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Wishing Well Avatar Discussion


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There used to be a few people searching for the solution. TNT previously confirmed in an editorial that unlocking the avatar had nothing to do with asking for a specific item, and now they've given us another hint!!!


Dear TNT,

I feel like the Wishing Well avatar has been forgotten. :( Does anybody actually have it yet, and if not, can you give us another hint on how to get it? Please, pretty please! *tosses cupcakes and butterscotch candies at you* Oh, and please take my name out. Thanks! ~username removed

If you guys tossed coins into the well nearly as often as you asked for hints, you'd probably have it by now! ;D


Do you think this means that it's the amount of times you wish a day, or a specific number of wishes in total, or the amount of neopoints when you request?


What you have tried to try and unlock this avatar?



I really hope this hint helps someone to finding the solution :D

Are there any significant number sequences in Neopets?

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Sadly, I think that this 'hint' isn't really a hint so much as them literally wanting people to try to solve this all themselves. I think it might however be related to the amount of np you donate but I know there is already a group that has tried over 9000 different numbers of np or something like that.

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I highly doubt it's seasonal, because I know some people who have tried almost every day since it was released.




Since hints have only been asked for in two editorials, and no one is trying to find out how to get that avvie, maybe TNT is trying to imply that we DONT have to dump our neopoints in day-by day?


I just hope that this avvie isn't like Bonju. It took us Neopians a whole few years to figure that one out...

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I have been working with a group of people dedicated to finding the Wishing Well avatar since it was released. We maintain an ongoing thread on the Neoboards and have a guild. We have tested dozens of theories and tracked some interesting information that we have learned through personal discovery and from TNT.


  1. In spite of what the Wishing Well page seems to indicate, the Well grants wishes twice per day - at 7 am and 7 pm NST. It grants ten wishes at each of those times.
  2. For each 12-hour period, the Well only acknowledges the first 7 wishes made by donating 21 or more Neopoints. (See this petpage for a complete explanation.)
  3. There are two TNT staff accounts that have the avatar from when it was tested: testuser40 and testuser41. By looking at those user lookups, we can surmise that the avatar is not related to shops, galleries, or the Battledome. It is unlikely that a game-related avatar is needed to get the Wishing Well avatar, since neither of these accounts have records of having played any avatar games.
  4. As an official hint, given in the NT Editorial, TNT has stated that the avatar is NOT item-related. This means that we do not need to have specific items in our inventories, and it probably means that we don't get the avatar by wishing for specific items. I can guarantee from my own, personal tests from before this hint was released that the avatar is not tied to wishing for any item up to r40. (Yes, I wished for all of them!)
  5. The most recent hint given out in the NT Editorial indicates that the avatar is likely obtained though wishing. Some people believe that it's about the number of Neopoints donated (SN has wish donation tracking project). Others think it has something to do with the time you make your wishes. Some people are even testing wishes using specific phrases, instead of wishing for items.


The following petpages have more information on these points and the current prevailing theories, so feel free to visit them if you are interested in searching for this avatar yourself, and you would like some support and camaraderie.





Also, feel free to pm me here or neomail me if you have a theory you don't have time to test. Just please read the information here first, so that you aren't sending me a disproven theory. If I have to hear "what if you donate 2np to the Well and ask for 'avatar' cuz the avatar shows 2np" one more time, I'll scream. x_x

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  • 1 month later...

Are we sure this isn't just an extremely sneaky way of getting everyone to donate loads of NP when it has nothing to do with the wishing well at all? Sounds a bit farfetched but I was playing Grumpy Old King a second ago and there is 'the Wishing Well' next to 'tin of olives' right at the bottom....??


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Has there been any more hints given by TNT recently? They said that it shouldn't take us as long to figure out as Bonju, but this is ridiculous...

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There haven't been any new hints for a while now. :(


And, technically, it has already taken us longer than Bonju. Sure Bonju took us 3 years, but Bonju is only available for 1 month each year.

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There is someone rumoured to have the avatar, other than the test accounts, but it is only a rumour. The people saying that are just trolls. They are claiming that this person had the avatar as soon as it was released, but TNT confirmed in the NT editorial that the only person to have the avatar at that time was the staff member that created it. Unless you see someone actually post on the Neoboards with the avatar, you can't trust that they have it. Screenshots are not good proof, since they can be faked.

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There is someone rumoured to have the avatar, other than the test accounts, but it is only a rumour. The people saying that are just trolls. They are claiming that this person had the avatar as soon as it was released, but TNT confirmed in the NT editorial that the only person to have the avatar at that time was the staff member that created it. Unless you see someone actually post on the Neoboards with the avatar, you can't trust that they have it. Screenshots are not good proof, since they can be faked.


You have no idea how many times I've heard this.


And by the way, why are some people called "trolls"?

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My question is has anyone gotten the avatar? SOMEONE in the whole neopets community must have :S We must hunt these ppl down and force them to tell us what they did :P


Someone on the AC made a troll board about having the avatar. Other than that the only two people that DEFINITELY have the avatar are the two TNT testing accounts. I know some users have put up a certain code on their profile to look like they have it, so now no one is really sure if anyone has it for real or not. -_- It's taking so long. It's probably something so simple and silly that no one thought of yet.

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It's taking so long. It's probably something so simple and silly that no one thought of yet.


I think you're right. I remember reading somewhere, I think in one of the Neopets Times, that TNT was surprised it's taking us this long. It must be something simple that we're missing!

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They actually mentioned in yesterday's Editorial that they expected it to take us about 3-4 months. :hmmph: I guess we're really behind the curve.


Out of curiosity, did you guys take bets on how long it would take us to figure out the Wishing Well avatar? ~swimvixx

We guessed about 3-4 months, actually. We suppose it's a good thing we didn't make it any harder than we did, which we were considering, because we're evil like that. /cackle

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