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*Sneaking In*

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Good afternoon everyone (or morning.evening/night etc wherever you are!)


I have been lurking here for what seems like forever and have finally decided to dip my toe in the waters of TDN as from what I have read you are all a really friendly bunch.


Let's see how long it takes me to make a second post as this is the first forum I have ever joined *looking around nervously*

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Welcome to the forums. :) I'm Spritzie. I'm glad you finally decided to join. Everyone here is very friendly, I'm sure you'll love it.


This was my first forums ever too, and I adjusted quickly. :)

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Well, welcome to your very first forum then! :D You picked a good one, if I may say so myself. We're quite a friendly bunch.


As long as you follow the rules, that is. As long as you do that, we'll be happy, and when we're happy, we're pretty darned helpful, so feel free to ask any questions you may have. There's really no need to be nervous. We don't bite often. :)


By the way, my name is Livvy. The snack table is to your left.

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Thank you all so much for the welcome, what lovely and friendly people you are *smiles broadly at the welcoming committee*


Ironically, I am feeling a bit unhappy since I posted as I was playing Neopets II just now and they froze my account. Luckily I had just finished reading an account here on the boards about that very thing and so I knew to fill out a ticket thank goodness. I am also in the process of emailing them *sighs* ... still if it wasn't for this forum I would not have known what to do *shrugs*.


So, I will be logging out and doing something offline for a bit to get me into a better mood before I post again, but I could not do that without replying and waving back to you all.



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Hi there! See "rules" above, then you'll get on fine :)

I found if your a little nervous about when to post, try starting with the news - gives you some really clear to talk about even if its just "I really love those new poogle clothes! I just wish they'd make the maraquan paintbrushes cheaper now!" (Remember to make it over 7 words long :P).

After that, try the help forums? Gives you the chance to gain tips and pass on knowledge to other neopians, and I'm sure you'll soon feel settled in no time :D


Have fun ^_^

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Heyup! Welcome, and hopefully you'll enjoy yourself here. I'm sorry to here about your account, but there are plenty of people here in a similar situataion so if you need to rant just go for it!


EDITED: Due to epically poor spelling!!!

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1. Welcome to TDN. I'm CAV, TDN's Video Game Addict.

2. Wipe your feet before you enter.

3. Don't always be so serious, exept in "Debate and Discussion", which has a few special rules.

4. Which reminds me, follow all TDN rules. We don't want you in trouble now do we?

5. Don't be afraid to ask people questions.

6. Try to join HAMS, the dominant group on TDN. I'm one of the Leaders and Founders, so I should be able to help you.

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Guest Yoshinho

Welcome both of you!


Hello and Welcome! I am yoshinho or yoshi. Please read the rules.


Remember to also check out my forums! www.yoshiforums.b1.jcink.com! Completly safe and can be an enjoyable experience!


I dunno if you read them or not but make sure to read the rules and FAQ!


Feel free to contact me for help!

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