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Yeah, the gym badges aren't a requirement anymore, I noticed that as well. They've just placed the HMs to be obtained when you can use them.


But that also brings up a question, if you had a pokemon that could use fly before you had the HM, could you fly? If badges aren't a requirement, then technically you should be able to.

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I didn't know that. :| my roggenrola evolved. I have 3 badges and my current team is:


Sigilyph lvl 20

Panpour lvl 21

Boldore lvl 25

Servine lvl 25


trying to find the 4th gym xD anyone else at the part im at?


But that also brings up a question, if you had a pokemon that could use fly before you had the HM, could you fly? If badges aren't a requirement, then technically you should be able to.


True, but you can't fly to anywhere you haven't been ;)


The 4th gym is of the electric type. The leader has 2 Emolgas and 1 Zebstrika. It's in Nimbasa City next to the Ferris Wheel. If I'm not mistaken, you can walk directly right from the Pokemon Center exit and you should see it.


Just unlocked the surf move, so I decided to go back hunting. On the town map it actually shows Team Plasma secret lab (surely if its a secret, should be be viewable on the town map :P), yet nothing that special there.


Also managed to catch Cobalion, think I only had to use 3-4 dusks balls on it which is lucky.


I'm just going to go ahead and wait until I beat the pokemon league to get the fighting legendaries.


I'm busy training Audino and Cafagrigus in Victory Road right now. I'm hoping to beat the Pokemon League tonight.


Did you beat them? :D I'm going to try after lunch today :) We'll see how that goes. I probably need to level grind a little more before I challenge them. Can't decide if I want to add Cobalion to my party or not...using legends always feels like cheating xD


Wish my Spring Break would start already..I'm ready to be homework-stress FREE!


Man..I'm really enjoying my Black version x3 I'm on my way to the Victory Road and just leveling up my team a bit before I challenge the Elite Four xD


My Current Team:


Lvl. 52 Serperior


Lvl. 42 Jellicent (Fuchsia)


Lvl. 41 Unfezant (Birdy)


Lvl. 45 Krookodile (Rocko)


Lvl. 41 Mienfoo


Lvl. 41 Emolga


I love my team C:

Once I think of better names I'll rename them all xD


Did you beat them? :D I'm going to try after lunch today :) We'll see how that goes. I probably need to level grind a little more before I challenge them. Can't decide if I want to add Cobalion to my party or not...using legends always feels like cheating xD


Nope :( I would suggest going to the pokemon league with all of your pokemon at level 51 or higher.


Interesting fact: Instead of signing my name on my Trainer Card, I drew a pikachu. :P


Just beat it!! :D Woohoo!! :) Really pretty cutscenes and everything


haha nice trainer card!!! I should sign it but i don't have a stylus anymore :P


My guide recommends level 53. Of course, with a Remex (my Archeops) at 54 and Berin (my Emboar) at 60-something, it wasn't bad. I just caught Reshiram. Only had to use one Ultra Ball, it scared me a bit. But not as much as Zekrom did. That was freaky. o.o Also, a note: Listen to the music in N's castle, and explore all the rooms. There's some intresting bits of dialouge. Reshiram had his own battle music. x3


Yeah, we probably have the same guide. :P It recommends 53 but you'll survive with all 51s if you don't mind purchasing some revives and potions.


Well obviosuly, Prima has dibs on all the Pokemon guides... And it's a good idea to have a lot of healing items on hand anyways.


Well I saw 3 different Pokemon guides. Two of them are the same, one being limited edition hardback (like mine). I'm not sure about the third one though...maybe it was just a pokedex.


Just beat Ghetsis. We each had one pokemon left (Seismitoad, Samurott) and I used retaliate to take him down. Seems fitting. :)


Yeah, they're all by Prima. The Collector's Edition is the guide and Dex in one, and in the normal versions it's split so there's three.

The 4th gym is of the electric type. The leader has 2 Emolgas and 1 Zebstrika. It's in Nimbasa City next to the Ferris Wheel. If I'm not mistaken, you can walk directly right from the Pokemon Center exit and you should see it.


Thx for telling which pokemon the gym leader had, though i found the gym before i read your comment. now i know to start with boldore (named Cyrok)


How's everyone doing in Pokemon? I've had to take a break since I got to the postgame and realized i'm WAYYYYY underleveled hahaha

My brother, on the other hand, is on break this week, so he was able to finish his Unova Dex already, and is working on the National Dex :P


I.... um, sadly, picked my starter, and named it. :laughingsmiley: (Though I wanted a female one. :( But every time I got to that point, it ended up male.)


But we got a used DS Lite from Game Stop, so see what we think of it, but we don't think we want Lites, so we took it back. We're probably going to end up getting DSi's instead.


Female starters are the best!! :D My Snivy was female :)


The cool thing about playing Pokemon on a DSi is you can use the in-game video chat. On the DS Lite, it's just a voice chat. Me and my friends tried it out, and it's really sweet. Not too useful though, since you can't access other menu screens while you're using it :P


Awww! I'm so jealous! I picked Snivy, but I just keep getting male. <_< I might just keep restarting until I get female. The percentage that are male, are WAY more than female. :(


We originally thought we wanted the Lite, because it can do GBA games, and someone (who didn't know much, apparently) told us that was the main difference from the other two, other than the cameras. But we both already have a GBA, and the i and XLs have other features that would be great. So I'd probably go for the i (though I hate the colors) and he might go for a XL because he likes the size.


Ugh yeah. I never understood why they did that :sad01_anim: I like having female starters. Hope you get one soon!! *spreads luck*


Mm yeah. I went for the Lite because a. it played GBA games and my GBA SP was...beaten up. and b. it came in lime green


Also I didn't really see a point to getting a camera on a DS. I still don't :P The quality isn't good enough to justify the increased price, for me. Although the XL is pretty gorgeous, from what I've seen. And I'm looking forward to seeing how the 3DS works. :D


I'm in the post game, exploring various things. There IS a level jump, about 10 levels, but if you manage to power through with a lot of revives, it gets eaiser. I've got 4 Pokemon at or near level 70 now. Gonna redo the E4 to actually be Champ when I finish exploring the postgame areas.


The only other Pokemon game I've played so far, was Fire Red and I used Charmander as my starter. I wanted to name her Shar, after my best friend, but it was male. :( (But I still named him Shar.) I don't know why, but I just like females better. (I'm that way with Neopets too. Most of my pets are female. Only a couple, non-lab ones are male)


I like how the Lite and XLs are metallic, where as the I is matte. I'd get the light pink if I did a Lite, and probably the pink for the i as well. But I won't be happy about it! (I want a shimmery color, but the features and size are more important than colors.) I don't care about the cameras, but I guess theirs other features. I'll have to get them explained to me to see what I would be best getting. The XL just seems a bit too big.


Oh I hope it gets easier xD Right now my highest level is my Haxorus at level...54 I think :P


Aww, that's a cute name!! :D I tend to like to have an even mix of males and females, which is easier on Pokemon than it is on Neo, because Neo has so many pretty dresses!! :wub_anim:


My DS Lite is matte :) It's a mother's day edition or something from two years ago, and I love it :D

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