The Original Luna Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Luna somehow turns into a phoenix and takes some of the original sun's light to protect it. *I am a bit sentimental*
Dillon Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Dillon just laughed at her and said" That wont provide the earths light."
The Original Luna Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Luna added some of her own fire and it burned brighter- it lit up the board (with a light) and there was a small bushfire.
antiaircraft Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 AA laughed triumphantly. "So you are truly evil Luna! This bushfire will spread and wipe out the entire of this forest! Muahahahaha! And of course we can do that Dillon."
Boomer Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Crash swam up "Ow!" he yelled "All the sudden that water got hot." He then walked up to AA "Where are my meepits i need them for my,ummmm plans Crash said in a shady way"
The Original Luna Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Luna snorted, "i'm not evil." then here eyes glowed white, and most of her feathers turned a bright white. Then it started to snow, putting out three of the four original fires that she started.
Dillon Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Dillon said "I want pluto now!"*kicks and screams*
Boomer Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 "No can do Dillon I own Pluto, the only way you could get it is join a guy who is trying to take over the universe, he acually does it, and he gives it to you,but the chances of that are like impossible."
Meeptroid Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 All of a sudden, Mickey Mouse rushes into the room and shouts, "Gee, guys! I OWN Pluto!" Metroid disliked the fact that Pluto is also the name of Mickey Mouse's dog. So to settle everything, he attached a self-destruct mechanism to the unwanted planet and threatened to press the big red button.
Boomer Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 "Go ahead Metroid i have a backup Pluto Explode the real and it moves in to it's place."
antiaircraft Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 "C'mon Crash," said AA, "I've got a better idea. Let's all join up together so that we can unleash our evil across the entire universe! Muahahaha!"
Ruto Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 Princess Ruto stepped into the room. "Hold on, everyone. You can't all own Pluto. So we'll settle this the old fashioned way: Rock Paper Scissors!"
Meeptroid Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 Metroid stared blankly at Princess Ruto. He then went into a random storage room and retrieved a giant pair of electrical high-powered scissors, a giant boulder, and a wad of paper.
Ruto Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 "Hmm..." Princess Ruto grabbed these things and began creating a truly revolutionary invention: "The ultimate spit-wad! Now if I could just find a straw big enough..."
Meeptroid Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 Out of pure luck, a giant monster with a soda came walking by and accidentally dropped his straw.
Ruto Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 Princess Ruto inserted the spit wad into the straw and aimed it at the nearest staff member.
Meeptroid Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 A low-budget slow-motion action sequence initiated and Metroid smashed into Princess Ruto, hoping to couse her to lose aim.
Ruto Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 While the cruddy slow-motion film was still going on, Princess Ruto dropped the straw and flew into the air and onto the ground. "Naughty naughty! You will pay, Metroid!"
The Original Luna Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 Luna had appeared normal (human) and was wearing a long trench-coat and having a broken watch. She grabbed Dillon and AA and turned her dial on her watch to "10:30,36 seconds" then they three disappeared and reapperead at Hastings.
Boomer Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 "Okay i'll join you AA Muahahahahahaha,On one condition Dillon doesn't get Pluto I get to keep it?"
antiaircraft Posted September 9, 2007 Posted September 9, 2007 "Well, that's up to you two to decide." AA answered, teleporting back to the others. "You could always have a war over it."
Midtime Posted September 9, 2007 Posted September 9, 2007 AA3 randomly launched a nuclear missile at everyone else. He missed.
antiaircraft Posted September 9, 2007 Posted September 9, 2007 AA overrode the nuclear missile and aimed it at some of the Martians.
Dillon Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 Dillon was confused and said" Lets make a plot"
antiaircraft Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 "All right, first we destroy the sun, then we'll design an artificial one, so everyone has to follow our orders or we'll turn it off."
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