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AA returned the high five and then ducked as another security team started shooting at them.

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"Well we just shut down a nuclear thingy and now we must get away Asap."Dillon said starting the plane.

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AA jumped into the plane, making sure the fuel tank was attached, and realised the wings were missing. "Wait is this a plane or a rocket?"

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Dillon called the cops.


Dillon:yes I'd like to report an murder.

911: Yes please state the murderer and victim

Dillon:Metroid killed Princess Ruto.

911;What is your link

Dillon: Umm its http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=1929

911: We will be there shortly.

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"Simple Metroid I AM NOT GETTING BLAMED FOR KILLING PRINCESS RUTO"Dillon shouted when the police came he told them to check the FM board too.

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"I don't know, but I got word that some person named Metroid killed some person named Princess Ruto! The poor girl! We must hide from this fiend immediately!" Princess Ruto hid under the couch.

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"Dillon said "Diortem flip your name around it spelles Metroid. and Princess Ruto is you.(Morgan)"

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AA ran up to the control panel for the nuclear missile launcher. "Darn! Which one is off?!" He started pressing all the buttons.

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