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Full Out War 3

CAV of Gang Green

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(STOP EATING MY WEAPONS :( :( :( :angry: :angry: :angry: )


In other news...

*a giant radioactive tunafish appears in my hand, and I spin in circles and throw it at you :D*


(Also, I don't really know if I like meepits yet. I'm still on the fence. I love squirrels, though O.o)

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(Yeah, a few things you should know.

1. I have a big appetite. And when I say big, I'm understating. By a lot. I once ate a train.

2. I am almost not allergic to anything.

And that's me!)


*Kicks fish on you, just before you become invisible*

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(as for me, I'm random, I may at some point say something that no one would have imagined, I love shiny objects. I really love shiny objects. In fact, in a trade on the trading post, one guy offered a bowl of shiny decorations, and the same amount of NP as someone who offered an item I knew was worth a little more, and I took the bowl of shiny decorations over the other thing. MAGPIE. LOL. I have the same obsession in real life. It's really really bad sometimes. lmao. Also, I tend to pop in and out of topics without meaning to, just happens that way. ADHD, I suppose. And I want to know how in god's name to get a LUTARI. They're so freaking cute. I'd actually give up one of my pets for one of those. >.> But enough off topic rambling)


*Uses lightning shield to FRY fish into little tiny dust particles and uses fire extinguisher to diffuse radiation. It's a magical fire extinguisher. >.>*


*completes transformation to invisibility.*


*Throws paint all over the place, then leaves footprints everywhere!* (hahahahahaha, way to negate my own invisibility)

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(I'll tell you what. You give me three good reasons, and I will join this HAMS. :P)




I am allergic to milk. No thank you.


*pulls out large burlap sack, and attempts to catch you and your magical oven inside (the burlap sack is a sack like a tardis. It's bigger on the inside!!!)*


*In case of failure and/or explosion, RUNNNNNNN AWAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!*

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