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neopets firefox glitch?


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so i come home and log in and for some reason the top "bar" where you can access the portal, your shop, NP Neocash etc.. is gone? I cant scroll up to find it, its like it doesnt exist I have the latest version of firefox..anyone else having issues?

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Maybe it is disabled. That happened to me a couple of times. Just right click on the bar and choose Neopets Toolbar or something and then enable and is SHOULD work. Good luck!

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The top bar? With all the links? Yeah, that issue started just a bit ago. It has to do with AdBlock. I can't give you exacts since I don't use FF, but from looking at the boards, I give you these instructions:


1) disable both neopets.com#div(id^=ban) and neopets.com###ban. You should have something equal or similar to that.


2) This should leave a big header with a black advertisement bar in the middle. Right click it, and do Adblock image. Set it to Custom, NOT neopets.com/images/* or it will block your images.


This stuff should be under Tools -> Adblock Plus Preferences.


Hope this helps.

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Well, it's different depending on your settings. And I belive what I just posted allows you to keep adblock on but still have full acess to all the links and such in the header.

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Obviously TnT is getting wise to adblockers. Therefore, any kind of "fix" regarding the use of AdBlock isn't going to work. It might work at first, but then it messes up again.


I have the solution: Use the Stylish addon for FF. You simply use CSS to hide the ad divs. As a bonus, I will give you my personal CSS that I use for Neopets.com: Simply copy and paste into a new style for Stylish, and name it "Neopets" or whatever you want.


@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("www.neopets.com") {
.adBox sf{visibility:hidden;}


Stylish also comes in handy for playing NQ - you can hide everything on the page to make it load faster!


As for IE users, I don't know what to tell you, except get a better browser. Bahaha :laughingsmiley:

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Sorry to not be that educated on how to do this .. but I did get the stylish add on for FF ... can't figure out how or where to add the CSS ??? help please ♥



Okay, I think I did it .. I found where it says to add new style sheet ... I put it there, named it neopets, copied exactly what you have above, clicked write it, then went back and clicked to enable it.


Should that do it??

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Sorry to not be that educated on how to do this .. but I did get the stylish add on for FF ... can't figure out how or where to add the CSS ??? help please ♥



Okay, I think I did it .. I found where it says to add new style sheet ... I put it there, named it neopets, copied exactly what you have above, clicked write it, then went back and clicked to enable it.


Should that do it??


Don't worry, I'm not RUDE AND SNIVELING like *some* people on the Neoboards who are quick to viciously poke fun at people who...gasp!...don't know something!


It sounds like you are fine - it's pretty simple to use. After installing the addon, a "S" icon comes up in your bottom right corner. Click it, and choose "Write New Style." Copy and paste my codes into the box and name it "Neopets" or whatever you wish, then hit "Save" and you should be good to go!


Note: Also works on Facebook and any other site you can think of ;) If you ever need help with the CSS just let me know. I am happy to help :)

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I've got the same issue on my computer - I just assumed that it would go away once I shut the comp down which I haven't done yet. I've been using the game send score pages to work out what neopoints I have as I can't see the top...


And Anime - I am a complete and utter loser when it comes to computers (my boyfriend had to put adblocker on for me!) So ummm...how do I actually do what you are suggesting will work. Preferably in moron computer speak because it is actually the only thing that I will understand. (And I PROMISE I am not being sarcastic, I am truly this useless with computers and completely lost with what to do!). It is for this reason that I have no way of even comprehending what Cornflakes is suggesting, but your way does sound simpler...


EDIT: Saved by my boyfriend! He's come downstairs and can help me!

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Sorry, I thought that if I put really detailed instructions, that people would be like "What do you think we are, idiots?! OF COURSE we know how to do this!"


Haha, I can't ever make people happy! :(


Like I said, I'm happy to help with anything computer, HTML, CSS-related...just send a PM :)

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Sorry, I thought that if I put really detailed instructions, that people would be like "What do you think we are, idiots?! OF COURSE we know how to do this!"


Haha, I can't ever make people happy! :(


Like I said, I'm happy to help with anything computer, HTML, CSS-related...just send a PM :)


Really, don't get upset on my account! I am actually an idiot as soon as it comes to computers and if I see strange words or phrases that belong to the computer world then my brain freezes! I didn't mean to get at you in any way, shape or form...I rely on my boyfriend and brother to do the computer stuff as it baffles me! But you didn't make me unhappy or peeved or anything, I am fully aware that I am just useless with computers! Don't worry.

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Really, don't get upset on my account! I am actually an idiot as soon as it comes to computers and if I see strange words or phrases that belong to the computer world then my brain freezes! I didn't mean to get at you in any way, shape or form...I rely on my boyfriend and brother to do the computer stuff as it baffles me! But you didn't make me unhappy or peeved or anything, I am fully aware that I am just useless with computers! Don't worry.


Haha, I'm not upset :P I just get all sad when I feel like I'm not helping people. It's probably an ego thing.



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None of the two solutions posted above have helped my problem so far..... The stylish thing does not seem to work, neither does the Adblock one. Helpy?

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None of the two solutions posted above have helped my problem so far..... The stylish thing does not seem to work, neither does the Adblock one. Helpy?


I have seen some people disable their AdBlock just on Neopets only and apply the Stylish as well. See if that helps.

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Got one that worked from the Neoboards.


If you're using FF, install the Stylish addon. Restart your firefox. Then you should see an S at the bottom right corner. Right click, and choose write new style, empty style (or something). Then add this code:


@-moz-document domain("neopets.com") {

#main {

margin-top: 0px !important;


#ad-slug-wrapper {

display: none;




Not gonna disable my adblock, ever ;)

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Got one that worked from the Neoboards.




Not gonna disable my adblock, ever ;)



Well then, I'm now 0 for 2. Anyone else want to come in here and let me not help them? I'm great at helping very little. :D

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Oh thanks, you helped me so much! You are awesome! What a genius! :D :D


But really, cheers :P I was panicing when I first saw this lol - I clear my cookies each night so I couldn't even log in

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Two questions ... I added the stylish add on, and when I click on tools, add ons, it shows to be enabled ... but I do NOT have the S in the bottom corner (which was one reason I couldn't figure out where to go to add the CSS)


I know it says it will only show up on pages that you have specified ... but I copied your CSS and pasted it exactly .. and it is not showing up when I am on neo ...... so ..... I guess that means it is not working there?


Second question is this, I'm not having a problem with the navigation bar or ads, seems my ad blocker was working fine for all of that. BUT, whatever they did yesterday has made all of my lookups off center, most are off to the right and some are moved up so the top is cut off. And my gallery has moved up so the top is cut off.


Pet descriptions, pet pages and guild layout all seem to be fine.


So, do you know what TNT did to make that happen ... and is there some fix I should use, or is simply going in and changing the top or adding padding to the top going to fix it?


(actually going to try those last two now)


Thanks !!


UPDATE : Changed the top position and also tried adding padding to the top for my gallery ... NEITHER HAD ANY EFFECT AT ALL ... so what new coding must we add now to make pages appear correctly?


*Frustrated with the frequent TNT changes, driving coders NUTS* !!



ANOTHER UPDATE: added this to the pages that needed fixed, worked well .....


#ban {display:none;}

#main {margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px;}


(of coarse you will need to adjust the margin # to whatever suits your particular page)

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