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I'm pretty sure there weren't, as people seemed surprised when these appeared.


And I doubt TNT would make the tiers worth points. They're already awarding us for qualifying; why award us more?

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my point with the tiers is a way of keeping everyone from getting two magma blasters for case of example. lets say theres 8 tiers for 100 plot points each.


lets say you couldnt get very far and only compleated 3 tiers.


thats 300 plot points.


lets say your really really lucky to be in america and have nothing but time and were able to get all of them done.


thats 800 plot points.


all i intend to mean is, its a way of keeping a few people from doing next to nothing, not even getting the caps and getting a insanely good prize because they got all the achievements.


^ this is just a idea, not wishful thinking, just a idea.

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My husband and I were discussing the caps thing. (Before we found out there was caps on them.) Trying to figure out what was fair, since it tied into plot points. I was pleasantly surprised with what TNT did.

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i was reading the help pages today out of boredom. and i came across there gonna give out bonus prizes at the end again. sort of like AotA


forgive me for this, but how are the tiers different than completing the task in AotA getting the steam wings. and then at the end getting like a slushy making machine for it.


if i dont make sense i can try again. btw my E key is still sticking.

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just 85,155 more monsters to go people!

Keep your shirt on. I'll mop 'em up when I get to 'em. ;)


More seriously: This would be a good time for those who have been sitting on the sidelines, having either bowed out early or not tried to fight at all, to try to pop at least one of the minions. This may well be the last prize (and hopefully the best) for fighting, and if you haven't been pushing yourself, it should be relatively easy to qualify for this tier.

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