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Morgan returns to the scene to discover that she has no idea what is going on and would greatly appreciate if someone would explain this to her. ;)

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After seeing that no one will answer Morgan's desparate question, she goes off in search of Metroid. "I wonder where he ran off to..." Morgan trips over a rock and falls into a hole. She lands on a button, which seems to do nothing. "Rats. How am I ever going to climb out of this hole?" A coconut falls off of a nearby tree and hits Morgan on the head. She spins around for a moment. A platform rises out of the hole and dumps Morgan out.

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Morgan got up and shook her head. *sniff sniff* "Mmm, smells like pizza." She wandered around and spotted the pizza place. "Yes! Pepperoni, here I come!" Morgan started running to the store, and without looking she ran into Zac. "Ooops, I'm sorry, sir." She continued her way to the restaurant.

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"Tu-whoo. I flew.* Ratiki tooka bite out of the leather shoes "Steak. Could use more cheese." Ratiki grinds Metroid onto her Pizza-shoe

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Morgan looked at anime. "Hey, miss, is there any chance that you know what these guys are doing? I see pizza and shoes, and I'm completely lost."

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"Well, this was a pizza place, but Zac was being weird and turned all the pizza to shoes, and Metroid just wrecked something and left a quater to pay for it." anime said to Morgan.

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