Shadaw the Rampage Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Shadaw reporting here from the front lines of the war to give you this progress report. so far we've completed two tiers of this war. that can be found here -> Intro: The first minions are "Shadow Wraith Minion" these are level 8 monsters. each time you beat them there level goes up by +1. now there still fairly easy to beat but your going to want some good equipment. my recommended reading would be tdn battlepedia found here -> mainly for the REALLY REALLY new people at this this link -> WAVES The new waves are out. the shadows gain .7 hp per battle, but these brutes live upto there namesake gaining +2 full hp per kill were in for a wild night people. CAPS a cap is what keeps you from going over a certain amount of plot points. what this means is Minions = cap of 50. that means lets say you get 2 plot points per minion kill. that'd be 50 X 2 = 100 if you get 51 is never going to be 102 it will stay 100 plot points. Caps by per monster Minions = 50 Wraiths = 40 Furys = 30 Apprently people are getting perk prizes for going over the number of nessisary kills, however this in no way will effect your plot score <- this wont the extra prizes. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Faerie springs is working. once every thirty minutes it gives out a random potion, to clame it click on the "heal my pets" button. what this means is if your on firefox like i am, click it, get the potion click back wait thirty minues rinse lather repeat. For the newbie people to the battledome or the old who dont remember: ive found that the leaf shield will block almost all damage from ""Shadow Wraith Minion"" the leaf shield is mildly expensive at 20 - 30k right now off the shop wizard but its worth every single last neopoint. for the really really desperate without much np, scarab ring, and leaf shield. for the slightly better off with about 200k to blow, any 9 iconer the golden compass and Psellias Fighting Fan are both very good choices. for the extreme battler you already likely have your ylanas blasters, wands of reality, SoS, pirate captains cutlass, kelpbeards tridents, swords of the battle faerie and dont need to bother listening to me. another thing strongly to consider is a good healer, aka a item that restores massive amounts of life. i myself use a greater scroll of healing which restores 50hp and is fairly top of the line for a low to mid range battler. another good item to get that i previously forgot to mention is "downsize" it allows you to take half the icons on the turn its used which is very useful for people who dont have time to train there pets. or the np to train them. -> this item. FAERIE ABILITYS ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND!: Seriously a well timed faerie ability can save your backside in battle. faerie abilitys can be found here -> burrow sink and drain life are wonderful, borrow is best used on the turn you plan on making the kill. because then you dont have to worry about accidently drawing it. sink is kinda useless on this guy right now. drain life is best used early IMO because the more life they have the more health you heal. for thoughs of you not willing to click the links to read it or cant find it in the links, all info taken from the tdn battlepedia. Drain life -> "Steals 11% of opponent's HP and gives them to you Once per battle" {level 23 pet ability {dark farie} Burrow -> "Blocks 97.5% of all icons." that means you only take 3.5% of the damage you would of taken on that turn you use this ability. and thats why its highly recommended and suggested for the turn your about to kill the shadow on. {level 10 {earth faerie} Sink -> according to the battlepedia sink does the same as burrow but i havent had the same amount of success with sink as i have burrow. still id get it sense it IS helpful. {level 30{dark faerie} Faerie abilitys require specific levels for your pets thats why i posted exactly what levels you need and what faeries to get them from. again go here to read about faerie abilitys. WHY YOU SHOULD KEEP FIGHTING, AND EXPLANATION OF ""TIERS"" theres a tier system which again can be found here. -> should this page not be readily accessable. you can access the tier by going to fearless deeds and clicking on the "into the fray!" link. the first two tiers have been reached, first tier {i write this encase history is lost for some reason} the first tier gives you "bubbling healing goo" the second was "essence of everlasting apple" third is yet unknown. If i understand correctly. you quallify for a tier when its not compleated. if you didnt fight in the first and second tier you get nothing. and if you want to qualify for the current one, the one that isnt compleated you have to at least beat one enemy. you have to help finish off wave alfter wave of these guys, 331,589 / 750,000 this is where we are holding steady at the moment of posting this message. when that becomes a 750,000 we win that tier and the prize becomes clame able. ACHIEVEMENTS Winner is you : fight and kill one shadow Stand your ground : defend three times in the same battle Five of a kind: while unknown theres two top speculations. "fight in five tiers and clame your prize" OR "defeat five of each enemy" i will update when this becomes known for sure. thats all from the front lines here. if you want further advice on battledome help pm me or neomail me and i might be able to help. FOR FURTHER ADVICE <- the battlepedia guide of tdn.
PrudenceShaw Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 There will be? I'm not sure cause this step is quite hard and people want to take their time...
Hanz Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 I think there's going to be a new step announced within the day. Shadow Wraiths were discovered as opponents in the battledome today. Difficulty is 8, so not a hard fight at all. They can be seen behind Xandra and Brynn on the main page of The Faerie's Ruin plot on Neopets. They probably appear in chapter 6. source/link/discovery:http://www.neopets.c...btype=challenge Update: It seems that sometimes there are some to fight, and sometimes none are there to fight.
suzaku Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 I was just about to post that myself. Looks like we all need to get ready for a fight...yeah. Hope I have a chance to gf wants me to do some electrical work tonight =( I think there's going to be a new step announced within the day. Shadow Wraiths were discovered as opponents in the battledome today. Difficulty is 8, so not a hard fight at all. They can be seen behind Xandra and Brynn on the main page of The Faerie's Ruin plot on Neopets. They probably appear in chapter 6. source/link/discovery:http://www.neopets.c...btype=challenge Update: It seems that sometimes there are some to fight, and sometimes none are there to fight.
Hanz Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Yep, chapter 6 of the plot is also out. Hopefully the ghosts are able to restock quickly..... Currently Known Fearless Deeds for Step 3; 1. A Winner Is You! -defeat one shadow wraith minion 2. Stand your Ground -defend three times in a row battling a shadow wraith. 3. Five Of A Kind -currently unknown, but probably defeat five shadow wraith minions. (Update)~It isn't beat 5 shadow minions, it's probably defeat 5 of each Shadow Wraith Minions, Shadow Wraith Brutes, and Shadow Wraith Furies.
Ditalion Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 there are no shadow Wraiths any more! :( i only have the first deed...
Batman Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 At least you got one. I didn't get time to fight any of them before they were gone... Give me more.
Sakurabelle Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 I'm so excited that I finally joined the forum! Now I can post instead of just lurking. :) Do you think more shadow wraiths will reappear in the battledome? I've never actually fought before, so this will be interesting...
Batman Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 They showed up again. I fought 3 of them before i realized the second task was to defend three times in a row... Woops. Just give it time more will show up. EDIT: Just beat 5 and didn't get the last achievement...
rinoa812 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 I got the stand your ground and the one where you defeat one. just gotta keep trying i guess for the last one.
maldoror122 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 There aren't any left:( Will some wraiths appear soon?
Sakurabelle Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Does anyone have advice for fighting them? (for a complete battledome newb)
Batman Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Buy two scarab rings and you should be set for this one. They come back every 5 or 6 minutes. I just want the other two guys to come already. I have defeated 11 of them already.
rinoa812 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Has anyone found out the last deed 5 if a kind?
Batman Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 On the boards it is saying you need to fight each of the three characters 5 times. The others haven't come out or at least i haven't seen them.
rinoa812 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Oh ok that makes sense. want the rest to come out soon lol.
Sakurabelle Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Thanks for the advice Batman! I was in the process of buying on scarab ring (from the tdn battle article advice) but it didn't occur to me to buy two... :)
Mouseykins Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 ok for the zecond achievement what`s the best to do, and do i still get the achievement if i lose hp
rinoa812 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 i lost a bit of hp. just defend 3 times in a row. thats what i did to get it.
Mouseykins Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 ok so if i use my leaf shield and tough skin three times in a row i should get the achievement EDIT: nevermind I got it. I didn`t see Defend in the drop down bar
Batman Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 I want the next guys to come out... I have beat this one 32 times now.
rinoa812 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 ah 19 for me and im sorta ready for the next guys too.
Mouseykins Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 so am I and I hope they`re relatively easy to beat. I don`t own a battle pet.
apekvanskapek Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 for the second achievement, do not use any weapons and use the "Defend" attack stance three times in a fight with an enemy
fragile_things Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 So I got the stand your ground achievement..but i can't seem to beat one. I have never done the battledome before! *edit* nevermind i beat him =)that wasn't too tough.
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