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Mynci Beach Volleyball


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I'm stuck on it as well. I'll be doing fine, 5-1, and then lose 12-5. Ugghghhh it's horrible for my self-esteem :crying:


That "serve from where you start off" bit only seems to work 50% of the time. I hate ALL the power-ups. And my R/L arrow keys seem to lag like crazy, the movement is absolutely horrid. I really hope TNT decides to somehow make this game easier like it did for Carnival of Terror.

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I'm also really bad at this game but managed to get just over the score (300) between a combination of always serving from right by the post (tends to fall behind him), avoiding superspped and superjump, but trying to stay in supersize because that seems to make it easier. I think I had to get to the end of level 3 and I was swearing the entire time! It takes a lot of time and effort but if I can do it so can you!


EDIT: I probably need to atribute a large amount of luck to this as well!

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Ugh I FINALLY got it. Exactly 250 points in 2 rounds. I chalk it up to patience, concentration, luck. :graduated:


Also my opponent got super jump midway through the 2nd round, and that messed up his form big time, allowing me to hit it to the ground on his side while he was still up in the air.


Something I noticed that really p*ssed me off though was that he was able to move back and forth while in the air for a superjump, while my player could only go up or down while jumping. Argh. :grrr:


Best of luck to anyone still attempting to get the high score! Stick with it, you'll get it eventually! :rolleyes_anim:

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See, I could never get past the second round. So if I didn't obliterate my opponent in the first round ( meaning earning at least 150 points), I gave up and started over. Then I had to hope I could hold him off long enough to get enough points in the second round to get up to 250. It was frustrating, but I got it eventually. I guess I'd just say it takes A LOT of patience and persistence.

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I am terrible at this game! I really want to finish this final quest, but I can't get more than 115 points. Why did they make it so high? :crying: Any hints, tips, help?




You and me are alike. I hate this game, I got frustrated and punched the wall when I got 210. My only tips are to stay away from superjump and superspeed, as they make controls even worse than they already are.

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Something I noticed that really p*ssed me off though was that he was able to move back and forth while in the air for a superjump, while my player could only go up or down while jumping. Argh. :grrr:


I think that's because he's already heading in a direction before jumping. I've done the same thing in my games. :O


Actually I quite like Superjump. If you time correctly, which is very hard to do and not advised to those of you who already have difficulty, you can "spike" the ball.


*cough* pro *cough*

I think it'd be easier to just try to smash the opponent in the first round and hope for the best in the second. :D

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