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"There's something I'd nvever though I'd see. Metroid as an Unknown M, even more insane than before. You do know Unknown and supposed to be smart, right?" anime said.

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((I didn't forget, I just don't see what air has to do with that. o_O))


Morgan guesstimated that Metroid was in the shape of an M. She squealed in delight. "I've discovered a new letter! Let's sing! A, B, C, D, M....what's next?"

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"Well, I'm not very fluent in my alphabet. It never really occurred to me that I would need them." Morgan got bored and decided to do something fun. "Who wants to go to the gag store? I hear that whoopie cushions are on sale, 50% off!"

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Morgan started running to the gag department, home of the prankers. She browsed through the aisles, until something caught her eye. "Ooh, look at this! 'New and improved alien shocking device. Really works!' The price is only 79 cents." Morgan hurried to the counter and purchased the can and grinned to herself. "He'll never knew what hit him!"

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Metroid flew into the Gag Store wearing a moustache and a giant neon sign that says, 'I'm not a Metroid'. He browsed through the aisles. Metroid found a small box that said 'Gags for Pure Idiots'. Metroid grinned. "Tis the right thing for me!"

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"Hey, Morgan, do you think we should do something about Metroid? He's out there being killed and we're not the ones doing it." anime said, hoppimh off the shelf.

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antiaircraft poked his head out of the hole again. "These loud noises are getting really annoying."

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Metroid ran around screaming and rambling on about how painful Pointy the Thumbtack Pile can be. He flew right towards Vivi and stopped suddenly. "Here ya go, buddy." Metroid said, handing Vivi a lighter. He then continued his overly dramatic screaming.

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