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I'm trying to be optimistic...They haven't put the news out because they're so close to finishing the English version that they aren't going to bother with a delay. I mean, if they'd already decided upon waiting, surely they would've announced the rest of the news already.

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lol as mad as i am. its kind of funny to read the neoboards right now and hear GRRRR!!!! in ways i didnt even know people could speak. its like a rabbid tasmanian devil spewing garbled gibberish XD

And that's not even sarcasm. He's serious. 0_0

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And that's not even sarcasm. He's serious. 0_0


it also reminds me of a group of teenagers showing up for a rock concert that was canceled 6 months ago. XD thats lots of GRRR and WHERES MY MOENY. but in this case its more GRRRRR!!! WHERES MY PLOT TNT WHERES MY PLOT!!!!! ARGGGHAUHUHGA MORGA! OHHGA WOOGA MOOOCHA {more angry tyrannian speech here}

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ok people i do have a minor side note that is plot related.


typing petri into the search up comes the trading card "petrification"


in it is shows a medusa that petrifyed several people that MIGHT be a clue.




it isnt coincidental either if you think about it. of all the things in neopets to pop up. why would that pop up on there when you type in petri?! thats GOT to be somekind of clue.

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A clue that I wish I knew what it ment! But wow for you being on the ball!


the card number is 71. maybe thats a referance to somewhere in faerieland i havent checked there. but my guess is, the reason it isnt out yet is because theres something to do with the plot going on NOW not comic related.... if that comes up there and they know we'd get antsy waiting it is possible thats a clue.

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I'm just seriously tired now :| I have to stay up till 2am anyway so that I can try and get my splat a sloth trophy! But I wish the news would just come out already! Or that I was one of those people that was like huh? what plot? because I seriously met one of those in my guild today :| How someone could NOT know there is a plot going on is BEYOND me I tell you!


I hope the new plot starts fixing faerieland though because I'm sick of it being down... also do you think they are going to do matainence on faerieland while the whole stupid thing is down?

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*Gasp* If King Altador is behind some of that...Oh, there will be an uproar from me XD But I didn't think he was roaming around; I thought that he had heard about some faeries being petrified so he took his group to investigate the others in Faerieland. And when you think about it, he is just a kind guy. If one of his trusted insiders vouched for Hanso, he'd probably be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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