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AA managed to congratulate Luna while still being dragged away by the agents. "A little help here?"

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Mia barfed sewage waste all over the phony agents. "These aren't real agents," she declared," THey're some stupid custard tart stealing idiots who think that they are in Scooby Doo, so I'll humor them."


Mia pulled off their fake mustaches.


"ANd we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and that stupid dog!"


"And we aren't in Scooby Doo and there is no dog. Just a person who used to be a bear."

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Luna said, "I was a Bear-serker." then everyone doesn't get her joke. "Berserkers were originally, Bear-serker's or humans imbued with a bear's strength and thus believed they were invincible. However, no-one is immune to the sewer Waste!" Luna congratulated the Sewer Waste. It bubbled in reply, releasing noxious fumes in the process.

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"I've heeard of those people. It was in a book I read." happily stated Mia. She was glad to have known something. "And I am immune to sewer waste, I am. Isn't that right?" Mia said as she pet the sewer waste affectionatly.

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Mia whipped out her environmetally-friendly, disposable Kodak camera for a quick snapshot, "Say antidisestablimentariam (or however it is spelled)! That was picture perfect!"


"Oh crud, was that too much like Meeptroids puns? Noooooooooo!!!!" wialed Mia at a high interval.

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AA snickered (with Luna still on his head). His chemically engineered sewage waste had worked perfectly. "Now let's have some custard tarts!"

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"Wait, Teddy. You mean I ate chemically enginerred sewage waste? Ewwww! It had nasties in it! Chemicals htat are bad for me! Eek!" Shouted Mia as she ran around in a little circle for so long that it eventually bore a hole into teh ground.

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AA tossed a vial of antidote to Mia, then started gorging himself on custard tarts while simultaneously passing plates of the tarts to everybody else.

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Mia eats her tarts. And then she eats some more.


"Ya know, my double post that I ate didin't taste nearly as good as these custard tarts! In fact it didn't even slightly resemble it, unfortunately."

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"Who wants seconds?!" AA yelled, as he walked in carrying an ENORMOUS plate stacked full of custard tarts which he had stolen. "Get your free tarts here!"

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Just as Mia was shouting that she wanted more, she had a terrible coughing fit that could only be stopped by... well, who knows what. Coughing means breathing, so hopefully no CPR is needed. And then Mia was fine. "I have just been sick as of late and have not been able to get rid of this nasty coughing attack I have."

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AA started handing out the custard tarts, and he tossed Mia a cough syrup to help with her coughing.

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Luna, a bit freaked out by the belching sewer waste, But she did not eat a custard Pie. "No thanks. I'm a pie-i-tarian. I don't eat pies.... unless they're Meat Pies." Then she jumped off Luna's head. However, a reaction towards the smell of Sewer waste made Luna to shudder then do a backflip. "That stinks."

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AA watched in wonder as Luna defied the laws of physics and jumped off her own head ((XD)). Then he finished handing out the custard tarts, stuffed a few in his mouth, and wandered off to find Luna some meat pies.

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"Darn, I thought I had managed to lose ALL the dogs." AA muttered as he ran towards Luna carrying a plate of meat pies. "Here are your meat pies! I had some trouble getting them here - apparently dogs like meat pies."

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AA joined in with Luna, pulling out a laser cannon and repeatedly blasting the mysterious creature.

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The Mysterious creature stood on its hind legs and leapt at them. It landed heavily on top of AA. Luna saw something. She pulled the fur and it came off, revealing Dillon in a Fur Coat.

"Why are you attacking us Dillon?" then she thought, "Maybe someone made Dillon think he was... what did you say you were Dillon?"

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AA absentmindedly wandered off, grabbing a meat pie or a custard tart here and there to eat.

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Mia laughed fiendishly. "They'll never know it was me! Muhahahaha! Oh, the sheer brillance of it! Those inferior beings. Idiots when they are brainwashed."


She turned towards the big flashing monitors behind her. THey tuned into one channel and a large picture showed up covering every single monitor.

"Master," mumbled a voice, "the invasion of the cursed meepit hide-out is ready. THe evil pastires are ready for attack." ((in neopets, I am known for my evil danishes nad assorted pastries.))


"Apparently Mia was not behind this... stay tuned for the next episode to find out who was!"


"Oh shut up you narator, I told, I fired you." Mia shouted at him.


"Buu-bu-but I'm not here because I want the job, I'm here because... oh it's too embarrassing. no, I can't say it. But I must! I'm here because...


Lyke ONG!1111!!!11!!11 im lyke yur b1gg3st f4n!! -fangirl shrieks-"


"Harold I told you, I will NOT go out with you. GO to the corner. Now."


"Okay fine. But you will be mine I swear it!" shouted Harold the annoying fangirl/boy narrator


"No, I won't. Corner, now."


"Yes master"



((Wow, that was long o_O ))

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"Order the evil pastries to open fire. And inform them that if they hesitate, I will deal with them - personally." the figure on the giant screen said to Mia. Then the image on the screen dissolved back into static.


Several kilometers away, AA closed the communicator he had used to send the message and grabbed another custard tart to eat. His plan was going perfectly.

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