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That's a good idea. You're very organized! :D


I need all the random ones too! I try for all those every day, multiple times a day if I can, except for Lever of Doom. I haven't been able to get any of them though. :( I really want the Buried Treasure and Grundo Plushie ones. Oh and Geraptiku. Well, all of them. :laughingsmiley:


Any avatars that should be done at midnight neopets time is extremely difficult for me because I have to stay up until like 3am for that and I really can't.


Well, I've been tired all day and I still have practice tomorrow unless it's cancelled from all the rain. Anyways, hopefully I'll be back tomorrow :) Have fun!


I only had time to play it once yesterday. I got just over 15k, so I didn't even beat Abigail. I think AAA's score is way too high from what I know from playing it yesterday.


The game is hard, if you ask me. :/ I defeated Abi in my 2nd try, but, defeating AAA = impossible. x_x How on earth am I going to score 200k? This was way too much.


:laughingsmiley: I completely forgot there were difficulty levels. I played on Easy when I played last night. Now I need to try normal and hard. Then I'll report back. I really want AAA's prize. And Lulu's. But right now, I don't have enough NC. I only have 125.


I played on medium and scored nearly 80K. :/ I am not even half way to defeat that gaming psycho. <_< I need to concentrate more. Maybe I would do well in Hard. :O


P.S. Best of luck! ^_^


Nope. It's too hard for me. *glares at the game* <_< But if you try, you can beat Abigail. :yes: The prize isn't that nice though. :guiltysmiley: You should give it a try. The Kookiths are real cute. :laughingsmiley:


Okay. Maybe I will. Haha. I haven't been playing any games lately. Just my dailies. And posting. But that's about it. I'm never going to get anywhere. *sigh* haha.


Meh, don't worry, I am not a big fan of games either. :laughingsmiley: I just try all the new games, in case I might be good at it. But I probably fail all the time. :/


I've been very excited about this game, as Kookith's are my favorite petpet. And I want AAA's prize. So I will work on it, until I get it. I need to try the other difficulties though.


I beat Abigail's score easy enough, but AAA's seems impossible. It's nice though because it's easy to get 1000 NP. :)


I got 79% on my first try on Hard on the first level.



aaaaaahhhhhhh I fail at the attic! haha, I've been checking it inbetween games, and I got distracted by something else and missed a restock time, and it stocked. :( :laughingsmiley:


They say it helps if you have a laggy computer and to "wait" before clicking on the ghost Kookias...I don't really know since my computer is too fast to test that theory :P Can only beat Abigail...


Question for Draik colors! Which of these seem the best for a boy? (Because I love them all!)


1) Royal

2) Darigan

3) Desert

4) Island


Wow, I was gone for 2 days and I missed so much! Haha.


I havent played Kookia yet but it looks so cute! From what I am hearing though...it sounds evil. :evil: I dislike hard games. :D


About the male Draik color Eevee, I like

1) Royal Boy

2) Desert

3) Island

4) Darigan


The Royal looks so elegant and sophisticated to me and I really dislike Darigan. Bleh.


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Royal pets in general.


*goes to look at Draiks in the Rainbow Pool*


Wow, I actually like Royal Draiks the best of those. :laughingsmiley: Desert and Island are neat too though. What would be neat is a Draik painted a different color with the royal clothes. That confuses me thinking about it though.


Yeah, I only like Royal Draiks also. The clothing looks so cool! It actually reminds me of Kings and Queens. :king:




For a boy Draik, I like the Desert and Royal the best. I love the Desert I think the best, then Royal.


The royal one would look the best Eevee. Are you going to paint your Draik? ^_^ Tell us when you do!


Royal it is then! I'm still a few millions away from my Draik ^^; but fer sure I will inform all you cool people when I get the Draik and when I shall paint him =D *wants a boy*


You are much closer than me! I have given up on getting my Draik from np, I am going to get him through a pet trade. :yes: Currently, I am seeing if I can trade up a Robot Kau. I am also zapping my pet Vaurelya.


Eevee, I'm quite a few million away too. I'm at 7.5 million. I need at least double that. But I'm still working on trading for a Draik. (Divya's been helping me find people interested.) That way, I'll have a Draik, so I can wait until I have tons more NP, then I can get a second one.

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