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Draik Lair


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Thank you Spritzie :) Oh, how the snow there by the way? :P


Alynniae since you're not online that much invest in stocks. Your money will multiply without you even being online :)


heeey, i just remembered something :D

I invested in some stocks, let's see :D

*goes to stocks*



poor me :(


ps: @spritzie&aethenlynden: much thanks for the gifts, i used all of them :D

here's alynniae:



@aethenlynden: the BG and the wig came for the crackers you send me, I can't believe you gave me neocash items, thank you so much, i'll try to find something nice in my SDB for you :D


edit: i wanted to give somethign to both of you:

@aethenlynden: i'm trying to find something, canceled the old lot for something new for your mote gallery

@spritzie:http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=376530089 a plushie petpet paint brush, to paint a petpet for your petpet gallery :D

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I was wondering, how many NC Gift Boxes do you get with the 750NC Cash Card?

Where in the world do you get 750NC cards? The lowest amount here is 1000NC which equals $10 but you get 1 box for every $5 so if that's the lowest amount where you're from I'm going to guess it comes with 2 boxes. It should say it on the card. This pet page has info on cards but only for US, UK, and NZ but it shows that the 750NC card from the UK has 2 boxes, not sure if that's the same for your country but I'd guess it should be http://www.neopets.com/~Drouwin

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yeah, i really owe you two ♥♥♥ thanks SOOOO much, i hope you saw the trade post link for the gift i wanna send you back :D


@aethenlynden: got your one, there's a mote for your gallery :D


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errr, they're called: "Blue Shoes"


XD, very plain name isn't it ;)


good luck choosing your name :D

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Where in the world do you get 750NC cards? The lowest amount here is 1000NC which equals $10 but you get 1 box for every $5 so if that's the lowest amount where you're from I'm going to guess it comes with 2 boxes. It should say it on the card. This pet page has info on cards but only for US, UK, and NZ but it shows that the 750NC card from the UK has 2 boxes, not sure if that's the same for your country but I'd guess it should be http://www.neopets.com/~Drouwin


The UK has 750NC cash cards and it equals 5£. I don't have NC available actually, but a friend is currently on vacation in London, and she promised me to buy me a NC Cash Card. I'll have to send someone the code and then have him send the items to me though .. but thank you :)

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yeah, i really owe you two ♥♥♥ thanks SOOOO much, i hope you saw the trade post link for the gift i wanna send you back :D


@aethenlynden: got your one, there's a mote for your gallery :D



ajhh thanks thats the one I need - I have all the rest just never got round to this one... hehehe soon to be complete, not to get the rest of the evil coconuts collection done

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ajhh thanks thats the one I need - I have all the rest just never got round to this one... hehehe soon to be complete, not to get the rest of the evil coconuts collection done


phew, i already thought: what if she already has got this one?!?!?!

almost freaked out XD

but i'm glad you like it :)

it feels good to give something back :D

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phew, i already thought: what if she already has got this one?!?!?!

almost freaked out XD

but i'm glad you like it :)

it feels good to give something back :D


Yeah good feeling all around now if only I can get that flaming evil coconut I will be set, I think the golden and horned are in the bag... just hoping the trades go okay..

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I just found this thread and had to have a look. The name reminded me of the draik clan, I wonder if anyone was part of that from here. I was really dedicated to it a long time ago but the site has gone down now sadly =(.


My goal right now is to own 3 draiks. I used to own 2 draiks, a mutant and darigan. I remember it took a long time for me to save up for my darigan egg even though it was a few million more than just morphing and painting him darigan.


My main account got frozen 6 or 7 years ago, with my mutant draik on it. He was my favourite pet and had tons of BC trophies, but I decided to remake him, and a friend kindly donated a draik trans potion to me.


I quit neopets a few months later with no intention of coming back. I guess I had given my accounts to a friend to use, and when I decided to come back, they were with total strangers. (And someone had converted my darigan draik! Whyyyy would anyone convert a darigan draik, they're so pretty D= ).


Anyways, I am now friends with the owner of my darigan draik, and the owner of my mutant draik has kindl offered to trade me.


Sooo currently I'm saving up to get the pet he wants to trade. Hopefully by the time I'm done he won't have changed his mind ^^;


The other two draiks I want are maraquan and water. If it was possible to make UC pets I'd love to have another darigan draik and plushie, but I hate neo for getting rid of the old designs!

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Welcome to the Draik Lair Linsta! :D


I've never heard of the Draik Clan. 2 of my friends and I started this as a fan group for Draik lovers. (At the time, we were all saving for them, so we used it as an encouragement to keep working towards is.)


Wow! :( I'm sorry you lost your first Draiks. I hope you're able to get your Mutant Draik back. What's the pet that they want to trade it for?


I think Water and Maraquan Draiks are two of the best colors. I actually planned to paint Aitvara Faerie, but when I saw the Water released for Draiks, I changed my mind about using my FFQ for a Chocolate Draik, and painting Aitvara Faerie, so I used my FFQ to make her Water.


Last month, I hatched my second Draik, Cryohydra, who I will be painting Maraquan for my sea themed side account.


If I end up getting another Draik, I think it will most likely be Wraith, when it's released. (I had originally planned on giving Aitvara a Captive Shadow Wraith for a petpet after I painted her Faerie, so it would be awesome to have a Wraith Draik with the Wraith petpet.)

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heeeey, welcome to the draik lair linsta :D

never heard of it though, but it sounds like fun :)


announcement: won't be online much, i'm in some bungalow, with an internet-CABLE

see ya later, happy new year everybody

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Welcome to the Draik Lair Linsta. I wish you the best of luck in saving up for your new Draiks someday. I want a Darigan Draik myself.

Also Lisa, I can't wait for your return after your small hiatus. I hope everyone at the Draik Lair will have a great new year as well, and I hope to get a Darigan Draik as well this upcoming year... even if it takes me forever.

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The owner of my mutant draik offered to trade me for a pirate krawk since he said he doesn't play much anymore. Which of course is an amazing trade, so I'm hoping he won't change his mind and trying to save up as fast as I can xD. Except I recently went out and bought 8/9 of the lab map, but I'm thinking of just selling it again to help me get nearer my goal. Thankfully pirate krawk mps are deflating like crazy!

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There's also Magical Pirate Krawk Plushies. Those have gotten pretty cheap too. (I don't know if they're cheaper than the MPs or not though.)


I just bought the Blumaroo Dancer Hat from your shop. I'm going to send it back to you, so you can place it back in your shop. :D

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Aww thanks so much!


And yea, I imagine they're around the same price. Either way, it's gone down from 3mil when I started playign again 3-4 weeks ago to 2.3mil. I think I even saw one going for 2mil, so that's reassuring. If I sell my map pieces I'll have 1 mil so I might do that if I get close to the mark. Thanks again :)

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Gahh stop doing that xD!!


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Oops sorry slipped my mind ><


Thanks again Spritzie. Your kindness makes me want to try harder to save up haha.

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Welcome linsta :)


I am thrilled to present you Xelynae:




He's (sadly a he) currently not customized, because I'm still deciding which colour to paint him. Currently deciding between Chocolate and Maraquan. I'm leaning more towards Chocolate though. I'm completely broke (well, left with 2 mil) but happy :) He is my birthday present to me :D

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You're welcome. I'm glad to help :D


He looks great! Do you have the lab ray, so you can get the scientist as a BD challenger? I've found it pretty easy to get the gender change that way.


If you decide on Chocolate, let me know and I'll send you that BG. (And happy birthday!)

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