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I got a fountain faerie quest!


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I am totally torn! I don't know whether to paint a pet an avatar colour to get that or do my dreamie... has anyone else had a quest like this before? I have heard of people having to get UB items, I got asked to get a Kacheek Ice Cannon which I got for around 39000np! I'm so excited!

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Congratulations!!!! If I were you I would...That is such a hard choice!!! You should get an avatar pet that you like. There are couple like that for me, I dont know about you, but I would choose something like that. That is so cool though, that you got a fountain faerie quest! I am jealous ;)

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Also, if there's a few things you're thinking of... do some research first. If someday in the the near-enough future, you could afford to purchase a PB or morphing potion, that would get you your dream pet, you might go to another on your list that you couldn't get otherwise.


If I ever got one of these quests, I'd probably go with a Coconut Jubjub. (Since Robot isn't possible.) Since I could afford to get a Faerie PB or morphing potion for a Shoyru, which is my dream pet.

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Congratulations! I actually completed a fountain faerie quest a year ago and STILL haven't decided what to use it on yet! I want to get the Buzzin' avatar, but I couldn't bring myself to make a Buzz... They're just so ugly! Take your time in deciding though, there's no rush. It's better to think about it and really be sure than to get caught up in the excitement and use the fountain right away only to regret it later. Also, you're lucky yours was so cheap! Mine cost me almost 300k.

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Thanks all, I can't believe it, I have been playing neo on and off for about 10 years now and first fountain faerie quest ever! I'm really stoked, I think I will make my dreamie, but I'm going to check out every option first!

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Why not get the Buzzin' avatar? Paint it Plushie or Zombie or something. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance! :O Besides, if you save up enough, you'll be able to afford your dreamie eventually anyway.

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Another option is you could try to trade your FFQ for a UC pet if you like them. Or you could trade your FFQ on a buzz get an avatar and a pet you like. Its all up to you. My dreamies are UC so i would probably trade mine if i ever got one.

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You could get both by painting a Buzz xD


Assuming one of your dreamies is a Buzz XP


I know I could, but actually, I really don't like buzzes. I don't know why, but I just hate insects... I am deathly afraid of bees and I hate mosquitoes so I guess that is why.

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