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I Hate This

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8k doesn't sound too expensive. The cream did. Because I my Kyrii had it once. Check the shop wizard for both, see if they have lower prices.


EDIT: I see you did check the SW. Sorry then, I can't help you.

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My Skeith has blurred vision. I tried refreshing the Pharmacy, but it never seems to update. Goggles are 8k+ in SW.

My friend's Uni has reptillioritis and the cream is going for 98k+


Unfair, says us.


Just keep going to the healing springs... your pet will get healed eventually.


I don't buy remedies, but I always want to because I want it to go away ASAP... and then I see the price. o_O So, healing springs it is!

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My Scorchio just got the skull from wheel of enchantment and he seriously looks really creepy when he has a disease like he's high or something. I would put a picture up but neopets is down right now so maybe later. But it kind of disturbs me when I look at him but I'm not wasting the np on the cure so I'm waiting around for healing springs to cure too.

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One of my Shoyrus got a cricky neck earlier in a random event. I looked it up in the shop wiz. I can't remember exactly, but I think it was somewhere between 40-60k. The Healing Springs will be my best friend until he's healed. Of course, this will mean constantly changing my active because he is a shadow (which isn't entirely too expensive, but more than I want to risk spending again if I don't have to) and I don't want him to turn invisible like my oldest Shoyru did once.

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When my pets get sick I never buy the remedies as most of them are crazy expensive. I go to the healing springs every 30 minutes while I'm online and after a few times my pets are completely healed. I find this the best way to heal pets from diseases.

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I've got two pets ill atm annoyingly. FaithfulDarkness got sneezles from the quazibox thing (although I did get Meuka as a result of this!) and Ackorn has neomonia. I'm also using the Healing Springs!

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2.png he looks high, doesn't he? It seriously weirds me out.



He does kinda look high! :laughingsmiley:


That's kinda disturbing. I hate how sick pets look.

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I hate the way being sick makes them look - always sad. Does it have any other effects at all though?


I don't think so, aside from the fact that they can't fight in the Battledome until they are healed.

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