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"NOOO, thats is unacceptable, forget the count, allow me to show you one of the unavaoidable attack, you're familiar of space, then you show know this, METEOR" Vivi shouted, there was a spark the millions of meteors started to fall


"and if you think tahst bad, just wait for the next, If you survive this"

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"fine you survived that attack, and you regained your health by draining mine, but i can easily Heal" vivi said as he glowed green then back to normal

"now for teh worst spell, you didn't give my hat back, or leave the cave, there is only one person to help. "Death come forth and rid my cave of Metroid"

Vivi glowed black, and caused some black fog, out of nowhere Death apeared with his scythe and attacked metroid.


Metroid appeared outside of the cave. Vivi picked his hat up and said "and don't come back"

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