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Thank you. I decided to go with Chocolate, because I already have a Maraquan pet :) so here's my delicous Draik now:


I just looked at his stats .. man he's stupid :P


Awesome job on getting a Chocolate Draik, LoveBee! Chocolate is my other favourite colour for Draiks besides Darigan, Faerie, Ice, and Water. Take very good care of him, he's a great new addition to the Draik Lair family. <3

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Do you have books in your SDB? I have a bunch I can send you if you don't. (I save all of the ones from the dailies.)


I really wish Draiks didn't hatch with their intelligence so low. When you create a pet, other than Grundos, they aren't like that.

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Spritzie thank you very much for the background! :) I've sent you a book for any pet you wish to smarten or you can sell it as an adition to your Maraquan PB fund :) Hope you'll like it :)

Yes, I have more than 200 books in my SDB that I've been holding on to :)

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Thank you. I decided to go with Chocolate, because I already have a Maraquan pet :) so here's my delicous Draik now:


I just looked at his stats .. man he's stupid :P


Congrats on your delicious Draik, Mrs. B!

And yeah, Draiks are by default dim-witted, unfortunately. :P


Welcome to the Draik Lair, linsta! I hope you get your darlings back as soon as possible.

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You could always go for an easier to obtain Brown-coloured Petpet for your Chocolate Draik if you're not very lucky with the Petpet Lab Ray, here's a list of Brown Petpets. If you do get lucky, any Chocolate Petpet will do.

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That's true. I'm not too picky with petpets. I'll just wait a bit and zap one poor little guys.


I kinda like White Faellies ..


Edit: I actually found a Jinjah in my SDB. I'll stick with this little guy for a while and then decide later. If I won't forget .. :D

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I get a lot of cool petpet zaps, but they rarely match the pet they're attached to. I generally will zap until I either get something awesome, or I buy a petpet that matches better.


I'm zapping Aitvara's petpet right now. I don't know what I want for her. Maybe a Maractite one, or Water, if they release it for petpets.

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I'm currently zapping IinDigoo's petpet, because Maraquan petpets are quite expensive and I don't actually like any now. I gave a Plushie Warf, because I think that Plushie petpets suit Baby pets most. And AveryEira got a Kazeriu. I think it suits his beautiful name best (just hopes he gets zapped into an awesome colour and back into a girl) :)


I hope they'll release Water petpets. And more Water pets :)

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I neomailed the person who has my old draik, and I guess 2 days ago he got a magical pirate krawk plushie from the forgotten shore so he's got a pirate krawk now and doesn't want to trade anymore =(. Oh well. I guess I will save for a maraquan draik for now. Draik trans are way too expensive D=

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The Kookith looks amazing with Cryo's customization :) I admire you Spritzie, you always have perfectly customized pets :) I usually justpick a background and that's it :) But I know if I had NC available I'd spent crazy amounts on clothing ..

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Thank you. I decided to go with Chocolate, because I already have a Maraquan pet :) so here's my delicous Draik now:


I just looked at his stats .. man he's stupid :P


oh wow, that's a really delicious draik *is wanting to eat him*

he (maybe just like alynniae going to be a she) has got an AMAZING name :D


ps: yeah, long live the internet cable, I've got like 30 minutes to be online, SO TALK TO MEEEEEEE :P

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He'll bite you. He is stupid as a rock, but he can bite. I picked the name in 10 seconds. I wanted a name that starts with an X and this was the second available one .. I thinks it's whatever, but okay.


Well he now has a beautiful background, thank to Spritzie:



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:( I'm sorry they changed their mind Linsta. Is there any other pet they'd trade for?


Thanks :D I always spend a lot of time hunting through my closet to find the items that I think fit well together. Whenever I try to change the customization but can't come up with anything I like, I end up leaving them as is. It's probably about time to put Aitvara back in her fire/ice customization since I don't have anything New Years-ish for her.


He looks so nice on the BG. :D

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Sorry to hear that Linsta. Hope you'll save up for the Draik fast :)


I loved that Icy-Firey theme, it was awesome :) Gosh I am soo not used to so little neopoints in my bank account :( It so discouraging..

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