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((Great...here comes the world of confusion for me.))


Morgan looked at her hands, now stuck to sticks by way of superglue. "You idiot! You can't get superglue off without surgery!" She whacked Metroid with one of her sticky hands.


((No pun intended.))


EDIT: ((What pokemon am I supposed to be? I hardly know any!))


Metroid stares at Morgan's hands for a couple minutes. "Don't worry, I can get those sticks off of your hands." Metroid said as he got out his instruments of pa- HAPPY FUN TIME. "Oh, and I'm a registered doctor." he said pulling out a card. The card was made out of soggy cardboard, had a crudely drawn stick figure, and said "Dacter Meeteoriod".


((I'd rather stick with being a chao. I don't want to be a pokemon, and I don't have too. :P))


Morgan tried pulling the sticks off, but to no avail. "Stupid Metroid. When I get these off, he is dead meat." She hit the ground with the sticks, and broke off a piece. "Yes! It works!" Morgan continued hitting the ground until all of the sticks broke off. "All right, Metroid. Come here so you can feel my wrath!" Morgan's watery arms grew out and wrapped around Metroid. Wait, why didn't I do this during the dance moves?


"I don't trust him farther than I can throw him. And I can;t even reach him at this point." anime said to Morgan.


"Even as a Pokemon, you're an idiot..." anime sighed.


"Do you think I'm stupid?" Morgan threw Metroid into a tree, causing it to fall on top of him. "Okay now. I'm all better." She turned and freaked out to see anime. "Yikes! What happened to you?"


Metroid somehow managed to take the word "idiot" out of Anime's sentence and started moving them around. He manipulated an "i" and turned it into a "t". "Ditto" he said proudly.


"Yeah. Weird. Hey, why aren't you a Pokemon too Morgan? I thought it got everyone." anime said, scratching her ear.


Metroid overheard Anime. "Nothing can touch that adorableness!" he yelled out. At that moment, Bob the Drain Monster came out, smashed Metroid against the ground, and said "No. Just no..."




Morgan's stomach growled again. "Ack, I still need to find something to eat." She looked around for the pizza store. "Well, I'm going to get some pizza. I'll be back in about 10 minutes." Morgan wandered off in her strange quest for cheesy, yummy pizza.


Metroid put on a fake moustache again and drew a slice of pizza on a piece of cardboard. "Why good day, miss. Would you like to buy this slice of pizza for five million dollars?"


anime followed Morgan in. "That dosen't look cooked." she said. She sent an ember attack at the cardboard.


"I thought I chunked you into a tree." Morgan jumped and stomped on his head, then continued her way toward the pizza shop. She went in and bought 3 boxes of pizza: pepperoni, cheese, and sausage. "They'll be so excited! Everyone loves pizza!" She ran back to the group. "Okay, I'm back. I have some pizza for everyone...except Metroid."


"zomg!11!!1 u l1k3 t077a1y pwn3d me pizzzz@!" Metroid said stupidly as he ran around screaming with a burning piece of cardboard pizza.


Metroid continued screaming in a high pitched voice. "Get it away! Get it away! Get it away! Get it away! Get it away!" he screamed extremely fast.


Morgan sat down and amused herself at watching Metroid run around in circles. "What a clueless...thing." She was now confused at the new form of Metroid. Obviously she hadn't seen anything like it before. "Well, enough of that. I'm starving." Morgan grabbed a slice of cheese pizza and savored the cheesy flavor. "Mmm, cheesy."


Metroid could barely hear Anime. "What?! Drop? Okay!" he screamed as he fell to the ground, flaming cardboard on top of him. At that moment, a scream was heard so loud, it must've shooken the entire universe.


"Ugh. Will someone shut him up?" Morgan stretched out her arm and rubbed it across Metroid. The water put out the flames, then she went back to the pizza boxes.

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