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antiaircraft poked his head out of a hole. "What was that? It sounded like someone screaming about third degree burns." He shrugged and went back to digging.

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((I'm a Chaos 0 Chao, with an actual water body instead of a blue, transparent one. ^_^ This evolution happened a few pages back.))


"Okay, I've had enough of this." Morgan grabbed a multi-dimensional portal creator and pointed it toward Metroid. "Get out of here, stupid alien." She pushed the button, creating a warphole threatening to suck Metroid in.

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((Cool. Manaphy. Legendary. You can breed it with Ditto to get a cool pre-evolution that dosent evole who's name I forget. Only legendary that can breed. Sorry, I read too many spoilers on Serebii. :P))


"Yeah, I have to agree.." anime said.

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"No way. This thing has a lifetime guarantee or I get a free sheet of bubblewrap. I figured that with a big promise like that, it has to be worth it. Besides, it works, doesnt' it?"

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"Okay, but there's no telling where you'll end up. Or if you can get back." Morgan fired the ray at the blue dude, and he disappared within a blink of an eye. "Well, that was remarkably bright. Oh well." Morgan threw away the empty pizza boxes.

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"Black olives? Blech. I'll stick with the cheese pizzas. They're so cheesy and gooey...and cheesy. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand. Bats are the only mammals that can lay eggs." Morgan went out rambling off random facts for no apparent reason.

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"Not only are you random, some of your facts are off. It's the short-beaked echidna and the playtpus that lay eggs." anime said, licking a little pizza sauce off her paws.

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Metroid popped out of nowhere and begins building a snowman out of thumbtacks.


Metroid: Now all I need to do is place this magical paperclip on his head, and he'll come to life!


*Places paperclip on the giant pile of thumbtacks's head*


Pointy the Thumbtack Pile: Happy Leif Erickson Day!


Metroid: *Squeal* Your alive! I love you Pointy! *Cuddles*


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Morgan, being clueless as to what MOP means by "being air," decides to ditch the tacos before she gets heartburn. "Yes it's true, even chao can get heartburn. And nausea. And upset stomachs. And indigestion. And diarreha. Yay! Pepto Bismal!" She finds Metroid hugging Pointy the Thumbtack Pile. "Aww, how cute. I want a hug." Morgan runs to him and hugs Pointy. "They don't hurt me because I have no skin. Meh."

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Metroid was on the ground, writhing in pain as he rolled around with thumbtack holes in him. Suddenly, the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile drove by, and Metroid forgot his pain and started chasing it like a starving dog. "Woof! Woof Woof! Grrrrr!!"

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