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What would you do if you had infinite NP?

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I apologize if this is in the wrong section. I wasn’t sure where to put this topic.


I was thinking about how many neopoints some users have and how many I have. I was also thinking about if I had infinite NP, yes I know that is impossible, what would I do with it? I would probably use it to randomly give out items to random people. I would do this because sometimes I see that people really want an item and can’t afford it but I can and I want to get it for them. So If I had infinite NP I would give out items to people.


What would you do if you had infinite NP and no one else did?

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I would buy every battle item that does a lot of icons, especially the Darigan Sword :evil: (I dunno the full name?). I would also buy all of the super attack peas and other avatar items and make them available for lending only through TDN :P

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I would get my dream pets, to start off. (Including a Draik of course.) Then I would buy the required PBs/MPs for my husband's dream pets. Then I would work on avatars. And I would get Prankster and Divya Draiks. :yes:

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I would complete my galer and make it size 1000, then I would finish al my fream pets complete with the clothes of every pb you can get ad decide what I want them wearing and what color. Oh yeah, and every item in the hidden tower plus an MSPP or two would be great to have. After that i'd make dream pets for people and donate 1mil np to the money tree every hour on the hour.


Oh yeah, and i'd make my friend make a side account, then get him 4 different types of Draiks cause he's been trying to get one for 2 years now.

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At first it would be nice. Buy all the clothes possible for my pets. Maybe paint my pets and trade pets to get some nice UC ones. Then I think I'd end up just being a jerk and screw up the economy as much as possible and leave.//mean

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I think the making-dreamies-for-other-users idea is sweet. :wub_anim: That's what I'd do.


That, and buy ALL the ridiculously rare items (Bone Grarrl Club, Snorkle Snout, etc) and sell/trade them for cheap :laughingsmiley: just for kicks.

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I would probably get bored of Neo and quit. Without the relentless pursuit of NP, what's the point? :D

Agreed. But I would probably cause a bit o' Robin Hood-esque mayhem first. (Giving away Krawks and Draik eggs, giving nice, random people expensive paintbrushes or Hidden Tower items.)

It'd be REALLY fun at first, of course, but there's only so much enjoyment you can get from being able to have anything you want.

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I would buy all the avatars that there possible was. I love avies!! :D

Let's see... I would buy so many codestones, and rise my pets levels.

Then I would buy tons of weapons, and pwn everyone in the battledome.

Then I would buy all the items in neopets, and increase the price, making me more neopoints.

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I'd make a TDN topic asking what people would do if they had infinite NPs. :D


Seriously, I wouldn't know. Probably donate a few billion to the ALP?

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Well, I'd probably buy all the stamps, books and plushies that I could. Then I'd buy a ton of accessories and clothes and paintbrushes and petpets/petpet paintrushes for my pets inc those on my side. Then I'd probably get bored, give it all away and wander off to play a different game...

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I would buy all the avatars that there possible was. I love avies!! :D

Let's see... I would buy so many codestones, and rise my pets levels.

Then I would buy tons of weapons, and pwn everyone in the battledome.

Then I would buy all the items in neopets, and increase the price, making me more neopoints.

But.... you would have unlimited NPs o_O so why would you need to make more? Buying everything just to sell it at an inflated price just for no reason is kind of a mean thing to do.


Imagine that whenever you logged into Neopets, your bank account balance was like 999,999,999 NPs (or whatever the limit is, if there's a limit). That's a lot of money! More than one could probably ever spend. So making more is kinda pointless, no?

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First I would get a BGC. After I get the avatar I'll lend it and turn Renfay into a Purple Kiko (I plan to do this anyway). After that, my last paintable dream pet is a Maraquan Usul, so I'l make one. Then I'd fill my stamp album, buy all the light items for my gallery, and start granting wishes. I'd much rather spend all my time buying things for people than making neopoints.

This is my general plan anyway, it's just going to take me a long time because I do not have unlimited neopoints. :P

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But.... you would have unlimited NPs o_O so why would you need to make more? Buying everything just to sell it at an inflated price just for no reason is kind of a mean thing to do.


Imagine that whenever you logged into Neopets, your bank account balance was like 999,999,999 NPs (or whatever the limit is, if there's a limit). That's a lot of money! More than one could probably ever spend. So making more is kinda pointless, no?


I know, but still. My shop would always be full, and then everyone would have to come buy stuff from me :D. Then people would know I was rich muaahah.

I don't really know tbh. Just a reason to spend it.

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Hmmm... I think I would have gone for a stamp album avatar, They are very cute and impossible to obtain! Infinite neopoints..that would kinda spoil the fun wouldn't it?

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Hmmm... I think I would have gone for a stamp album avatar, They are very cute and impossible to obtain! Infinite neopoints..that would kinda spoil the fun wouldn't it?


Stamp avatars. Good point. I'd forgotten about those. Those are really expensive to get. I hope I will get at least one of them someday. Infinite NP would definitely help with that.

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I know, but still. My shop would always be full, and then everyone would have to come buy stuff from me :D. Then people would know I was rich muaahah.

I don't really know tbh. Just a reason to spend it.

:laughingsmiley: hahaha fair enough.



Hmmm... I think I would have gone for a stamp album avatar, They are very cute and impossible to obtain! Infinite neopoints..that would kinda spoil the fun wouldn't it?

Oooh I forgot about those ones! Good idea.


And to be fair, it's not like infinite neopoints is something that will EVER happen, so we don't really need to be practical about it, and think sensible things like, well then what would the point be?! :whistle::laughingsmiley: let us dreaaaammmm lol.

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  • 2 months later...

I'd get all my dream pets and help my friends, buy mspp tcg cards, bony grarrl clubs and everything in the hidden tower. after that, i would want to

not have infinite nps anymore.


Tangent-etically, there should be an avatar for buying one of everything from the hidden tower


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If I had infinite neopoints I'd tart out by getting all my dreamies & permies, then I'd move on to avvies, then my gallery ^_^


Thats basically what everyone else would do. The only reason of staying on neo would be the endless quest for neopoints, so like all the other people said, it totally ruins the purpose. :sad01_anim:

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