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Froot Loops Hunt!


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Just to let people know, if you play the game "Froot Loops Hunt (Ad)", you can claim a prize after you submit your score the first time. I received a Feather Guitar.


Not sure what qualifies you for the prize (if nothing more than simply playing the game), and I'm not sure if this game is only US (since it's an Ad-sponsored game).


Just thought I'd pass on this little tidbit for everyone else to enjoy!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The game isn't very fun, if it makes any of you Non-US people feel better. -_-

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This game is awesome, I wish there were more ad games. They have the best time:NP ratio than nearly all other neopets games.


I think you mean score:NP ratio, and thats not necessarily true.

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This game is weird, I don't like it. The 30 seconds isn't long enough, probably because my computer lags...

I liked the Feather guitar I got from it though!

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