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Easy peasy. Just do a bunch of front wheelies and you can beat it easily. Funny enough, this was the game that wouldn't load on my computer last year and was unable to reach a computer that it worked on until several days later, making me miss out on the top 2 trophies last year. I'm just glad I can play it now.


ooh Wheelers Wild Ride eh? interesting.. Time to defeat AAA again...


Edit: Too easy:P only got 687 points 'coz I'm lazy.


You guys really think it's so easy? I'm really having trouble with this game always scoring around 200 then die..


I finally made it though, frustrated now :P


Doing wheelies means it is possible to easily do without even completing the first level.

I probably find it especially easy as I went for the high score last month and got the champions trophy with a score of 14510 :D


Yeah, I've never played this game seriously, so I thought this was going to be hard. xD Didn't think of doing wheelies. Got it on my first try.


Stupidly easy. 375 is a joke. It should at least have been 1-2000.

The Daily Dare in general has been "stupidly easy" this year. You're surprised by the fact that this was any different? :/


Don't see why so many people are disappointed with it being too easy. What were you expecting? 32 days of BTY-level scores?


Lol, I wish I had read this before challenging Abigail, as from the sounds of it I could easily have beaten AAA...drat. Well at least AAA's prize wasn't fantastic either.


I'm very happy at the moment that AAA has been easy, as I'm currently on all AAA. When there's a game which I normally find hard, but the scores not so bad, it also makes me happy xD I just want a good trophy :D


I've never really played that game before, managed it after a few attempts though :)

The guide was really helpful, especially the part about stopping the bike and nose wheelieing as the timer reaches zero to only lose one coconut, once I'd mastered that it was fine.


I was able to beat AAA quite easily. But it took me a few tries to figure out exactly what was going on. Plus it didn't help my comp was lagging like crazy. But I got it. :)


Another AAA challenge successfully completed! This game was easy enough today.

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