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The background is called "Glowing Light Sky Background" I believe it was a Jubjub Power Bounce item from last winter.


Depending on how bad you want some np, I would probably hold onto it. But it may take quite a while for it to actually inflate.


oooh, stupid NC BG's :( I'll never get them >:(


I'll just wait for the stamp to inflate, but I'm REALLY impatient, so it'll be hard :(

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oh wow, it's really a beautiful BG, thank you ssooooo much wembly :D

I'm trying to make a customisation with that BG right now :D


edit: finished, i wanted to use the draik travellers outfit, but it's waaaaaaay too expensive for broke me :(


anyways, here she is:


isn't she adorable?

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*pops in*


Wembly those customizations are great! I love how all the colors in the plushie ogrin's go together


and that's amazing maraquan draik customization!


Actually looking through the pages everyone has nice customization :D


Douji is on a side temporarily and has very scary customization lol


and just now a kind stranger gifted me a scary eye staff for Huruto! I'm very happy :)

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Lovestruck, your Draik is gorgeous! :D I'm saving up (rather slowing at the moment) to paint my new Draik, Cryohydra, Maraquan for my sea themed side account. :)


Zorse: Douji looks adorable right now! And the Scary Eye Staff matches Huruto and his customization perfectly.

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Maraquan Draiks (or most Maraquan pets) are hard to customize. I have no idea what I'll do with mine. I know she'll have an underwater BG, but that's about it. I need to find some nice trinkets that would match.

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I'm starting to get hopeful about my draik fund again =D. I was making good progress for about a week, making 100k a day playing key quest and attic but I got totally bored of both too quickly.


But I just got into the AG 3 times this week (once a day xD). First 2 times I got codestones, but I just got a skunk pb so I'm super excited and getting my hopes up that maybe I can win some more big items and be that much closer to a draik.


Although I think I want my first draik to be mara so I have more to worry about just saving for the pb than the pet haha.

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For me a good background is usually enough :) Maybe if I had NC I'd customize more .. I just zapped my Peophin Faerie on my side (which I wanted to paint her anyway) so I think I achieved all my dreamies..


To return to the Draik talk. I think I should focus on Xelynae's training and reading now .. he's still stupid and that bothers me.

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Haha, I'm loving the Roasting Marshmallow on a Stick that's in the NC mall right now. I think I might get it. I love it with the draiks. I makes it look like they breathed fire on the marshmallow since it's near their mouth :P

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I thought about getting the whole pack, but I wasn't really thrilled with anything but the BG and dress. The more I looked at the dress, the more I second guessed buying it. So I just got the BG.


I need to find a dress that matches better. Her normal candle dress matches better I think. I might have to change it.

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Yeah, that's a tough background to match perfectly. I think the candle one might be a bit better but it's a toss up.


I was looking at dress for her and I think the White Flower Embroidery Dress would look good too.


Also as a side note, I absolultely love the Vibrant Summer Stripes Dress on her but not so much for that background though :rolleyes_anim:

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ooooh wow, i fixed my broken wii and almost forgot about my laptop ;) *smiles*


anyways: i think aitvara is GOR-GE-OUSSSS spritzie, the BG is sooo cool :) *is jealous*


@flyingeevee: SKYRIM

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It's really cute on your Bruce!


I thought about buying the dress, but I decided it didn't look amazing enough to spend the NC on. (Though I didn't think it would be so difficult to find a matching outfit.)

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I'm happy to announce that I hatched two new draiks last night- Shunten and Tsukeko!! :D February I'll be able to have all 4 draiks on my main *.*


Spritzie that customization looks great! I love how the blue in the background matches her


Here's Shunten's customization so far, though unfortunately the tree isn't allowing his pirate earring to show up:


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