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antiaircraft donated Morgan's cheese to a society for cheeseless people.


Morgan sniffed cheese in the air and realized that AA was conspiring to steal her cheese and had done so while she was shoved in a soda machine thanks to Metroid who had tackled her so she set him on fire and was pulled out by anime. Morgan breathed in. She disguised herself as a starving, cheeseless person and went over the the charity, then took all the cheese and stored them in her even bigger cheese vault.


Metroid magically appeared in front of Morgan. "No, no, no. A starving Chao can't fill up on cheese to survive. You may get constipated. Instead, I'll offer you to come to "Uncle Metroid's Mega Meats!"


"Um.. Chao eat fruit, not meat..." anime said.


TotaKeiko came out of the missing members grave. "Yea, chao are vegetarians."


antiaircraft decided to continue expanding his tunnel network.


Metroid tackled Anime and Keiko for correcting him. He also shoved a medium-rare steak into Morgan's mouth. "It's always great to help others." Metroid said as he looked up at MOP. "Wow, that's a ton of food. Your total comes to $5,758,364,877,132,423,571,587."


keiko looked at the money. "Wooo....I like money too!"


antiaircraft inserted everlasting AAA batteries into his tunneling machine and started it up. "Any good with explosives?" he said to Baby M.


"Right, stand clear!" antiaircraft said and pressed the detonator. He then drilled into the loose rock.


At the most inconvinient moment, Metroid appeared next to AAA and Baby M. He made a distraction by banging pots and pans and playing an ancient kazoo.


Anime popped up and stopped them. "Don't! You don't know what chain reaction you might cause! Metroid, no more kazoo!" she said.


Metroid started to whine. "But my kazoo is from a friend named Bazoo that lives in the land of Mahzoo!" Dr. Seuss's ghost appears and slaps Metroid. "That's my writing style."


Morgan went to Metroid and spat the meat in his face. "You call this stuff cooked? The thing is still mooing for crying out loud!" She went to a sink and scrubbed her mouth out with soap.


"Wait... since when did we let Metroid near the kitchen? Or cows for that matter." anime said.

"Wait... since when did we let Metroid near the kitchen? Or cows for that matter." anime said.


"Oh.. what's this stove thing?" asked Metroid as he shoved Morgan into it and pressed a button.

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