar could keep secrets, even noble Icestar might hold grudges. What treacherous things you are.
-Ryan Posted November 7, 2010 Author Posted November 7, 2010 Icestar stoo on a boulder surrounding the camp and watched as the patrol and the Duskclan cats drew nearer. "Halt" He called an jumped down from the rock. He quietly padded toward the group and after a moment of just looking at them he said one word. "Explain."
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 Tristar brushed though the Moonclan cats despite being clawed at several times, and emerged at the front of the group. "We need to talk." END OF PART 1 PART 2 ((someone else has to start this ;)))
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((Luckily the updates I missed fit in all right with my edit above. :yes: Also this is still in Part One. :D We had better try to take turns so we can post without fear of being left behind. But what is the camp like, Ryan? And still, IceClan? Did something happen I didn't notice?)) Whitthorn was less than impressed by the MoonClan's diplomacy, but he more than grudged them their hatred. He looked up as a strong, lithe figure leapt up onto a tall boulder and commanded, "Explain." He gripped his leader's tail lightly in his teeth to avoid being lost in the throng, and studied the MoonClan camp and the cats within it with. ((Icestar needs to discuss prophecies with Cloudeye later.)) Cloudeye would have reached Icestar, but she had been called off by a great fuss in the camp and the innate sense that something pressing awaited; she followed him as he mounted on the great rock and gave the declaration for a Clan meeting; she stood below the boulder, watching the two apparent captives, whom she remembered well, uncomprehendingly.
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((Meant Moonclan)) "Find Cloudeye and bring him here," Tristar whispered to Whitthorn, "Icestar, listen, it is unfolding, you have to listen!"
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((Cloudeye is female. :D Also, we ought to describe Owleye so he can be added to the list of StarClan cats.)) Whitthorn started at the summons. Did Tristar know somehow about - but no. All medicine cats had familiarity. "There is no need. She is up there, by the boulder; I smell her." Irritable at the warriors who grasped at his back, he turned and said coldly, "If you wish to harm me, then you must have a reason. State that reason and let our ancestors judge whether it is worth the murder of a medicine cat; otherwise keep your peace."
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 Tristar paced in circles, "Something is wrong, why is Icestar acting as if we are not here, it does not make sense..." he murmured as he ran over to Whitthorn.
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 "I suspect he is a little shocked by the fact that his greatest enemy has walked directly between his paws, with no one but a medicine cat as his escort," said Whitthorn drily, curling his tail around himself; though he of course suspected deeper meanings, he could not help but protest a little the folly of this sudden act. ((Yes, let's wait for Ryan. :yes: ))
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 "That is nothing like Icestar," Tristar responded to the medecine cat, shaking his head.
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((In the lack of Ryan's forthcomingness, I will describe a little of the camp. Pray feel free to retract any of it, Ryan.)) Whitthorn inclined his head cynically, but his leader must know best; rather than show discord in the territory of a foe, he continued to scan what he could see of the camp. As if Tristar's words had cowed them, the MoonClan warriors had pulled back to at least a respectful distance, and Whitthorn surveyed with his sharp gaze a wide camp clear of grass, with snow damp on the ground all around, surrounded with tall boulders and thick bushes for protection. There was the nursery, there the elders' den, and the warriors' positioned protectively before them; he saw one concealed crack between two boulders through which a cat might slip, the only entrance other than the much wider gap through which they had come; and close beside it, a den surrounded by stones and opened to the sky, which must be the medicine cat's.
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((My Moonclan cats (2): Name of Cat: Honeypaw Rank(Warrior, kit, med cat, ect...): Apprentice Appearence: Pure amber coat Personality: Warm History(Optional): Simple life, almost a warrior Picture of cat(Optional): Clan: Moonclan Played by: Co Name of Cat: Warmfoot Rank(Warrior, kit, med cat, ect...): Warrior (Mentor of Honeypaw) Appearence: Pure amber coat Personality: Warm History(Optional): Old warrior, almost an elder Picture of cat(Optional): Clan: Moonclan Played by: Co )) "What's going on?" Honeypaw asked her mentor, "Why is he here?" "I do not know for sure, but from what he said..." Warmfoot began to reply, "It cannot mean good." ((Warmfoot is one who goes to the meetings of the elders, though still acts as a warrior because of his health. All elders secretly know of the prophecy, but are not permitted to disclose information. Neither of these characters are one of the 9.))
Midtime Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((I have to sleep now. Let's wait until Ryan returns. :) Icestar and Tristar both require deputies, though; I honestly want to make both, unless a new rôleplayer comes; though Nightheart might make a fair deputy for Icestar at some future juncture, in my own humble opinion. I wonder if Ryan would allow an exception, though I already control two medicine cats...)) Whitthorn's ears pricked as he caught a few snatches of the MoonClan's gossip. A good measure of it was concerned, to his irritation, with disparaging rumours surrounding his leader, evidently spread naturally rather than with the vicious glee exercised so often in DuskClan. His tail twitched involuntarily, until he heard a few more sensible remarks, by which wise he persuaded himself to calm. Nightheart trotted away from a brief conference with Cloudeye. "Quiet," he meowed sternly at the gathered cats; they fell reluctantly silent at this request. He spotted Warmfoot, whose senses had not yet grown dim enough to miss his approach in turn, though he was engaged in a hushed whisper with his apprentice, Honeypaw. Interrupting them deliberately, Nightheart let his rather imposing shadow fall on them as he mewed, "You had better listen when your Clan leader speaks." ((Shall we assume that no rôleplay time passes between now and Ryan's next post?))
Marabot 108 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 ((Except for this, yes)) Tristar's eyes fixed onto Icestar's, waiting for him to speak.
-Ryan Posted November 8, 2010 Author Posted November 8, 2010 ((Did someone make a Moonclan deputy?)) Icestar's tail twitched and thoughts raced through his head at a million miles an hour. "Tristar, Whittorn, and Cloudeye, all of you come with me. Everyone else go about normal clan duties and stay away from my den, except for you Nightheart, you stay outside and make sure no one tries to listen. Also, Dakclaw, get a hunting patrol going. Take Honeypaw." Then after shooting a glare at Tristar he added "And Wamfoot, organize two border patrols and set up some sentries" With that he led the cats towards his den. Darkclaw gathered 3 cats, including Honeypaw, and set out into the forest. "Let's head for the tree in the center of the feild over there." He mewed pointing with his tail.
Marabot 108 Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 "Yes sir!" Warmfoot responded to his leader has he set up two groups for border patrol, "Tell the Duskclan cats that their Leader and Medecine Cat are here unharmed and willingly to meat with our leader, and should be back soon." he said as he dashed of with a patrol into the forest. Whitthorn, Cloudeye, Tristar and Icestar walked into his cavern, preparing for the conversation that would evoke fear though anyone. "The Forest has made the first move. They took an apprentice as a warning a few days ago. I have a feeling they will look for us next," he paused a turned to Cloudeye, "You do know..." he stopped, of course she would know, she was not part of the prophecy, "We must make preperations and fine those who are in the prophecy. At the next gathering, one half a moon away, we will make the announcement, until then, search for the prophecy members." He closed his eyes and opened them to be misty, "Three spikes of ice the quest begin; And, joined with six among their kin, shall witness: Dusk ascends the sky; Its fingers bring the slaughter nigh towards its maw, which now does dine - The nine may fall! then woe we see To all that is and that shall be, And the end of space in matter time..." his eyes returned to normal, "We now know the full prophecy... it is worse then I thought."
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