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Post your results from the wheels, any wheels. The free Wheel of Slime, the vicious Wheel of Misfortune, the costly Wheel of Knowledge, the mediocere Wheel of Mediocrity, the unexciting Wheel of Excitement, and the tedious Wheel of Monotony. So, what happened!?


Wheel of Slime: 375 NPs

Wheel of Mediocrity: 10 NPs


That's all I got so far today.


I keep trying to remember to play Excitement and Knowledge but keep forgetting (although I remember excitement more often, probably as it costs less and tends to give me more!)


I haven't got my wheel avatars yet, except for the misfortune one (thank got my pet kept getting sick).. But once I got a Tyrranian paintbrush from the Monotony wheel! Good days...


I got roared at by a Grarrl, "something mysterious happened to your pets", my pet went down in intelligence, and 275np. Overall not a very good morning on the wheels for me...


I won a Dung Arm Chair at Mediocrity, and then the pant devil stole it at Excitement. :laughingsmiley:


I got 325 NP at Slime.


I'm too busy to wait for Monotony today.


I got my customary crappy prize from the Wheel of "Excitement": The question mark, in which I usually receive less than 50 np for my trouble. Today I think it was 37.


I don't really spin the other wheels. *shrugs* I'm no fun.


Excitement: 66 NP

Mediocrity: 200 NP

Knowledge: Wisdom

Slime: 325 NP


Nothing too great. Usually the Wheel of Excitement is nicer to me. But it's been rather stingy the last week or two.


Wow, I usually almost ALWAYS get that stupid question mark spot on the Wheel of Excitement, however, guess what I got today! It landed on the "Magic" spot, and...


Congratulations!!! - You win a Orange Koi Morphing Potion!


OMG OMG OMG. Best thing I've ever won from a wheel, I think.

Now, the question: do I save it, or sell it? Anyone want an orange Koi? :laughingsmiley:


Mediocrity: 10NPs


Slime: 200NPs


Knowledge: Question Mark. Gave me the same tip about Sutek's Tomb. ARGH


Monotony: we'll see.


Nothing too great. Usually the Wheel of Excitement is nicer to me. But it's been rather stingy the last week or two.


The Wheel of Excitement is always harsh on me.


Excitement: 54 NP

Mediocrity: 50 NP

Knowledge: Wisdom

Slime: 600 NP

Monotony : Bri Codestone


Roughly the same as yesterday.


Excitement: 71 NP

Mediocrity: 50 NP

Slime: 275 NP

Knowledge: Free spin, Screlon


I hate the Wheel of Knowledge... I can't seem to get that stupid avatar. I have all the other wheel avvies.


EDIT: Just got 2000 NP from Excitement and a Hot Burnumup from Mediocrity.


Slime: 275 NPs

Mediocrity: 200 NPs

Excitement: Jar of Eyeballs

Misfortune: 80 NPs

Knowledge: "A king who fails to seek the council of his court can only be seen as a fool."

Monotony: I'm too stressed of time to do this.


Not too bad today, but the Wheel of Knowledge was pointless, as usual.


Slime: 325 NP

Excitement: 67 NP

Knowledge: A book titled Modern Spells

Mediocrity: 50 NP


EDIT: Won a Pterattack poster from the wheel of Monotony. Wohoo.


The Wheel of Knowledge: I landed on the dreaded question mark, and was told by an Ixi to type "kougra" while playing some game to skip a level... <_< On the Wheel of Mediocrity, I won 200 NPs, and on the Wheel of Excitement, my prize was Jhudora waving her arms around like a mad woman...

my prize was Jhudora waving her arms around like a mad woman...


LOL that doesn't sound like much of a prize to me... oh that crazy old witch. Hilarious :rolleyes_anim::laughingsmiley:


Knowledge: "A hasty decision is a decision to fail."

Excitement: 1,000 NP, yay!

Mediocrity: 100 NP

Slime: 2,000 NP! Today's my lucky day :D

Monotony: Lottery ticket. Fingers crossed!


Slime: 400 NPs

Mediocrity: A Pterodactyl swoops down and bites erogon_a52.

Excitement: 39 NPs (this thing hates me)

Misfortune: Ichie Scrachies (DANG IT!)

Knowledge: Your Neopet has been healed.

Monotony: I'll get back to you on that one, once it stops spinning...




Slime : 275 NP

Excitement: 54 NP

Mediocrity: 200 NP

Knowledge: Large Patterned Arched Window

Monotony : Wheel Of Monotony Mug


At least the window was worth nearly 900 NP.


Yesteday I got a Scroll of Greater Healing from the Wheel of Knowledge which I've sold for 49k



Excitement: Pant Devil

Mediocrity: Fireballs, but my fire pet isn't effected

Knowledge: A stupid hint

Slime: 125np


Not a good day on the wheels.


Excitement: 51 NPs

Mediocrity: 10 NPs

Slime: 175 NPs

Knowledge: Your neopet has been healed!

Monotony: You got a Faerie blessing which increased one of your skill levels! Cool. Heal increased from level 2 to level 3.


EDIT: For fear of being labeled a double-poster, I'll edit today's results into yesterday's post... I know it's Saturday, but jeeze, am I the only one spinning wheels today?


Excitement: 200 NPs, 47 NPs

Mediocrity: I got a strange desire to visit the obelisk.

Monotony: Raptraphant leg.

Slime: 1000 NPs

Knowledge: The Frumball tip. ARGH

Fruit Machine: 250 NPs and a ptolymelon.


The Fruit Machine counts as a wheel, right? The button DOES say "Spin the Wheel!!!" so I'm sticking with that :P


Mediocrity: A Pterodactyl swoops down and bites erogon_a52.

Excitement: THE SKULL!!! - erogon_a52 starts to feel slightly feverish... maybe they have come down with a disease... :(

Misfortune: Von Koruga Plushie

Knowledge: Free Spin and then Furanga Fruit

Slime: 225 NPs


This was ridiculously bad...


Slime: 100 NP

Excitement: 100 NP

Mediocrity: 50 NP

Knowledge: Game hint

Monotony: Half hit points


A sad amount of NP today.


Excitement: You win 200 Neopoints!!

Mediocrity: Fireballs rain down from above and singe your Neopets :(

Knowledge: You win a free spin. Commendably done! and then You won an Advanced Poetry!

Slime: 325 NP


I'm too impatient for the Wheel of Monotony at the moment <_<


Slime: 175 NPs

Monotony: The Wheel of Monotony Avatar (don't care)

Mediocrity: 20 NPs

Exitement: A Golden Light surrounds your pets... they are completely healed!

Knowledge: Did you know... "Type "kougra" while playing Frumball to skip the level, although your points will get reset."

Misfortune: My half coconut shell turned into sludge.


Today was bad. I think I'm going to stop spinning the Wheel of Knowledge. Too pricey.

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