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"Oh that is just nasty" Crash tackled Metroid to the ground "Taste Magic Sword". He stuck it into the ground and opend a black hole below him and Metroid "Mabey i didn't think this out so well" He and Metroid fell into the black hole.

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((Metroid I like your new set! ))


Dillon went to his pizza hut and opened it. Remeber it sells drinks!.

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"Welcome to my Pizz hut... I am Sorry but we are closing for the night." Dillon said. And with that he closed his pizza hut with Crash inside.

((I gotta go ta sleep Night Y'all))

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Dillon saw Crash trying to break out of his pizza hut and laughed everyone knows my pizza hut is invincible. He opened his pizza hut for the day and let Crash out.

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While everyone was in an alternate dimension/the strawberry cartons in Dillon's Pizza Hut, AA filled the entire world with invisible holes for people to fall into.

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Dillon saw what AA was doing and made sure to bring his porta-portal with him.



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