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TJ was getting hungry, "Hey Dillon, I'll take 3 slices please." he said as he walked into what seemed to be an empty pizza hut. "Whooooaaaa, party at the Pizza Hut, free food for everyone!"

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Morgan tried to calculate the value of pi. "3.1415926535897932384626433832795...that's as far as my calculator will go." The calculator exploded at that point.

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"A few. They're more expinsive though." anime said. She pointed to a box of TI-84 calculators marked $35.


(We use those too. Nice, but expinsive.)

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((They are expensive. But with cooler covers and pretty buttons. Much better than those silly TI-83s we used to have in algebra. :D))


"$35? Fool! I have cheated you out of---I mean, deal. Thank you very much. I am glad to give money supporting your cause for world domination."

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Anime gave Morgan a weird look. "You can be odd sometimes..." she said, taking the $35 and giving Morgan a TI-84 calculator.

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AA flew around trying to find Morgan so that he could give her the next batch of excess explosives.

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Morgan kindly returned the explosives to AA. "I have enough bombs, thank you. Perhaps you could put those extra ones to use by setting traps for Metroid."


She bounced around for no apparent reason.

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AA popped by Dillon's Pizza Hut. "I'd like a large pepperoni pizza please, and I'll pay you 25% extra if you get it done in 10 minutes."

Here you go. That'll be 10 dollars



TO EVERY ONE WHOLE STOLE PIZZA. GIVE ME 10 dollars for every pizza you stole or face the consequnces

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Morgan wanted to be naughty and stole the whole stock of pizza and ran off.


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Morgan laughed. "Hehe, never!" She ran and flew all the way to the newly discovered planet and hid the pizza's in a crater.

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THATS IT!" I SHOUTED"I am calling the Police

Police: This 911 whats your emergency

Me: Yes i am being robbed

Police: WHats your Address

Me: Metroid Topic, RolePlaying Forums, Tdnforums.com

Police ok well be there asap



*Two minutes later the police came.

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