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I released a lot of mudkips and I finally got a good one. Now for Roselia and Riolu. First off, getting a roselia to breed in the first place.

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The last gym in Kanto? The last gym in kanto is Blue, so it can't be a "her".


If you mean Johto, then she wants you to surf across the lake behind her gym and talk to the dragon masters.

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Memes don't need to make sense. I think this one came about becuase Mudkip has the most meme-able face. I've always prefered Torchic myself, the fire-fighting type combo of it's evos fits my battle style.

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Another thing, getting a mudkip/treecko/torchic is at the end of the game, after you beat Red atop Mt. Silver. His pokemon range from about 83-88 in level. Once you've done that you have to go talk to Steve in Silph Co.


Swampert gets a lot of credit for being electric proof, but quagsire should be getting it actually. Although, Quagsire's stats are horrible compared to Swampert.


But I think you might be confused. "I liek mudkips" has nothing to do with mudkips. I can't go any further with that on this forum.


@anime I don't know whether I have a "style" but I don't like using Blaziken or Infernape. I think we need fire/steel in a form outside of heatran :D

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I make a point to not look into such things... better for my overall sanity.


Annnyways... Everyone's gotten their Enigma Stone, correct?


My style is mainly "hit them before they hit me", to put it literally... in toher words, speed + attack, hope they don't ahve a type advantage.

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My style is mainly "hit them before they hit me", to put it literally... in toher words, speed + attack, hope they don't ahve a type advantage.


I follow this as well. I follow this for all my games. I think that there's no point to having defense if you can't fight back.

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I like to refrain from having a whole team like that. I need to throw in at least one "tank" or something with nice defense, like an armaldo.


Shuckle fits into any team, and has the potential to be the most powerful pokemon ever. I used one in the battle factory that could take out ANYTHING with gyroball because of the brute force.

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Yeah, I mean what about sharpedo, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, Weavile, Lucario, Magnezone, Scizor, Toxicroak, Drapion, Yanmega, or Vespiquen? D:


Note that those are all either bug, dark, steel, or poison :P

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I like to ahve something that at least counters my starter's type weaknesses in reserve. Given my liking for fire types, it's usually an electric type or a flying type, sometimes grass, though I've never really liked using grass types in battle.

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Grass pokemon are usually only used in teams made to counter Swampert. Though if you like battling in the UU tier you see them often just because they're so abundant there. They're also good at filling the Annoyer role, since grass types always have plenty of status moves and indirect damage moves.


I have a Swampert in the team I'm building. Just found out he has horrible IVs, but I really don't want to start over with another Mudkip. :(

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Grass pokemon are usually only used in teams made to counter Swampert. Though if you like battling in the UU tier you see them often just because they're so abundant there. They're also good at filling the Annoyer role, since grass types always have plenty of status moves and indirect damage moves.


I have a Swampert in the team I'm building. Just found out he has horrible IVs, but I really don't want to start over with another Mudkip. :(


Yay for Smogon!!!!


Breeding until you get good IVs is a pain T-T


Roserade should be at least in Borderline, if not OU. Come on, it has some epic stats.

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I'm about to train a level 1 roserade I just made, timid. Currently knows Mega Drain, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball, and Magical Leaf. I just realized that Sunny Day, Weather Ball, Solarbeam, and Sludge Bomb might actually be an epic set :O

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That would be an epic set. You should do it.


But then again, Sunny Day could just fuel my opponent's fire. Plus a fire move would take care of bug (which isn't super effective) and grass (which sludge bomb is effective against).


I might teach it rain dance and choose a different grass move. With rain dance, I could take care of fire, rock, and ground. I still have tons of time to decide on this though.


Point is, until I read this thread, i was probably going to delete weather ball. Thanks for showing me the light guys. XD :woot:

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Your welcome.

For the record, mine has Weatherball, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, and Energy Ball.


I see :O Roserade the weatherman :P I'd rather keep sludge bomb though, because I taught it already with a TM. XD

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Urgh, *is having game issues* I'm using R4, serves me right. I only got it because we're poor (not really but I'd rather use my money to help the fam right now than buy a game :P) :laughingsmiley: Nothing's fixing it, I need it to work so I can start playing!  jealous.gif

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