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Favorite Books?


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There's another good series I forgot to mention earlier. It's called Fingerprints. there's seven books but I can't remember the author's name. I think it's Melinda Metz but I'm not 100% sure.


The series is like one big book split into 7. You have to read them in order or else you won't get what's happening as the next book takes off right from the end of the previous.

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@mouse_angel I LOVED Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen, and I think Tamora Pierce is probably one of the better writers out there for a younger (?) YA audience. I don't know that some of her other work can appeal as much to older readers, but I love what she does with the lady knights. So powerful!


@hannahbee Brave New World is def. one of my favorites. Have you read any William Gibson? If you like Phillip K. Whatsit ( :D ), I would really recommend Gibson. He really invented the idea of cyberspace, in my opinion. Though I taught Neuromancer to a group of college freshmen, and they mostly hated it... That makes me sound so old!


Cormac McCarthy is also fab. I read The Road last year and dark as it was, it was one of my favorites in 2009. Though I'm not sure how I'll feel about the movie.


I've picked up Kristen Cashore's Graceling, I'm hoping I'll like that series. I've also got Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver, has anyone read that? Of course, these will all be a break after I read Emma for my book club :D

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I can't believe I forgot about Life of Pi. I read that one a couple years ago in English class. It was actually the first book in high school English courses that I actually enjoyed reading. I should borrow it from the library and read it again it was awesome!


Tamora Pierce is amazing with her lady knights. I'm 18 and I absolutely love her books they're supposed to be for readers in junior high and I find them empowering especially in the Protector of the Small Quartet (My favorite set). I could go on about her work but I won't.


I've seen the movies for the Davinci COde and Angels and Demons and I'm actually planning on reading the books one of these days when I get around to it. The movies were really good!

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@hannahbee Brave New World is def. one of my favorites. Have you read any William Gibson? If you like Phillip K. Whatsit ( :D ), I would really recommend Gibson.

I haven't actually, but I'll check him out :D thanks for the tip!

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I'm a pretty big fan of most books that I've read (except for those really annoying ones from language arts class) some of my favorites are The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Looking Glass Wars (note that most of these are series titles and not only one book each)

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I am an english major and I'm absolutely obsessed with literature. Science fiction is not my favorite genre but I will appreciate any piece of great writing!!


@ pedlimwen - Handmaid's tale is without doubt one of my favorite novels!! and I love that you read The Road as well. I was going to suggest reading The Road to hannahbee__xo because of her reading other Cormac McCarthy books.


I'm not sure if you all have read The Island of Dr. Moreau but it's amazing!!

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I like crime novels mostly.

I don't have a lot of time to read anything that isn't a textbook atm =[ so most of the time I hate "trying" books - I hate starting a book and finding its crap half way through. So I tend to stick to popular ones to be safe I guess.


I like Lee Child, Janet Evanovich, the Harry Potter series, Malorie Blackman, the Millennium series, Dan Brown

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My favorites are:


The World of Deltora Series (Got them from my school, though I'm prolly missing sevral books. :()

Inhertance Series (Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr (I just started reading Brisingr)

Magic Tree House Series (Must...find...more...books!)

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I don't know if I really even have a favorite series or author. xD I've read so many books, and my tastes have changed from sci-fi then to crime/mystery and now paranormal romance. :D Harry Potter would probably be the one series I can always call a favorite... I remember going to the midnight releases for the last couple books even!


Currently the authors I'm loving are:


Jenna Black (her Morgan Kingsley series)

Rachel Caine (both her Morgansville Vampire series and the Weather Warden series)

Kim Harrison (The Hallows series)

Barb & JC Hendee (the Noble Dead Saga)

Jeaniene Frost

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Picking a favorite book....impossible. It's like picking your favorite song, or finding two identical snowflakes, and other similes along those lines.


But I will chime in and say that I am quite fond of pre-90s Stephen King. I also love anything Beat (like Kerouac), Flannery O'Connor, Joyce Carol Oates, and tomes of the "true crime" genre.


Reading = :wub_anim:

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Do people really hate the last one? I thought it was a good end to the series though I must say the 3rd one is my favorite.


Don't talk about the ending LALALALALALALALALA *claps ears closed* (I haven't finnished the book)

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I kind of liked the Hunger Games books... although I felt that the two are so different. (The first was super good!)


But I like reading all kinds of books from mystery, to fantasty, to comedy, to fiction, to autobiographica, to "educational".


I'm currently re-reading the Sookie Stackhouse series... for the third time. :*



If you like a Twilight style of book, try Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.


I read one of the Sookie Stackhouse books a couple years ago. Oddly enough, I recently watched the first season of TrueBlood(finished it yesterday) It's not even similar to the book I read! It took me almost 8 episodes to realize I recognized that names. Although I did start in the middle of the books.

How do you feel about the show?



In other news, I love JD Salinger. Franny and Zooey is my favorite. If I'm really down though I read Twilight(As much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm up to 9 times now) or one of those dirty romance novels in the grocery store. I don't know why they cheer me up so much.


I also enjoy an author by the name of Chris Crutcher. He's all sports related, but his books are very dramatic and serious... kind of funny too.


And my Honors American Lit class has brought The Great Gatsby and Into the Wild to my attention. I LOVE THEM. We'll see how To Kill a Mockingbird goes.


I can't forget the ultimate, my all time favorite, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Love him. He pretty much rules my life.

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I really like Harry Potter.

I haven't tried 'A series of unfortunate events'. Is it worth my time?

I also like the 39 clues books. I don't think I'd like Twilight much. Just doesn't seem me.

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i liked the harry potter series, shopaholic series, twilight series and actually i liked princess diaries a lot in the past :laughingsmiley:

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i liked the harry potter series, shopaholic series, twilight series and actually i liked princess diaries a lot in the past :laughingsmiley:

Yeah, I used to like the Princess Diaries too, when I was pretty young.

Anyways, I still won't mind reading it again. :laughingsmiley:

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Yeah, I used to like the Princess Diaries too, when I was pretty young.

Anyways, I still won't mind reading it again. :laughingsmiley:


hahaha same here! i wouldn't mind reading it again too :P

And anyway i think that Meg Cabot's other books are pretty good too :)

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I read the mediator, and it was good too, if you ask me.

I haven't read Meg Cabot's other books. Are they any good?


i read quite a few others, such as Boy Meets Girl and Queen of Babble and i thought they were quite good :) you might like them too, so maybe you can try reading them next time! :D

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In my favourite books, nothing can top Harry Potter.

Besides that I love Stephen King's and Carlos Ruiz Zafon's books (Shadow of the wind, the angel's game)

And I have to admit that I like chicklit too, Jill Mansell, Sophie Kinsella etc.

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