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AA started to dig Dillon out of the crater he made, then he heard a fluttering behind him. He turned around. "Oh man! How did those books find me here?"

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AA pulled Dillon out of the crater. "Quick, open up your Pizza Hut!"

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Morgan threw her hands up in the air. "Aaaiii, why you tryin' to take down my stall, eh? Get out! Get out!"

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Morgan released the vicious attack dogs against Crash. "You come back here with those glasses or I'll make ye dogmeat!"

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AA found a flamethrower lying on the ground. "Yes!" he yelled, and started burning the books out of the air. Then another hundred fireproof books attacked him from behind. "Aaah! Run!"

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Dillon looked at the chaos opened his pizza hut. Then went over and smacked Morgan for not smacking Crash for misspelling my name.

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AA ran into Dillon's Pizza Hut and shut the door. Then he snuck out the back door and down a tunnel he dug.

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"Thanks Crash!" Dillon said. "Hey would anyone like it if I opened a Jelly Mart???" Dillon asked.

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