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Gee Mia thought. THis is dull.


"Mia wants chinken. And a muffin. But she gave her muffin to AA." thought Mia in third person form.


Sneaky little Mia went to go get her muffin back from AA. but then AA was playing that confounded game and she knew she'd be blown up. So she waited for someone to open a restraunt. A restraunt with a plethora of different chicenks and muffins. Yummm...


As Mia wandered around thinking of her plethora of greatly yummilicious foods, she found a big prurple button on the wall right next to another button. She pushed it and the mines dissappeared.





She pusehd the button next to it and hte mines reappereared. Mia sat ehre for hours in front of the butons pushing one, then pushing the other. It was a never-ending enjoyment for her. o_O

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Mia watched Luna attempt to dodge the mines, but unfortunately that cursed little fiendish demonic deity that had taken a liking to Mia had houhgt it would please her "master" if she put a plough into the bear. Mia was not pleased.


"I'll turn the mines off once more, and you must take it off of Luna. NOW. Then a time out. GO sit in the happy frolicy pretty pony meadows. I know you love that place since hte ponies are ironically evil, but then I want you to ask Fred the pony to tie you to a chair and then conduct your favorite games in front of you. Is that punishment enough?"


THe deity shreiked and ran off. She wasn't forced to do Mia's bidding, but she felt she had to.


"Thank god that demon is gone. COuldn't get a moment of privacy. Not eve in hte bathroom! Sheesh. Oh and sorry about that Luna."

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AA won the game of minesweeper, and did a little victory dance. Then he decided to begin implementing his plan to take over the universe, and wandered off back to his secret lab.

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OOC: You got the 200th page pwn! I don't like you!


Mia ran around like a maniac then sat down on a rock that looked particularly soft and flat. But when she sat down, it wasn't.


"Why is this soft, flat rock so sharp and hurty?"


As Mia looked at the rock, she found her answer. It was a secret button to AA's lab.


"I have a knack for finding buttons don't I, little demon?" She said to her little demon who had returned from his punishmen.


ANd then, Mia found another button, but she didn't like that one, so she pushed the secret lab one which was so conspicuous taht it dared to say, "AA's secret lab. Come on in! But don't. Cuz I welcome you but I don't want you in here!"

Mia was pulled down a short slide thing and found herself deposited in AA's lab.

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As AA jumped, Mia landed on top of him. He didn't look too happy having a Mia in his face.


"Oooohh... shiny! What's this nefarious button thingy do? I probably shouldn't push it, should I?"

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"Yes, yes, push it. Push any button you like. They all do the same thing anyway." muttered AA irritatedly as he busily fumbled with a circuit board.

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"Hey, welcome back!" AA said, ignoring Mia's advice and inserting the blue wire into the white socket. "Can you get rid of this intruder? She seems to think that I'm trying to build a calculator, and that making the screen on the wall turn on and off continuously is entertaining."

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"Uh, Crash," AA said, "The blue socket is connected to the emergency activation switch. For that to work this actually needs to be connected to something, and additionally, I'm trying to wire up the standard activation switch."

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Mia ran away as fast as her little legs could carry her. And hark! There, nestled amongst the finest of toxic scientific looking chemicals, lay TEH PWNSOME GOLDEN MUFFIN! -angel choir singing music thing-


"Must.... get.... MUFFIN!... for ...energy...boost... cuz... suddenly.... we .... got.... put...into some....kind of game and I was really tired just a second ago, but then I got TEH PWNSOME GOLDEN MUFFIN! and now I'm not so tired anymo- Hey wait! I got TEH PWNSOME GOLDEN MUFFIN! and it was over there and now I'm over here and...and...and...," clamored Mia aimlessly. She was at a loss for genius words, evev though at this very moment, Mia's pwnsome Control (Amazing Agent Luna, read it and find out what Control is =P) who, well controls her very thought and words, unlike Luna's, was doing her fancy-shmancy Honors Vocab.


OOC: They sure do make some dismal sentences for these words.

Hey! Dismal is a semi-genius word!

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AA surreptitiously pressed the self-destruct golden muffin button, and continued with his work.


((Surreptitious - how's that for a genius word?))

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Unfortuantly for AA, Mia had already received the exaltation of the gods for procuring the luscious prize of TEH PWNSOME GOLDEN MUFFIN!


"And plus," Mia stated, "you decimated the golden muffin, not TEH PWNSOME GOLDEN MUFFIN!"


Mia beamed angelically at AA, leaving him in a jealous stupor.


"Chalk one up for Equipo de Mia! (The team of Mia in the spanish language)"

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AA, in the interim, was engaged in hooking up his doomsday mechanism to an apparatus that allowed him to obtain unauthorized acces to the US military's missile command network. Once the system was activated, signals would stimulate the military's mainframes to initiate the immediate launch of all the rocket-based atomic detonation devices under its command.


AA pushed the button. ((A nice bit of contrast eh? :P))

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Crash was in the Meepit Lab painting a Meepit army Christmas he gave out an evil laugh. "It's only two months till Christmas and i will kidnap Santa and replace him with these meepits," he said "then rather than giving out toys they will give out evil doomsday devices that will give me control of the world."

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In the smartness of it all, no one noticed Mia reconnect the blue wire to the blue socket and make AA's lab spark to life. Everything was whirring with delight after have being neglected by that /shameful/ AA.


As Mia walked away, proud of herself, she noticed AA's co-ordinates on his screen were slightly off, but those slivers of minutes and seconds (how they break down longitude and lattitude even more minutely) could drastically throw off his schemings, and hurt the plans for take over he may or may not of spent hours on. Mia ran over and fixed it, but not in time.


A bomb was placed in front of her! Was it the blue or the red wires they always cut in the movies?


"Think, Mia, think!" ANd then it dinged. She realized her Hot Pockets were ready.

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