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If you had to choose (At LEAST, not most!) a pet of every species in ANY color...


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You can choose more than one color if you want. (I know I will!) And you have to post at LEAST one color in EVERY species. (You may NOT post Insivisble if it is the ONLY color you choose) :) Mine?


Acara: Halloween.

Aisha: Baby, Jelly, Snow, Sponge.

Blumaroo: Baby, Camouflage, Chocolate, Desert, HALLOWEEN!, Royal Boy, Sponge, Tyrannian.

Bori: Checkered, Chocolate (LOVE ITS FEET...mmmmm...), Electric, Faerie, Halloween, MUTANT! (I find it cute!).

Bruce: Darigan.

Buzz: Maraquan.

Chia: (Darn it, I hate this NeoPet. :() Magma.

Chomby: Darigan, Jelly, Royal Girl.

Cybunny: Jelly.

Draik: Camouflage, Darigan, Gold, Magma, TYRANNIAN!

Elephante: Baby, Tyrannian.

Eyrie: Baby, Checkered, DARIGAN!, Snow! (I have one already though!)

Flotsam: Darigan, Mutant.

Gelert (AKA best NeoPet ever.): Darigan, Halloween, M-A-R-A-Q-U-A-N!!!!(BEST NEOPET EVER.), Mutant, Tyrannian.

Gnorbu: Cloud.

Grarrl (AKA second best NeoPet.): Darigan, FAERIE! (Haaaaaalp, need Faerie Paint Brush!!!!!!), Halloween, MUTANT!(Bowser the Koopa King!), Pirate, Royal Boy.

Grundo: Darigan.

Hissi (AKA third best NeoPet): Desert, Faerie, Grey, Halloween, Ice, ISLAND!(HAAAAAAALP PLEASE! :(), Pirate, Rainbow, Robot.

Ixi: Darigan.

Jetsam ( I hate this thing too!): Snow.

JubJub (Gweh...): Cloud.

Kacheeck (Grrr...): Invisible (I like this one most.....), Royal Boy.

Kau: Jelly.

Kiko (GAR DARN IT.): Invisible (I still mostly prefer this one...), Magma.

Koi (Sigh..): Tyrannian.

Korbat: Mutant.

Kougra: Jelly.

Krawk: Maraquan, Tyrannian.

Kyrii: Fire.

Lenny: Darigan, Mutant.

Lupe: Darigan, Grey, Halloween, Jelly, MUTANT!(DO WANT TRANSMOGRIFICATION POTION.), Royal Girl, SPONGE!, Tyrannian.

Lutari: Rainbow.

Meerca (>_>): Maraquan.

Moehog (<_<): Maraquan.

Mynci (>_<): Mutant.

Nimmo (<_>): Halloween.

Ogrin (>=|): Magma.

Peophin: Magma, Mutant, Sponge, Tyrannian.

Poogle (SIGH): Tyrannian.

Pteri: Baby, Chocolate, Maraquan, Mutant!, Royal Boy.

Quiggle (:(): Baby.

Ruki: Mutant.

Scorchio: Darigan.

Shoyru: Magma.

Skeith: Maraquan.

Techo: Halloween, Robot.

Tonu: Jelly, Magma.

Tuskaninny: Camouflage.

Uni: Halloween, Jelly, Mutant.

Usul: Darigan!

Wocky (>:<): Royal Girl (Yeehaw!).

Xweetok: Magma! (Obviously achieved!)

Yurble: Fire, Royal Boy (DO WANT!)

Zafara: Darigan, Halloween.

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Acara: Plushie

Aisha: alien

Blumaroo: Orange

Bori: Christmas

Bruce: Ice (uc)

Buzz: Baby

Chia: Plum, Apple, pea, blueberry

Chomby: Halloween

Cybunny: Royalgirl, chocolate

Draik: Maraquan

Elephante: Plushie

Eyrie: Fire

Flotsam: Camouflage

Gelert: Spotted

Gnorbu: Chocolate

Grarrl: Maraquan

Grundo: Faerie

Hissi: Desert

Ixi: Darigan

Jetsam: Ghost

JubJub: Coconut

Kacheek: Pirate, plushie, royalboy.. gee kacheeks are cute :)

Kau: Christmas

Kiko: Clay

Koi: Rainbow

Korbat: Darigan

Kougra: Pirate

Krawk: Pirate

Kyrii: Island

Lenny: Mutant

Lupe: Spotted

Lutari: Island

Meerca: Pirate

Moehog: Darigan

Mynci: Halloween

Nimmo: Baby

Ogrin: Baby

Peophin: Royalgirl

Poogle: MSP

Pteri: Baby

Quiggle: Quigukiboy

Ruki: Desert

Scorchio: Royalboy

Shoyru: Maraquan

Skeith: Plushie

Techo: Robot

Tonu: Spotted

Tuskaninny: Spotted

Uni: White

Usul: Maraquan

Wocky: Jelly

Xweetok: Chocolate

Yurble: Robot

Zafara: Halloween

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Acara: Royalboy

Aisha: Chocolate

Blumaroo: Royalboy

Bori: Halloween

Bruce: Darigan

Buzz: Zombie

Chia: Chocolate

Chomby: Darigan

Cybunny: Halloween

Draik: Darigan

Elephante: Either of the Royals

Eyrie: Pirate

Flotsam: Darigan

Gelert: Halloween

Gnorbu: Chocolate

Grarrl: Royalboy

Grundo: Mallow

Hissi: Halloween

Ixi: Zombie

Jetsam: Tyrannian

Jubjub: Marquan

Kacheek: Royalgirl

Kau: Mutant

Kiko: Pirate

Koi: Darigan

Korbat: Mutant

Kougra: Tyrannian

Krawk: Darigan

Kyrii: Halloween

Lenny: Faerie

Lupe: Darigan

Lutari: Pirate

Meerca: Striped

Moehog: Shadow

Mynci: Either of the Royals

Nimmo: Halloween

Ogrin: Faerie (like mine ;))

Peophin: Darigan

Poogle: MSP

Pteri: Mutant

Quiggle: Quigukiboy

Ruki: Maraquan

Scorchio: Darigan

Shoyru: Either of the Royals

Skeith: Plushie

Techo: Darigan (like mine ;))

Tonu: Faerie

Tuskaninny: Camouflage

Uni: Royalboy

Usul: Usukiboy

Wocky: Darigan

Xweetok: Faerie

Yurble: Darigan

Zafara: Halloween

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Acara: Sponge

Aisha: Plushie

Blumaroo: Maraquan

Bori: Plushie

Bruce: Ice (UC)

Buzz: Strawberry. <_<

Chia: Chokato, Asparagus, Pea, Grape

Chomby: Halloween, Pirate, Robot

Cybunny: Desert

Draik: Plushie, Royalboy (UC)

Elephante: Royalgirl

Eyrie: Halloween

Flotsam: Halloween, Darigan, Zombie

Gelert: Spotted, Halloween, Royalboy

Gnorbu: Purple

Grarrl: Maraquan, Royalboy

Grundo: Island, Marshmallow, UC Sponge

Hissi: Ice

Ixi: Mutant, Plushie

Jetsam: Baby

JubJub: Coconut, Garlic

Kacheek: Halloween, Mutant, Robot

Kau: Spotted, Pink

Kiko: Robot

Koi: Island

Korbat: Pirate

Kougra: Spotted, Tyrannian

Krawk: Faerie, Island

Kyrii: Island

Lenny: Faerie, Pink, Desert, Mutant, Halloween, Pirate...a lot of colors look good on Lennies. :)

Lupe: Baby

Lutari: Disco

Meerca: Striped

Moehog: Baby

Mynci: Disco, Royalgirl

Nimmo: Faerie

Ogrin: Rainbow

Peophin: Pink

Poogle: MSP, Halloween

Pteri: Pirate

Quiggle: Quigukigirl

Ruki: Shadow

Scorchio: Halloween, Disco, Rainbow

Shoyru: Maraquan

Skeith: Baby

Techo: Mutant

Tonu: Christmas

Tuskaninny: Spotted, Robot

Uni: Royalboy

Usul: Maraquan, Usukigirl, Baby, Ghost, Robo, Royalgirl...I guess I really like Usuls. b)

Wocky: Robot, Royalboy, Royalgirl

Xweetok: Desert, Pirate, White

Yurble: Desert, Halloween, Royalboy

Zafara: Christmas, Plushie

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Acara: Plushie

Aisha: Zombie, Mutant (so funny)

Blumaroo: Baby, Pirate

Bori: Tyrranian,Dessert

Bruce: Darigan, Snow

Buzz: Maraquan, Mutat

Chia: Robot(so that it doen't look chia anymore)

Chomby: Darigan, Maraquan

Cybunny: Baby,Maraquan,

Draik: Gold, Maraquan, Robot, Darigan

Elephante: Royalboy, Skunk

Eyrie: Baby(very fierce looking), Plushie

Flotsam: White, Mutant.

Gelert: Mutant, Tyrranian

Gnorbu: Mutant, plushie

Grarrl: Maraquan, Robot, Mutant

Grundo: Island

Hissi Baby, Halloween, Dessert

Ixi: Christmas, Darigan, Royalboy

Jetsam: Mutant, Skunk

JubJub: Garlic

Kacheeck: Zombie

Kau: Baby

Kiko Island, Ghost, Snow, Snot

Koi: Electric, Spotted

Korbat: Christmas

Kougra: Snow, Baby

Krawk: Mutant, Spotted

Kyrii: Island

Lenny: Christams, Fairie, Plushie

Lupe: Baby, Halloween, Tyrannian, Spotted

Lutari: Green, PIrate

Meerca: Mutant (eeek)

Moehog: Ghost, Mutant

Mynci : Mutant.

Nimmo: Halloween, Baby

Ogrin: Christams, Shadow

Peophin: Checkered, Shadow, Grey, Snow

Poogle: MsP, Plushie

Pteri: Baby, Maraquan

Quiggle: Tyrranian

Ruki: Halloween

Scorchio: Darigan

Shoyru: Robot

Skeith: Baby( lol)

Techo: Halloween

Tonu: Pirate

Tuskaninny: Mutant

Uni: Checkered, Halloween, Mutant, Tyrranian

Usul: Darigan, Strawberry

Wocky: Darigan

Xweetok(my favorite): Faerie, Island, Shadow, Spotted

Yurble: Biscuit

Zafara: Camouflage


That felt like school homework! :)

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If more than one then colour in bold is top.


Acara: Darigan, Plushie (never realised they were so cute)

Acara: Fire (not keen on them)

Blumaroo: Baby (so CUTE), Camouflage, Royalboy

Bori: Baby, Faerie, Robot (because it made me LOL!)

Bruce: Fire (I'd still have to be forced though)

Buzz: Maraquan (that looks cooler than I'd thought),

Chia: (LOL, these ones are funny!) Asparagus, Chokato, Durian, Thornberry

Chomby: Magma

Cybunny: Baby, Maraquan

Draik (I wish!): Baby, Camouflage (Cute but odd), Mutant, Royalboy

Elephante: Baby, Plushie,

Eyrie: Baby, Fire, Mutant, Tyrannian

Flotsam: Skunk

Gelert: Baby, Camouflage, Mutant,

Gnorbu: Shadow

Grarrl: Maraguan

Grundo: Faerie, Royalgirl

Hissi: Baby, Faerie, Plushie, Robot (Again, far cooler than I thought it would be)

Ixi: Camouflage, Maraquan, Plushie

Jetsam: Halloween, Skunk

JubJub: Baby, Fire, Garlic, Ice, Royalboy

Kacheek: Baby, Plushie

Kau: Mutant (shudders)

Kiko: Fire,

Koi: (surprisingly pretty pet) Baby, Darigan, Royal(either)

Korbat: Fire, Plushie (pretty boring really)

Kougra (my favourite): Baby, Chocolate, Darigan, Faerie, Halloween

Krawk: Plushie, Purple, Robot,

Kyrii: Maraguan, Mutant

Lenny: Baby, Faerie,

Lupe: Baby, Camouflage, Halloween (only because it's Werelupe!), Royalboy

Lutari: Baby, Fire

Meerca: Chocolate, Faerie, Halloween,

Moehog: Robot

Mynci: Baby, Camouflage, Halloween, Plushie,

Nimmo: Halloween, Magma,

Ogrin: Chocolate (so cute!), Plushie

Peophin: Baby, Royalgirl, Snow, Sponge

Poogle: Camouflage, Jelly, Msp (for obv reasons), Robot

Pteri: Chocolate, Faerie, Maraquan,

Quiggle: Robot

Ruki: Baby, Camouflage, Faerie, Fire,

Scorchio: Fire, Maraguan, Mutant

Shoyru: Camouflage, Halloween, Shadow (simple but elegant)

Skeith: Chocolate (if forced)

Techo: Sketch

Tonu: Baby, Plushie, Striped

Tuskaninny: Baby, Camouflage

Uni: Baby, Cloud, Halloween, Maraguan, Plushie, Shadow, Striped

Usul: Shadow

Wocky: Baby, Darigan, Skunk

Xweetok: Baby (my heart has just officially melted!) Cloud, Plushie, Shadow

Yurble: Baby, Darigan, Halloween, Pirate, Plushie,

Zafara: Darigan, Robot,


And I have just determined that I REEALLLY want a Xweetok! And this took quite an extraordingary amount of time to do but I have learned a lot more about the different neopets!

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Acara: Robot, Shadow, Skunk, Fire, Plushie

Aisha: Alien, Baby, Desert, Fire, Skunk, Shadow, Pirate, Plushie, Striped

Blumaroo: Baby, Blue, Camouflage, Fire, Shadow, Plushie

Bori: Fire, Faerie, Halloween, Pirate, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunt, White

Bruce: Plushie, Royalboy, White, Snow

Buzz: Baby, Brown, Christmas, Mutant, Plushie, Robot, Shadow

Chia: Apple, Baby, Faerie, Mutant, Robot, Snow, Yellow

Chomby: Baby, Biscuit, Blue, Darigan, Island, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk, Striped, Yellow

Cybunny: Blue, Darigan, Electric, Fire, Faerie, Magma, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk

Draik: Darigan, Faerie, Fire, Magma, Mutant, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk

Elephante: Fire, Robot

Eyrie: Darigan, Fire, Halloween, Maraquan, Mutant, Plushie, Robot

Flotsam: Baby, Darigan, Fire, Halloween, Mutant, Plushie, Robot, Shadow

Gelert: Darigan, Mutant, Pirate, Robot

Gnorbu: Electric, Fire, Robot

Grarrl: Baby, Faerie, Fire, Maraquan, Mutant, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk, Snow, Striped

Grundo: Christmas, Darigan, Faerie, Fire, Green, Magma, Orange, Pirate, Plushie, Robot, Shadow

Hissi: Darigan, Desert, Faerie, Fire, Ghost, Halloween, Ice, Mutant, Robot, Shadow

Ixi: Ghost, Halloween, Robot

Jetsam: Baby, Fire, Green, Pirate, Plushie, Red, Robot, Shadow, Skunk Tyrannian, White

JubJub: Baby, Fire, Ghost, Plushie, Robot,

Kacheeck: Blue, Glowing

Kau: Baby, Fire, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Starry

Kiko (GAR DARN IT.): Fire, Green, Robot, Shadow

Koi: Baby, Electric, Faerie, Robot, Skunk, Spotted

Korbat: Mutant, Robot

Kougra: Electric, Fire, Halloween, Jelly, Mutant, Plushie, Skunk, Tyrannian, White

Krawk: Fire, Ghost, Pirate, Robot, Shadow, Skunk

Kyrii: Darigan, Fire, Ghost, Mutant

Lenny: Mutant

Lupe: Baby, Darigan, Desert, Fire, Halloween, Mutant, Robot, Skunk, Spotted. Tyrannian, White

Lutari: Fire

Meerca: Camouflage, Fire, Faerie, Halloween, Plushie, Robot, Striped, Tyrannian

Moehog: Fire, Ghost, Robot

Mynci: Invisible

Nimmo: Baby

Ogrin: Fire, Magma

Peophin: Baby, Fire, Robot, Skunk

Poogle: Desert, MSP, Plushie, Robot

Pteri: Chocolate, Ghost, Plushie, Robot, Shadow

Quiggle: Plushie, Skunk

Ruki: Chocolate, Desert, Ghost, Mutant, Robot, Shadow

Scorchio: Baby, Darigan, Desert, Fire, Mutant, Plushie, Shdow

Shoyru: Darigan, Desert, Plushie, Skunk, Striped

Skeith: Fire, Mutant

Techo: Camouflage, Mutant, Robot, Shadow

Tonu: Darigan, Mutant

Tuskaninny: Robot

Uni: Baby, Brown, Fire, Halloweem, Island, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk, Spotted, White

Usul: Camouflage, Fire, Shadow

Wocky: Darigan, Fire, Robot, Shadow, Skunk

Xweetok: Fire, Magma, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk, White

Yurble: Fire, Magma, Robot

Zafara: Christmas, Darigan, Fire, Halloween, Island, Plushie, Robot, Shadow, Skunk

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Bold ones are Dream Pets. Underlined one are links to the ones I have. Strikeout ones are ones I REALLY don't like.


Acara: Royal Girl

Aisha: Alien

Blumaroo: Halloween

Bori: Jelly

Bruce: Maraquan

Buzz: Zombie w/o Clothes

Chia: Robot

Chomby: Baby

Cybunny: Desert

Draik: White

Elephante: Pirate

Eyrie: Yellow

Flotsam: Halloween

Gelert: Spotted

Gnorbu: Chocolate

Grarrl: Faerie

Grundo: Marshmallow

Hissi: Ice

Ixi: Christmas

Jetsam: Mutant

JubJub: Halloween

Kacheek: Royalgirl

Kau: Spotted

Kiko: Chokato

Koi: Spotted

Korbat: Grey

Kougra: Halloween

Krawk: Plushie

Kyrii: Royalboy

*Lenny: Faerie *

Lupe: Maraquan

Meerca: Striped

Moehog: Halloween

Mynci: Plushie

Nimmo: Plushie

Ogrin: Plushie

Peophin: Tyrannian

Poogle: Halloween

Pteri: Maraquan

Quiggle: Robot

Ruki: Camouflage

Scorchio: Halloween

Shoyru: Maraquan

Skeith: Tyrannian

Techo: Mutant

Tonu: Faerie

Tuskaninny: Spotted

Uni: Halloween

Usul: Maraquan

Wocky: Royal Boy w/o Clothes

Xweetok: Skunk

Yurble: Halloween

Zafara: Christmas

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Acara: Halloween, Maraquan, Sponge

Aisha: Alien, Chocolate, Mutant

Blumaroo: Chocolate, Maraquan

Bori: Halloween

Bruce: Disco, Pirate

Buzz: Pirate, Snow, Zombie

Chia: Mutant

Chomby: Baby

Cybunny: Plushie

Draik: Silver

Elephante: Royal Girl

Eyrie: Halloween

Flotsam: Camo

Gelert: Baby, Mutant, Spotted

Gnorbu: Chocolate, Faerie, Fire, Halloween, Plushie, Shadow, Tyrannian /obsessed

Grarrl: Gray, Halloween, Robot, Zombie

Grundo: Plushie, Mutant, Robot

Hissi: Island

Ixi: Christmas, Zombie

Jetsam: Tyrannian

JubJub: Halloween

Kacheek: Halloween, Island

Kau: Spotted

Kiko: Plushie

Koi: Spotted

Korbat: Mutant

Kougra: Strawberry

Krawk: Disco

Kyrii: Halloween

Lenny: Faerie

Lupe: Spotted

Meerca: Striped

Moehog: Fire

Mynci: Mutant

Nimmo: Royal Boy

Ogrin: Plushie

Peophin: Tyrannian

Poogle: Halloween, Silver

Pteri: Faerie, Christmas

Quiggle: Mutant

Ruki: Buscuit

Scorchio: Maraquan

Shoyru: Darigan

Skeith: Brown

Techo: Camo

Tonu: Halloween, Plushie

Tuskaninny: Spotted

Uni: Halloween

Usul: Mutant US

Wocky: Plushie

Xweetok: Darigan, Fire

Yurble: Desert, Fire, Plushie

Zafara: Snow

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Mynci: Invisible


I can't blame you for putting invisible on one of the pets - I was highly tempted on several as I'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming to take one into my neopian home! But I'm sure that was somewhat against the rules!


Gunto quote:

You can choose more than one color if you want. (I know I will!) And you have to post at LEAST one color in EVERY species. (You may NOT post Insivisble if it is the ONLY color you choose) :) Mine?

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I can't blame you for putting invisible on one of the pets - I was highly tempted on several as I'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming to take one into my neopian home! But I'm sure that was somewhat against the rules!


Gunto quote:

You can choose more than one color if you want. (I know I will!) And you have to post at LEAST one color in EVERY species. (You may NOT post Insivisble if it is the ONLY color you choose) :) Mine?

Ha, whoops. I had totally forgotten by the time I got down there. XD

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Acara: pirate

Aisha: desert

Blumaroo: maraquan

Bori: tyrannian

Bruce: halloween

Buzz: strawberry

Chia: pea

Chomby: island

Cybunny: white

Draik: maraquan

Elephante: pink

Eyrie: robot

Flotsam: plushie (but i like the old version better :()

Gelert: pirate

Gnorbu: cloudy like mine :3

Grarrl: Royalboy

Grundo: faerie

Hissi: faerie, desert, island, robot. i really like this pet

Ixi: christmas

Jetsam: robot

Jubjub: coconut

Kacheek: disco, the royals

Kau: christmas, desert,

Kiko: island or robot. i really don't like kikos though

Koi: pirate

Korbat: ghost, tyrannian, halloween, maraquan, zombie, royals, desert. korbats are my fav <3

Kougra: tryannian.. like mine! :3

Krawk: Darigan

Kyrii: custard. i really hate kyriis too

Lenny: Faerie

Lupe: halloween

Lutari: priate and disco! i love lutaris!

Meerca: Striped

Moehog: pirate

Mynci: chocolate <3

Nimmo: island

Ogrin: island

Peophin: royals! soo pretty

Poogle: MSP or jelly

Pteri: christmas

Quiggle: quigkiboy

Ruki: desert

Scorchio: ghost

Shoyru: maraquan, pirate, striped

Skeith: Plushie

Techo: faerie, island

Tonu: pirate

Tuskaninny: pirate

Uni: halloween, spotted

Usul: chocolate, robot

Wocky: brown

Xweetok: island, brown, chocolate, magma, robot <3333

Yurble: snow! like mine. or brown

Zafara: christmas and darigan

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Acara: Halloween

Aisha: Darigan

Blumaroo: Royalboy or Royalgirl (I think they look better in clothes)

Bori: Halloween, I guess.

Bruce: Maraquan or strawberry

Buzz: Strawberry

Chia: Pepper

Chomby: Royalgirl

Cybunny: Maraquan

Draik: Baby

Elephante: Baby or Tyrannian

Eyrie: Baby

Flotsam: Baby

Gelert: Baby, Darigan

Gnorbu: Baby

Grarrl: Baby or Maraquan

Grundo: Mallo

Hissi: Baby

Ixi: Christmas or Darigan

Jetsam: Halloween

Jubjub: Coconut. Garlic, Halloween

Kacheek: Baby, Halloween

Kau: Halloween, Spotted

Kiko: Garlic

Koi: Fire

Korbat: Baby

Kougra: Baby

Krawk: Baby

Kyrii: Halloween

Lenny: Baby, Faerie

Lupe: Baby, Tyrannian

Lutari: Baby

Meerca: Baby, Halloween, Tyrannian (The Tyrannian ones remind me of Ewoks, lol)

Moehog: Pirate

Mynci: Darigan or Faerie

Nimmo: Baby or Faerie

Ogrin: Baby

Peophin: Baby or Darigan

Poogle: Purple or Silver

Pteri: Baby or Faerie

Quiggle: Baby

Ruki: Baby

Scorchio: Baby or Halloween

Shoyru: Darigan, Faerie, Maraquan, Plushie, Purple, or Shadow

Skeith: Pirate

Techo: Halloween

Tonu: Baby

Tuskaninny: Baby

Uni: Baby, Pirate, Halloween

Usul: Skunk

Wocky: Skunk

Xweetok: Baby, Pirate, Fire, Shadow, Skunk

Yurble: Baby

Zafara: Baby

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