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What are your favorite things about Fall?


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Fall is finally upon us and I am so excited. Well, Fall is one of my favorite times of year and Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. I enjoy driving along the highway and admiring the beautiful views of the fall foliage. I love the smell of the air and the beautiful colors all around. I always enjoy picking the biggest pumpkins from our local pumpkin patch. We place them on our front steps and then we carve them for Halloween. I am just curious to know your favorite things about fall.

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Thanksgiving!Yum, yum, yum. Halloween is great too. Last year I carved this great Pirate pumpkin. I'll try to post a picture of a carved pumpkin, if I get around to it. And whenever the leaves start to fall I try and collect them and press them in books, though they always get thrown away.

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The temperature, a nice warm but with a cool breeze kinda feel. I like that about fall.

Although we are in spring...

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I adore fall! :D The weather for one thing- cold enough for jackets and boots but no so cold you have to wrap yourself in layers and layers to go out. Halloween and all its trappings, pumpkins, falling leaves are amazing... Oh, and the food of course! Apple cider and cinnamon. Omnomnom.

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Macabre, I agree with you on the apple cider! Mmmm... Hot apple cider and some pumpkin pie on the side. I love the leaves changing and all the crunchiness when they fall off the trees and you get to walk all over them. I'll use any excuse to dress up and wear costumes, so I'm excited about Halloween as well.

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I love it when the leaves change and the smell. I don't really know how to describe the smell... It just smells really nature-y for someone like me living in the city :D

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My favorite stuff is the nice weather, and my birthday.


Least favorite stuff: School, and the fact that this fall doesn't have any nice weather, as we jumped straight into winter weather.

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My favorite stuff is the nice weather, and my birthday.


Least favorite stuff: School, and the fact that this fall doesn't have any nice weather, as we jumped straight into winter weather.


I'm also in the midwest and I hate that we went from 95 degree days straight to 50-60 degree days. More 75 days please!

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I live in NYC, so the cold weather hits harder and faster.


Sorry, midwest makes me sound like I live in Nebraska or something, I'm in Ohio so it's kind of similar.


We also get 80 days in February and 40 days in June :mellow:

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