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Am I the only one that thinks that 'Relic' is an ugly color?



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  1. 1. Color: Relic?

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Hate it! Well, I'm sure someone out there loves it, so I'm glad stone pets are an option again, and they are a LOT better looking than the stone pets of yore. But ehhhh, having a gargoyle, motionless pet is not for me.

Heh, I wonder if they'll ever bring back the unicorn color. ;)

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But ehhhh, having a gargoyle, motionless pet is not for me.

But aren't they all motionless? o_O


I chose the one where I don't care either way. I thought it looked pretty neat, but as someone else already said, they're pretty similar to Stone.


the Relic colour would have been greatly improved if they'd put a little more effort into it... like maybe if they added some moss in the cracks, or more visible signs of wear. Or they could have tried making the statues out of a different material than simple, (read: boring!) indiscriminate grey stone. What about marble? Or some nice alabaster or granite? Just sayin'.

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But aren't they all motionless? o_O


I chose the one where I don't care either way. I thought it looked pretty neat, but as someone else already said, they're pretty similar to Stone.


the Relic colour would have been greatly improved if they'd put a little more effort into it... like maybe if they added some moss in the cracks, or more visible signs of wear. Or they could have tried making the statues out of a different material than simple, (read: boring!) indiscriminate grey stone. What about marble? Or some nice alabaster or granite? Just sayin'.

HAH. Yeah, I guess they all are motionless. :P

I'm just going to blame that one on being sleepy. Or playing Neopets too long. Or just being a total ditz as usual.

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I loove it. Trying to zap a relic Hissi. *crosses fingers* I've seen quite a few great customizations with the color too.

Although, I think they could have done a lot more to it. Hopefully it will evolve, like a lot of the paint brushes have.


Plus the relic Moehog on Team Moltara is pretty freakin awesome :D


EDIT: I don't think the base is wearable/removable. It just appears like that on user lookups but not on the pet itself, similar to how ghosts only glow on user lookups. (Or so I've been told while trying to trade for a relic hissi)

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HAH. Yeah, I guess they all are motionless. :P

I'm just going to blame that one on being sleepy. Or playing Neopets too long. Or just being a total ditz as usual.

Hahaha, I know the feeling! It's when I start to say silly things that I know it's time for bed. Oh I also get clumsy. <_<


Annnnnnnyways *wanders back on-topic*


Yeah... I bet those relics never get tired ;;>.> *grasps at straws*

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I don't technically *love* the Relic pets, but I do like it. I think it's a good improvement over the Stone PB. And I think the base is actually pretty cool looking. I might not go out of my way to get one of my pets Relic, but a few of the released pets look very nice.

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But ehhhh, having a gargoyle, motionless pet is not for me.



But aren't they all motionless? o_O


LOL!! That was adorable banter :)




But anyway - back to watching the comments.



p.s. Does LOL count as a word?

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I think I like the idea of Relic pets, but the actual pets I've seen are very. . . bland.

Then again, I'm one of those people who love color so the idea of a colorless stone pet is not very appealing to me. ^^;


I'm the same way with color. That's why Rainbow is one of my favorite PBs. But they are more artfully done than the old Stone pets. But there could have been some additions to the Relic that would have improved it.

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I had just been wondering if there used to be stone pets, I could have sworn there was, but when I looked at the rainbow pool I couldn't find any!

I will admit they are more nicely done hat the one's I remembered. But if I'm going o go for a colorless pet I'd rather have a grey one as they have much more personality.

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I had just been wondering if there used to be stone pets, I could have sworn there was, but when I looked at the rainbow pool I couldn't find any!

I will admit they are more nicely done hat the one's I remembered. But if I'm going o go for a colorless pet I'd rather have a grey one as they have much more personality.


There used to be a Stone PB, but it was retired, and it no longer works. To find pictures of them, you'd have to go to a site that lists them.


(Same with the Glass PB)

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I think relic is a bit unoriginal (re: post above, yes very much like stone!)

in which case, I conclude that neopets may be out of good ideas!!!! o_O


I have suspicions that instead of being out of ideas, or copying old things, they made them better. They retired the Stone, to eventually make something better, which was Relic. Who knows... maybe they'll come out with an improvement of the Glass PB.

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Who knows... maybe they'll come out with an improvement of the Glass PB.


Maybe they have already replaced it: Ice? Jelly?


Since Neo is seemingly running out of ideas, they should ask users to come up with new colors. Neopians are some really creative people!

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Maybe they have already replaced it: Ice? Jelly?


Since Neo is seemingly running out of ideas, they should ask users to come up with new colors. Neopians are some really creative people!


I thought about mentioning that, but 1. I didn't know if Ice was available when Glass was. and 2. Glass was a paint brush. Ice is a lab only. So it's not really a good replacement. I have no idea.

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Maybe they have already replaced it: Ice? Jelly?


Since Neo is seemingly running out of ideas, they should ask users to come up with new colors. Neopians are some really creative people!


They already ran a make-your-own color contest, but they got a lot of bad submitions, like the Scotsman plaid color that one paint brush made.

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I have suspicions that instead of being out of ideas, or copying old things, they made them better. They retired the Stone, to eventually make something better, which was Relic. Who knows... maybe they'll come out with an improvement of the Glass PB.

This makes sense! Maybe to replace glass they could make a crystal colour! Or diamond! And they could make lovely facets and angles and oh it would just be lovely... :wub_anim:


The only downside would probably be an upsurge in the amount of pets that have the word "bling" in the name.

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This makes sense! Maybe to replace glass they could make a crystal colour! Or diamond! And they could make lovely facets and angles and oh it would just be lovely... :wub_anim:


The only downside would probably be an upsurge in the amount of pets that have the word "bling" in the name.


Now that is a completely awesome idea. I'd love to have a crystal pet. (Did you hear that TNT???)

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