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So you recommend Sky Dungeon, over the others?


What are some of the basic differences between Sky, Time, and Darkness?

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They're set up the same way as the main games, pretty much. Time and Darkness were released at the same time, and are pretty much the same with with a few Pokemon exclusive to each. Sky has the same base storyline, but there are more possible Pokemon you can be, there's a chunk of storyline after the offical ended added, and there's extra missions that expand some other characters. Sky also got a bit of a mechanics update, as per usual with such things.


So yeah, if you're just getting one, go with Sky. I have all of them, but that's because I'm obsessed.


I'm so new to the whole Pokemon thing, that I'm fairly clueless to how anything works. I've only played FireRed and the MD Red so far.


I will definitely get Sky first, but I'll probably end up with all the others eventually as well.


@Spiritzie, just be warned that going to newer games will make one of the older GBA Pokemon games (Blue, Ruby etc.) appear worse...


Murf. I jumped the gun a bit. They are changing the names...




Tsujara will be Snivy (snake + ivy), Pokabu will be Tepig (tepid + pig, I don't get it either), and Mijumaru will be Oshawott (???? + otter).


Also, for the first time ever, the region is being renamed. Isshu will be known as Unova. What idiot decided that, why was there any need to rename the region.



Ok, Tsujara's I can live with. Kinda fits. Pokabu's is.... odd. But not completely horrible. Mijumaru's, however.... uh....


@Spiritzie, just be warned that going to newer games will make one of the older GBA Pokemon games (Blue, Ruby etc.) appear worse...


I know :) I don't mind. I don't want to stay on older games forever. I've only done it because I wanted to start at the beginning and my progress has been slow.


Murf. I jumped the gun a bit. They are changing the names...




Tsujara will be Snivy (snake + ivy), Pokabu will be Tepig (tepid + pig, I don't get it either), and Mijumaru will be Oshawott (???? + otter).


Also, for the first time ever, the region is being renamed. Isshu will be known as Unova. What idiot decided that, why was there any need to rename the region.



Ok, Tsujara's I can live with. Kinda fits. Pokabu's is.... odd. But not completely horrible. Mijumaru's, however.... uh....


Okay, those are silly. I agree with you completely. I like the original names better though. Especially with Pokabu and Mijumaru's.


Hey guys, I need help. I can't find the Strength HM in Pearl.

And in PLatinum, does anyone know where the move deleter is? I wanna tranfer all my good pokemon to my SoulSilver game but most of them know HM moves.

Oh btw, I just feel like sharing that I caught Raikou in SS today! 8D I was catching hoppips and ekans to trade to Platinum and it appeared near Azeala town. :D


Oh, btw, what's everyone's favorites from the new gen? Anyone picked out some pokemon they want on their team yet?

I know i'm def getting that turtle one as my water-type, and the Wargle for my flying type.


In DP, HM04 (Strength) is on the top floor of the Lost Tower (route 209, south of Solaceon Town). In Plat, the Move Deleter is in Canalave City, near the Pokemon Center.


I haven't had trouble with pronouncing the previous ones, but for some reason, my husband says all of them with some sort of accent. I don't know why. He does it for all of them, and he doesn't have an accent.


I never had problems with pronouncing them either, with only a few exceptions. I remeber I pronounced Arceus differently than how it is.




Tsujara will be Snivy (snake + ivy), Pokabu will be Tepig (tepid + pig, I don't get it either), and Mijumaru will be Oshawott (???? + otter).


Also, for the first time ever, the region is being renamed. Isshu will be known as Unova. What idiot decided that, why was there any need to rename the region.



Ok, Tsujara's I can live with. Kinda fits. Pokabu's is.... odd. But not completely horrible. Mijumaru's, however.... uh....


Looking at Snivy reminded me of Snively from the Sonic SatAM cartoon.


And Isshu is Unova!!! :(


I really miss the Japanese names, they sounded so much cooler. 


Unova isn't that bad of a name. It reminds me of Supernova, because Nova is in the region name. But there really wasn't a need to change the name.


Yeah, but a couple of whiny American's would complain about how it's hard to pronouce the names. Rather than listen to the whining, they decided to give them names that aren't so hard to pronounce.


Murf. I jumped the gun a bit. They are changing the names...

Tsujara will be Snivy (snake + ivy), Pokabu will be Tepig (tepid + pig, I don't get it either), and Mijumaru will be Oshawott (???? + otter).Also, for the first time ever, the region is being renamed. Isshu will be known as Unova. What idiot decided that, why was there any need to rename the region.


Snivy, sounds like a sounds you make when you have a stuffy nose, Tepig, what is that? and Oshawatt?????? Feel sorry for the VAs and anybody that has to put up with seeing that through the whole game. Good thing for name changers in Pokemon Games


.Oh btw, I just feel like sharing that I caught Raikou in SS today! 8D I was catching hoppips and ekans to trade to Platinum and it appeared near Azeala town. :D

Congrats! btw, is it normal that when I saw SS, I thought you were implying yourself :P SS aka Ryan!


I never had problems with pronouncing them either, with only a few exceptions. I remeber I pronounced Arceus differently than how it is.Looking at Snivy reminded me of Snively from the Sonic SatAM cartoon.Unova isn't that bad of a name. It reminds me of Supernova, because Nova is in the region name. But there really wasn't a need to change the name.Yeah, but a couple of whiny American's would complain about how it's hard to pronouce the names. Rather than listen to the whining, they decided to give them names that aren't so hard to pronounce.

Names weren't meant to be changed. Supernova is?

And I agree with the last statement.


I never said anything like that. I said that Unova reminds me of Supernova, because of the ending.

I was thinking the same thing. Unova is a very cool name. Which Pokemon is Unova?


I was thinking the same thing. Unova is a very cool name. Which Pokemon is Unova?


It isn't. They're changing the region name to Unova.


I hope the water-type's final stage name is cooler cause I really like what the the final stage looks like on that one.


Tepig sounds bad. D:

It sounds like you're saying Thepig.


I DO like Snivy though. It fits.


Edit: What level does Riolu evolve at? Got mine to level 40 currently.


SS, try using a Rare Candy to evolve your Riolu but make sure it's during the day. Also, it has to have full happiness - two large hearts.


Hey, has anyone seen what the Pokemon B/W trainers look like?









Yeah all that was out ages ago. Not posted on here, it was eaiser to direct people to Serebii.


I don't like rare candies. I'd prefer to train him.


And really? It has to do with how much he likes his owner?


And I like the new trainers. -nodnod-


Hey, another question, Weepinbell evolves with a leaf stone, right?


And one more thing, I iz proud to say that I have finally transferred over all 49 good pokemon from Platinum to SoulSilver. Now I can restart that game. -nodnod-


Yes, Riolu is a happiness evolution, and must level up in the day time once it has max happiness.


Yes, Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel with a Leaf Stone.


Thanks, that's gonna help alot. -nodnod- :)

This whole time I was thinking just one more level until they evolved... xD


Hm, they don't sell them at the department store... Where do I get a leafstone in SS?


Evo stones haven't been sold in the Department Store since 1st gen. Leaf Stones in HGSS... let me see... There's one on the ground in Virian Forest.... if you go to Bill's house you'll meet his grandfather, who'll request to see various Pokemon, and give you an evo stone once he sees it. One of them is an Oddish, for which he'll give you the Leaf Stone... It's possible to win one if you come in first in the Bug Catching Contest... One of the trainers on Route 34 may give you one if you register them in your Pokegear and they call you.... and you can buy them in the Pokeathlon Dome for 2500 dome points on.. Saturdays, and Thursdays after you get the National Dex.

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