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Ermm. Hayy!


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Holaas, I'm new here [duuur] I just found the site a couple of days ago when I got stuck collecting Avvies, and just love the Avatar section of TDN.


Well I guess you should know a little about me. I'm 16 a senior in High School, ummm I've been playing neopets for like 7 years on and off, and Just recently got back, of course that sadly means a new account :x I think that's all :D


Now I'll proceed to lurk around the forums. :P

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Welcome to the forums. I think the avatar section is one of the more popular reasons people end up here. That's how I ended up here on the forums and on TDN as well.


I'm Spritzie, btw. :) I've been playing, off and on as well, for 8 years. I do have my original account.


Good luck with your avatar hunting. Everyone here is happy to be of any help they can.


(That's right everyone. I just volunteered you. Every one of you.)

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lolz, Avatar collecting is just so popular these days. :P


Nice to meet you. Luckii, I don't think I can remember anything from the first account I had made :(



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Hi there, and welcome. Don't lurk! Say something every now and then. We like people. And their braaaaaiiiiiiins.


Oh wait, I think I was supposed to keep that secret.


Uhhh, we like new people for their brains, as in their intellect. We won't eat your brains, I promise! :)




Whew, nice save.

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My B-b-brain? But Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!? :sad01_anim:



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Please keep your posts at least 7 words long.

Welcome to the forums!

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Welcome to TDN forum! Unfortunately some of our members have an unusual interpretation of being welcoming and helping in any way they can! I wouldn't worry too much though; we're mostly harmless...

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Heyyy welcome to these fabulous forums! I myself am...the one...the only...DIVYA!! *clapping and dancing* 7 YEARS? I'm jealous! Me, having a 7 month old account, feel pretty new. On the forums I am new too...newish. *looks at post count* :laughingsmiley: Feel free to ask questions to the awesomelicious people here who know everything about Neo!

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