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Unreleased Caption #1100!

Jenny ^_^

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Oooh, the Caption Contest avvie will be available again!


I'm surprised at all the references to tax time they're making (the Random Contest deals with it, too). Isn't that an adult issue? :eh:

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My goodness I don't know why, but I just think that is like the saddest caption ever.

And it kind of makes me love Kacheek's, which Im usually not a huge fan of.


@idriya: We say it all the time, but I think it's hard to remember with all the cute little animals and kiddie games, that neopets was originally created for college students. So dealing with some adult issue is really them just being true to their original fan base.

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@idriya: We say it all the time, but I think it's hard to remember with all the cute little animals and kiddie games, that neopets was originally created for college students. So dealing with some adult issue is really them just being true to their original fan base.


Also with earning NP, like earning money in real life, there is always tax involved.

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I want the avatar too... Do you have more chances of getting in when you submit more than one entry?

I wanted to ask the same thing. Can we double post?


I mean, I am not that good at captions. But I have got some pretty cool ideas.

So, I was wondering, is it possible to post more than once?


Please reply, thanks.


Wow! The avvie.. I must get that avatar >.<

Yup, I want that Avvie too. :D

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