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I would rather die ... living without hands and legs ... ouch! Very painful.


And yeah, you sure are a :graduated:. Keep up the good work. :yes:


Would you rather have a dangerous virus in your PC or totally Format all of your drives?

I know, computer question, I am so geeky. :laughingsmiley:

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Since I don't know what option b is, I'll go with it.*gulp*

Would you rather get banned for something you did or something you didn't do?

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:


I would rather get banned for something I did. At least, I would feel guilty ... and my account won't be a waste. But I am not going to do something like that, so, no worries!


Would you rather miss your breakfast or have a very few amount of food at lunch?


Miss breakfast... been there.. done that

Would you rather be sentenced to not play Neopets any more or be banned from TheDailyNeopets?


Not play neopets....I work here.


Wait for someone else to post please. Saying neither defeats the whole purpose of this game.


Would you rather never feel pain again or feel it all the time?


Ninja!!!!! Ninjas get to wear all black, sneak around quietly, and undoubtedly smell better than pirates!


Would you rather...eat a worm or a beetle?


Beetle. It's more common as food than worms are.


Would you rather fall in love with someone you could never know in real life, or have to have the person you hate most in the world as your room-mate?


Fall in love with someone I could never know in real life. If the person I hated the most was my roommate, I might take regretable action...


Would you rather have no tastebuds, or no nose?


Nose. You can't choose to not to smell bad things. xD


Would you rather sleep for 100 years and come out completely unchanged, or die right now?


Sleep 100 years, it'd be sad at first, but I'd rather live while I still have the chance...I have eternity to be dead, only one chance to live.


Would you rather be deaf or mute?


sleep for 100 years and come out completely unchanged

would you rather have to spend a day in an stuck elevator with an annoying person that won't be fixed for 5 days or trapped in a dark room with a sumo wrestler who's angry with you


Dark room. I'm going on the chance he won't be able to see me. ;)


Would you rather lose all your RL freinds or TDN ones?


I'd rather lose my TDN friends. My real friends mean a lot to me, and we're trying to write some music together, we don't need some stupid band breakup.


Would you rather forget everyone you've ever met or never meet another person again?


Never meet anyone else, I could never give up my TDN freinds! :O


nd how about this then, would you rather have your TDN freinds become your real life freinds and your RL ones become your TDN freinds, or would you like things to stay the same?


Um ... this one is quite difficult. :O


I would like it to stay the same. Sorry to all my TDN buddies, but I have known my real friends for more than 4 years. And I can't think of not seeing them. It's so painful. :( I love them more than anything.


Would you rather have a Maraquan Shoyru or a Darigan Kiko.

And remember, 'neither' or 'both' are not allowed.


Maraquan Shoyru, I hate Kikos... And Darigan ones ar5e sadly even uglier thanusual.


Would you rather... have your AC team kicked out for a year just so you can try another team and not feel guilty or have it stay the same?


Stay the same. I am Maraqua all the way. I am not changing my team, never. 0:)

P.S. We have a match with DC today. I am scared.


Would you rather get a small cycle that is super fast or a car that you are embarrassed to drive.

(epic question :laughingsmiley: )


Car. I could revamp it, and make it look awsome. :O


Would you rather only get to hang out with 1 person you find amazing for a week, or get to hang out with 2 people you only sorta know for a week. You get to pick who they are as long as it's within the guidelines.


A single person who I find awesome.

Hanging out with groups is fun. But a single best friend is equal to 50 people. :laughingsmiley:


Would you rather have your homework done by someone else and get caught by the teacher ... or get caught with an incomplete homework.


Incomplete work, atleast then my teacher will have a higher opinion of me and I can get away with more stuff in the future. ;)


Would you rather die via suicide or being murdered?


Suicide, all the way. I know, strange answer. But I have so many complains about my life ... :(


Would you rather have a mountain of cakes that you think tastes okay, or a little piece of your most favorite cake.


A huge mountain. I couldend world hunger! :O


And aw, you wanna talk about it? -Bribes with a cookie-


TPBM wants a cookie right now.




TPBM? :laughingsmiley: Ryan, this is the "Would You Rather...?" game. Same old Ryan we all love. :rolleyes_anim:

I want a cookie though! *snatches the cookie*


Okay, now.

Would you rather have a time machine for a limited use, or the ability to see future.


See the future, it would be so useful because I just have many things i'd like to know just end up working out, plus, before I say something stupid i'd like to see whoever i'm saying it to's reaction.


These games are all jumbling in my mind. e.o


Atleast i'm loved by we all. xD


Would you rather go skydiving with no parachute or go out in space without a suit?

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