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Omg, i go sleeping for a few hours, and the draik lair is full of posts!!!


Anyways, i think that's a very good idea spritzie


@aethenlynden: o noos, how much did you lose?!

@Watery black: trust eevee, she's cool, and errrrr cute, trustable, lovely, etc... Good luck on trading:)


I think mist people here have more experience with nc trading than me (0 experience, LOL) So I have to trust everyone... :P


Anyway; I just got this mail back from the person i offered to:


"Hello, thank you for your offer to trade. It really is quite a nice offer, but I must decline. For one thing, I am getting out of the NC trading thing unless its for character props. And secondly, your offer is WAY an OVER OFFER! Do not let anyone talk you into trading your healing springs foreground for a single rose/winter rose fg, as your foreground is worth around 12-15 caps in value alone. The dress is like 2-4 I think. Dont quote me, I havent been around the the NCC for awhile."


OK, I saw on one of the petpages listed on that site that the fg was around 6 caps... Maybe that was outdated though. Very nice to see there are still honest neopians though ^^ Now back to searching... *sigh*


Haha, well, we've got 1 thing im common: 0 experience^^

that's a nice neopian, great those people are still around:)))


Wow... haven't been here in awhile. Membership seems to have skyrocketed, good to see it =3


Welcome back! :D It has been awhile since you've been here. :)


With the prices of Draik Eggs dropping, it's gotten tons easier to achieve a Draik. Now, not only do we have a lot more members, but we have a lot more Draiks. :D


And I finished up the pet page. It's HERE.


I'm not sure how to edit the front page now. I might have all of the Draik pictures side by side, and link to the pet page. Or I might see about getting a type of button that links to it.


I think mist people here have more experience with nc trading than me (0 experience, LOL) So I have to trust everyone... :P


Anyway; I just got this mail back from the person i offered to:


"Hello, thank you for your offer to trade. It really is quite a nice offer, but I must decline. For one thing, I am getting out of the NC trading thing unless its for character props. And secondly, your offer is WAY an OVER OFFER! Do not let anyone talk you into trading your healing springs foreground for a single rose/winter rose fg, as your foreground is worth around 12-15 caps in value alone. The dress is like 2-4 I think. Dont quote me, I havent been around the the NCC for awhile."


OK, I saw on one of the petpages listed on that site that the fg was around 6 caps... Maybe that was outdated though. Very nice to see there are still honest neopians though ^^ Now back to searching... *sigh*


Thank goodness for honest people! :laughingsmiley:


That's why it's usually a good idea to make a separate board just asking about the price value and some nice Neopians that trade a lot would tell you the answer ^^


Wish that petpage would update..gives a lot of great advice but some items needs to be updated >.>


At least you know the value so experience earned: +3! I hope you can find someone to trade for the items you REALLY want.


@Spritzie - Hmmm...I can totally see just the Draik pictures side by side so that it's not a full down list, just no names from the owners but they can still be clickable for others to see. OR you can have a special button that leads to the petpage that would be nice and pretty :laughingsmiley:


@Alynniae - *blushes* Aww thank you beautiful person ^//^


Omg, i go sleeping for a few hours, and the draik lair is full of posts!!!


Anyways, i think that's a very good idea spritzie


@aethenlynden: o noos, how much did you lose?!

@Watery black: trust eevee, she's cool, and errrrr cute, trustable, lovely, etc... Good luck on trading:)



In the end I only lost a mil, looks like I'll have to start selling off my plushie morphing potion collection


Hey again Blurrz! :laughingsmiley:


Nice to see more members around here :3


Thankfully I don't feel like I want another Draik since Uvertira was born ^^ I actually wish I could turn Technobirdy into Robot...but without the whole lab thing :(


Thanks :D It's the pet page layout I use for Aitvara's and I thought the layout worked nicely.


Blurrz, you should definitely get another Draik. :D


Thanks :D It's the pet page layout I use for Aitvara's and I thought the layout worked nicely.


Blurrz, you should definitely get another Draik. :D



Oh it is lovely, must not be tempted for another Draik....that would be number three


hello yello, i spend my nc on a winged capsule, and i'm soooo happy now :DDD


got the frozen tree branch wings (which is on alynniae right now), and the ice wings ^^


does anybody know which wings and bonus prizes you can get with that capsule, can't find it anywhere :(


The Frozen Tree Branch Wings looks perfect on Alynniae, especially with her current customization.


They're one of my favorite pairs of wings. I have them on Cryo right now as well.


and this is the new look for Ara!




p/s : Neo_Girl if you read this please clear your inbox ^^, thank you.


Ara looks amazing, I love the look! (sorry, this is late I know, this is the first time I've checked this thread in a while!)


The petpage looks good too! :)


Yay, I found someone that has both items that I am looking for and wanted to trade for just the negg fairy wig. I wanted so bad to say yes, but it made me feel bad. So I offered her to give her both the wig and the sparkling ice staff so at least it would be a fair trade. Still waiting for a response. I so hope she says yes!!! ^_^ Then I need to get a few more thingies and an egg, and I can join the club! :D *happy*


Yay, I found someone that has both items that I am looking for and wanted to trade for just the negg fairy wig. I wanted so bad to say yes, but it made me feel bad. So I offered her to give her both the wig and the sparkling ice staff so at least it would be a fair trade. Still waiting for a response. I so hope she says yes!!! ^_^ Then I need to get a few more thingies and an egg, and I can join the club! :D *happy*


awww, that's very nice of you, i think she will be very happy to accept :D, hope she says yes ;)


:woot: Did you guys see the 'Flower and jewel circlet' in the mall. I really like how it looks but I don't really have girly pets to put it on. I think it would go rather nicely with Aitvara's customization water color though.


That would look really pretty on her! I just tried it on her. You know... I actually have one on a side account. I got it in one of my free NC capsules when I opened a new account. I don't think I have a gift box though. I'll have to check.


*just put a bid in on an egg* ^_^


my nc trader didnt respond anymore but I'm trying to work something out with another trader, fingers crossed! :D


Congrats! Let us know when you get it and hatch. :D I'll add it to the pet page.


I hope you're able to get the items.

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