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Typing Terror Avatar


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So I've been trying to get the Typing Terror avatar for ages... I'm a fairly good typist and beat the game just about every time a play (except for the times a robot randomly pops up and ends the game, haha) with a high accuracy and all 3 lives, still no high enough score for an avatar.


With the 8 submissions, I've been playing it even more, and I just scored 3576. :grrr:


For me, it's really frustrating being able to beat a game over and over again yet not be able to get the avatar.


Anyone else share in this frustration? Any tips beyond patience what is in the TDN guide?

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Yeah I'm with you.


Your High Scores

All Time: 3,390


Not as high as yours, but still decent enough to roar at the screen and wish it was a coule of points higher :P


I might just want to try for the avatar again, but the game glitches out on me all the time :sad02:

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I am not a very good typist. I fail so badly at this game! I can't make it past the fourth level most of the time, and I've never made it past the fifth level. It would really help if there was a word list, so that I could practice outside of the game. If anyone knows of a guide that lists all of the words, please let me know.


Seriously, I know your pain. There are a few avatars that I've been trying to get for a very long time that I just can't quite reach the avatar score. Keep trying, and just hope you get lots of the red and sparking robots.

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Yeah I'm with you.


Your High Scores

All Time: 3,390


Not as high as yours, but still decent enough to roar at the screen and wish it was a coule of points higher :P


I might just want to try for the avatar again, but the game glitches out on me all the time :sad02:


I usually score around 3100, so getting THAT close to 3600 was really frustrating for me!

I think anything above 3000 is worth roaring at the screen. :yes:



I am not a very good typist. I fail so badly at this game! I can't make it past the fourth level most of the time, and I've never made it past the fifth level. It would really help if there was a word list, so that I could practice outside of the game. If anyone knows of a guide that lists all of the words, please let me know.


Seriously, I know your pain. There are a few avatars that I've been trying to get for a very long time that I just can't quite reach the avatar score. Keep trying, and just hope you get lots of the red and sparking robots.


TDN has a word list here.


Oh and their guide is here.

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This is my absolute favorite game. I type at roughly 96wpm last I was tested for work. I enjoy it. When I first started playing this, I couldn't pass level 5. Now I pass all levels, often with 100% accuracy on all levels. I actually got the avatar to this one, before I knew there was one.


I believe this is luck and skill combined. I followed the guides, and didn't score higher than normal. But when I do it my way (just typing what pops up, though going for red or broken first if possible) I score much higher.

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I am not much of a good typist.


At first, I used to fail often. But after lots of practice, now, I usually score around 3000 to 3500 only.


Actually, this is not one of my favorite games.


I wish there was a avatar if we scored more that 3000.


That would have been so easy. :P

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I finally got the avatar for this a couple of weeks ago. I just happened to get a lot of the 100 pt. grundos every round. I am a very good typist, but if you just get the 5 pt. ones, you will never get the avatar. If you are going for the avatar and you haven't gotten any 100 pt ones by the third level, I would quit the game and start over until you get them.

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Ok this might be weird (prolly is) but I really like typing xD


Which means, this is actually one of the games on my favourites list. However, I don't have the avatar yet D: It's more chance than anything (like a lot of things on neopets) because you need to get those bonus robot things or else there's just no way to get that high of a score.



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Ahhh. This avatar is so frustrating...it constantly evades me. i want this one so badly. My highest score was...3,531. I just sat and stared at the screen for a little. Stunned. :grrr:

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Ok this might be weird (prolly is) but I really like typing xD


Which means, this is actually one of the games on my favourites list. However, I don't have the avatar yet D: It's more chance than anything (like a lot of things on neopets) because you need to get those bonus robot things or else there's just no way to get that high of a score.




This one is on my favorites list too! I like typing and can always beat the game to get 1000 NP. Just no avvie!!! :grrr:

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I kinda try to wait and see if I get any 100-point Grundos before starting to kill the rest. Sometimes you get lucky, but most of the time you're wasting time.


Yeah, you definitely need those bonus Grundo robot things or else there's just no way. And I'm not sure if this is a skill, but hey, I think I'm getting better at reading things backwards ;P


Anyway, just play consistently and with some luck, you should be able to get the avatar. <= applies to me too xD

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Right now, I'm just playing 8 times to get 8,000 Neopoints. Don't really care about the avatar since I'm not bothered to play more than 8 times a day lol. Gets frustrating.




Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Typing Terror' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Got a score of 3,660. After I got 2,560 by the end of level 5, I was so nervous 'cause you can get a max of 1,100 in the final level. Took my time and got 1,100 but was so scared it would fail to send score. I can stop playing this now!!

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