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AA accidentally dug into the cave. "Whoops. Wait, hey, the Penguin Army can now have easy access to the tunnel network!"

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Morgan thinks about flying in the air, and sprouts wings. "Awesome!" She picks up Metroid and tosses him millions of miles away. "You know, Metroid seems to come back the opposite way I threw him about once every 4 minutes."

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Morgan didn't know who AA was talking to, so she decided to take the explosives anyway and hide them in Metroid's food. "Hey Metroid, I baked you a nice cake, just because you're so special!"

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The Penguin Army heard noises that were coming from AA's digging and went to check it out. They found a wall of rocks covering the exit and trapping them inside. It was time to execute Plan Emergency Fish. And so they went inside their workshop to get the materials they needed.

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While the Penguin Army was getting their materials, AA came and took the rocks away to help complete the tunnel. He also mailed some explosives to Morgan.

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Morgan checked her mailbox and pulled out more explosives. "Yayness!" She put one in a hat and gave it to Metroid. "I heard that if you wear this, you'll look awesome and cool!" :D

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"This is an announcement! From this moment onwards, the cross-Earth tunnel is officially completed, allowing you to travel directly from one side of the Earth to the other side! Oh, and here are your explosives Morgan."

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"Silly AA, I already solved that problem weeks ago." Morgan demonstrated her uber-teleporting machine. "It'll get you from here to China in about 2 milliseconds!"

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"Yes," said AA, "But can you fit a truck in it? Oh, I'll pass you the next batch of explosives after I finish with some of the side tunnels."

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"Nah, I've got plenty. And yes, you can even fit a blue whale in their!" Morgan shoved a random blue whale and transported it to Europe. "Right now, he's probably terrorizing the people of Europe."

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Metroid put on the hat of uber coolness and shoved some cake into his mouth. "Hey, Morgan. This cake ain't half ba-" Metroid was cut off when an explosion occured. The explosion destroyed Atlantis (Which became the lost City of Atlantis later on)

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Little did MOP know that the game show host was actually TJ in disguise. Metroid was shocked also, but TJ reveal himself yet, he is waiting for an answer. "I'M WAITING" the game show host yelled.

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