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  • 1 month later...

decided to spin the wheel of extravagance and got 100,001. Im glad I didnt lose any neopoints...but o.O


just spinned extravagance for the first time, and got....... *drumroll*......... 5 intelligence points. Bleh :(


excitement: zap

knowledge: intelligence (are they trying to tell me something? 0_o )

Mediocrity: fireballs

misfortune: pant devil.






Excitement: 273 Np

Knowledge: Avatar (Shame I already have it, eh?)

Mediocrity: 2,000 Np


..and I decided to give the Wheel of Extravagance a go

Extravagance: 100,001 Np

  • 3 weeks later...

Today Monotony gave me the avatar (woot!), Mediocrity gave me a Gruslen (not that mediocre!), Excitement gave me 216np (not very exciting), Misfortune gave my pet Grumbles (grumble, grumble), and Knowledge gave me a tip for a game I don't play all that much (oh well). All in all, pretty good.


Another tip for a game I don't play from Knowledge... the other wheels were luckier though! 2,500np from Excitement, a Von Kougra Plushie from Misfortune, and a Tentacle Sprout from Mediocrity! Something went wrong when I did Monotony, so I still have that one to do.


I thought I'd share this gem:


Wheel of Excitement - ? only about 150 neopoints

Wheel of Knowledge - 3... free spins. -.-' I landed on the free spin section (which is right next to the avatar part!) 3 times before getting a large metal shield...


Mediocrity: 1000NP

Excitement: 2500NP

Misfortune: Usulbat Plushie

Knowledge: Congratulations from the Water Faerie

Extravagance: 50000NP (THIS CLOSE to a paintbrush)


Wheel of Knowledge - 3... free spins. -.-' I landed on the free spin section (which is right next to the avatar part!) 3 times before getting a large metal shield...


The other day I landed on that free spin two times, and the day before it was three times, just to end up with a game tip on both occasions. Today I landed on the free spin twice and got... another game tip. Knowledge has to be my least favourite wheel, it just mocks me.


The wheel of Excitement today said: Chin up. It's better than nothing! The Dark Faerie' cackles and waves her hands, but nothing happens. (So, not really better than nothing then.)


Mediocrity gave me 500np and Misfortune gave me 8np, but I usually feel luckier on those Wheels than any of the others. Still have Monotony to do but usually it gives me a Lottery Ticket or my Neopet loses half its hit points.


Mediocrity: 500NP

Excitement: 102NP from ? space

Misfortune: -20NP

Knowledge: Faerie Bubbles cheat

Extravagance: Nothing sigh


Excitement: 2500NP

Mediocrity: 200NP

Extravagance: bv_job_coupon2.gif


Oh yeah! :D Finally! I was hoping for a PB though. But this is still good. :)


Excitement: 2500

Mediocrity: fireballs

Knowledge: King hagan.. I don't even look at what it actually is xD

Extravagance: nothing


Excitement: 2,500np! :thumbsup:

Knowledge: What else but another tip... some days it spices it up by healing my pets, but I always expect a tip.

Misfortune: Sloth Faerie Plushie

Mediocrity: Minty Rock Ice Cream


Not done Monotony yet but I predict a lottery ticket, volcano, the beast, or my pet will lose half its hit points.

  • 2 weeks later...

the wheel of knowledge gave me this fruit : cone-shaped watermelon .. which is worth around 8k ! swweeet !!



  • 2 weeks later...

Here's today's results:


Wheel of Excitement: 5,000nps

Wheel of Mediocrity: Citrusquash Fruit


Excitment: 500NP

monontony: food

Knowledge: free spin and wisdom

Extravangace: Normal Platinum Nerkmid

Mediocrity: 500NP



April 30th:

Excitement: full healing

montony: loss of half hitpoints

knowledge: game hint I already knew

Extravagance: 10 movment points (ughh.. I once got 10 intelligence, wish it give me a USEFULL stat increase)

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