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hee hee ~neomagically~ I like that word! I'm going to continue training up my pet's hp. People have mentioned fighting a boss. Has there ever been a boss before in a plot? Does everyone work together to defeat them or each person individually?

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dunno. {flicks cat-o-ninetails at my meepit army} -_- anyways ya im getting a bit miffed at the fact of the repetitiveness of all this "kill this shadow, now that one, now that one, draw with this one, win win win win, GO GO GO GO GO!!!"


seriously thats all ive done for five days stright is eek out wins.


I'm super bored with the BD too! Which is why I have spent the whole day catching up on last nights Glee and watching tv in a semi vegatative state. If this plot is going to move on... I'd prefer it be sooner rather then later! AND I haven't gotten a THING from going over the caps and beating shadow creatures!


at lot of the problem is people either cant or wont continue fighting. and i feel that they shouldnt be blamed for that. but on the same token its been five days stright of this they should pick it up a little bit or release all of the ones we need to kill just make it so we know EXACTLY how many are left to save us some hassle because if we see that huge millions of wraiths number coming down we'd all be more inclined to fight.


I'm now back to the stage where I can't beat any more of the second set after 15...and I may try the third tier when another set turns up as I'm only at 6...but I may have to try for more training...and hope for the best. My pet must be astonished by my sudden re-interest in the training areas!


lol yea but is anyone even interested in fighting anymore? i got qualified and i'm done unless (and until) there is another tier. I'm tired of fighting!!! I just wish i had recieved the bf avvie... I never got it which really sucks


i am. {yawns loudly} ~.~ its more for the fact of i want this war to come to a end. thats why i just bought a spare bow of the hegelob so i can loan out four 9 iconer weapons to the cause.


Sakurabelle has returned the Blaster and received her collateral back. I'm still swatting wraiths. Running out of Airbending. Will probably resort to JLU next. Inexplicably posting in telegram-like style probably sign of fatigue.


i understand. id swatt more of them, forgive the horribly off topic but im actually planning on selling my huge stamp collection sense i need the money x.x;;;;


but ya the wraits arnt going anywhere for a while.


Aside from a win to qualify for a tier, I'm pretty much done with this. Getting pretty lame.


In the past week, I spent a chunk on stamps and other stuff, building up towards avatars, then spent a large chunk on weapons and some training for this. I'm down to about 3m NP. I don't want to spend any more on training, and I don't want to start selling stuff in my SDB that I am waiting on prices to go up on to make up for it. I'm done. Just hope I am good enough to go against a boss if one comes up. May up my stats a tiny amount, but not what I would have if I had known of this battle in advance.




i hear ya there. i had 100k before this all started. {motions to my 2k left over} im flat broke now. which is fine i can turn 200np into 2 million with a stroke of luck.


I guess i got off lightly. i only spent about 80k. Psellias Fighting Fan and the patchy hat whatever its called lol. They helped immensly so it was well worth it.


all told I probably spent 300-400k on this. I used to have good weapons, but I sold most of them off because I didn't plan on being in the BD for quite a while. Figures.


I was at 4.6m 2 weeks ago




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