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Princess Ruto came out from under the couch and gasped. "Binky! Claude! I'll save you!" She grabbed the lizard and the snake.

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AA pressed the wrong combination of buttons which, while it saved most of the world, blew up the facility with him inside it. "Ow! Good thing I'm immune to radiation, or I wouldn't even have to bother going to hospital."

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AA got stuck in hospital for the next few weeks, but he didn't mind because they had a PS3 there.

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AA gave Metroid a look like this:o_O. "Are you sure I can play that with these injuries?"

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"No don't touch that!" yelled AA, but it was too late. The button read: "Earth's life support off".

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AA3 heard AA and pressed a big green button saying "[faded text] on", not noticing that the faded text was "self-destruct system".

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AA banged his head on the wall several times, doing himself more injury, and them picked up a remote control beside him and pressed two buttons. The TV beside him turned off and the air conditioning turned on. "Oh man! Where did I put that thing?" He started frantically searching for the universal remote control he had made.

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Metroid had wrapped up the Hobo he stole the Wii from in some wrapping paper and put a bow on top of it. He then went into AA's hospital room and gave the hobo to him as a present. "Yes, I know the X-Box online deal, but now you have a guy right next to you to play Halo with! Yaaaaay!"

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Dillon felt like a piggy so he got Coltan from Coltans Shrine and he made it rain Metroid Money. Good for Metroid land.

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