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Frozen for what?


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Recently, I multi - trained four trophies. 3 on one account and one on another. None of them were reviewed. However legitly, across all 3 of my accounts, I got scores in which were under review in a certain game. These scores were perfectly legit without using any multi trainer or score sender. Were they able to detect that I cheated in other games when they reviewed? And why did all 3 of my accounts get banned if I only cheated on 2 out of the 3?


Also, I created a new account in which I don't plan on score sending or multi - training at all on, if I get anymore reviewed scores, will I get banned?

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First of all, you are only allowed to use one account (Main account) to earn NPs and game trophies. Secondly, you are not allowed to cheat by the terms & conditions. Freezing your accounts was a legitimate action.

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As Xepha said, you are only allowed to play games on one account, so it makes sense that they froze all of your accounts. TNT will freeze all of someone's accounts for some offences. And, yes, you can make a new account. TNT won't freeze it unless you break the rules.

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If you cheat, you're account will get banned. All of them.


If you don't cheat, you don't have to worry about being banned. So don't cheat and you will be able to make a new account without a problem. Just use a different email.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, you shouldn't have cheated at all :/ And it's against Neopet's rules to play games on anything but your main account. TNT will freeze all of the accounts associated with an IP address if they suspect seriously foul play. Actually play the game next time and don't cheat! You'll have more fun (:



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